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By Richard Trionfo on 2024-07-05 21:58:00

Cody Rhodes, Kevin Owens, and Randy Orton walk in the back.

We go to commercial.

We are back and Kevin Owens, Cody Rhodes, and Randy Orton make their way to the ring separately.

Cody asks what does Toronto want to talk about.

He says they can talk about Sami Zayn and Friends, or sixteen thousand tonight, or Money in the Bank, or Heatwave.  He says WWE and Toronto is a good fit.  He says they have heard enough from Solo Sikoa and the modern Bloodline.  They have asked for a fight and they are ready for a fight.

Randy says that fight will end with the three most dangerous letters in Sports Entertainment . . . RKO.

Kevin says he could probably talk about the last four years of his life fighting the Bloodline, but he would rather talk about the last four days.  He got a call from his dad on Monday telling him that his mom was rushed to the hospital.  He flew back to Quebec and he has been there since.  He was in the same hospital his mom gave birth to him.  He was at bedside with his brother and father, watching her fight like hell.  Kevin says Toronto is special to him and his family but his mom and dad are not here because his mom is still in the hospital.

Kevin says he could have stayed home and no one in the back would have had any problem.  Kevin says the person it would have been a problem for would have been his mother.  Ever since he was eleven and he discovered wrestling and WWE, she made sure he could make his dream of being in WWE.  He says if she heard he missed a show because of her, she would be pissed.  Kevin says tomorrow, win, lose, or draw, all he cares about is that he does what his mom wanted him to do for the last four years.  That is to beat their asses worse than ever before.

We have a video package for the WWE Tag titles.

We go to commercial.

We see Iyo Sky in the crowd watching the next match.

Match Number Three:  Bayley (with Naomi) versus Piper Niven (with Chelsea Green) in a Non Title Match

Bayley with punches and Piper pushes her away.  Bayley with more punches and kicks.  Piper sends Bayley into the corner but misses a punch.  Bayley with more punches.  Piper with a vertical choke but Bayley escapes.  Piper with a Bossman Slam.  Piper has some words for Bayley and Bayley punches Piper.  Piper kicks Bayley and hits a back senton for a near fall.  Bayley with a jaw breaker and Acid Drop but Piper rolls to the floor.  Bayley goes for a drop kick through the corner but Piper stops Bayley and slams Bayley's head into the ring post.

We go to commercial.

We are back and Bayley with a cutter off the turnbuckles to Piper in the ropes.  Bayley with a suicide dive.

We see Lyra Valkyria and Zoey Stark in the crowd.

Tiffany Stratton makes her way down the aisle because only Smackdown Women are allowed inside the ringside barrier.

Piper escapes Rose Plant and Bayley with a sleeper.  Piper falls back to escape.  Bayley and Piper exchange punches and forearms.  Piper misses a clothesline and Bayley with a neck beaker.  Chelsea and Naomi have dueling 'we like our friend more' words before they attack each other.  Naomi kicks Chelsea and sends her into the ringside barrier.  Iyo, Zoey, and Lyra get jealous of the others in the ringside area.  Tiffany goes up top and hits a moonsault onto the three Raw women.

Piper misses a Vader Bomb and Bayley with Rose Plant for the three count.

Winner:  Bayley

After the match, Nia Jax attacks Bayley and hits a leg drop and gives Bayley a head butt.  Nia with a leg drop to Bayley.

Nia pulls Bayley into the corner and sets for ANIAlator but Michin attacks Nia with a kendo stick.

Bayley thanks Michin for the assist.

We take a look at Sami's comedy show from last night.

We are told that Trish Stratus will be the host for Money in the Bank.

Wade Barrett, Big E, Jackie Redmond, and Michael Cole will be on the TWO HOUR Countdown show.

Austin Theory and Grayson Waller walk in the back.

We go to commercial.

Next week, Michin faces Nia Jax.  Baron Corbin and Apollo Crews face Angel Garza and Humberto Carrillo.

Tommaso Ciampa says they walked into this arena eight years ago and they walked out as tag team champions.  This building made DIY.  Johnny says he came back two years ago because of what this building means to him.  This is about the present and becoming tag team champions.

Match Number Four:  Grayson Waller and Austin Theory versus Johnny Gargano and Tommaso Ciampa for the Smackdown Tag Team Championship

Ciampa punches Waller but Waller wit a kick.  Ciampa with a punch to Theory on the apron.  All four men get in the ring until Theory and Waller are sent to the floor.  Gargano and Ciampa with stereo pescados.

We go to commercial.

We are back and Theory misses an elbow drop.  Ciampa chops Theory and Gargano tags in and they hit a kick to the back of the head and a knee to the front.  Gargano with a cross body for a near fall.  Gargano with punches in the corner and Theory with a back elbow.  Waller tags in and Theory with a back breaker followed by an elbow off the turnbuckles for a near fall.  Waller with an arm bar and he tags in Theory.  Waller with punches while Theory holds Gargano's arms.  Theory with a boot to the chest and he poses for Ciampa.  Gargano with a chop.  Theory with a forearm.  Theory punches Gargano and tags in Waller.

Waller sends Gargano to the floor and he tags in Theory.  Theory misses a running hip and hits the ringside barrier.  Gargano with a destroyer on the floor to Waller.  Theory with a clothesline to Gargano and they return to the ring.  Gargano with an inside cradle for a near fall.  Theory keeps Gargano from making the tag but Gargano with a sunset flip for a near fall.  Gargano with an enzuigiri.  Waller pulls Ciampa off the apron to stop the tag.  Theory with a shoulder breaker for a near fall.

We go to commercial.

We are back and Ciamap with Willow's Bell on Waller and Gargano with a super kick for a near fall.  Gargano punches Waller and he goes for a slingshot spear but Waller with a jumping knee.  Gargano punches Theory and Waller but Waller with a punch.  Waller tells Theory to hold Gargano but Waller punches Theory when the referee was distracted.  Gargano with a rollup for a near fall.  Gargano and Ciampa hit Shatter Machine for a near fall.  Gargano and CIampa set for the kne and super kick combination but Theory pulls Gargano to the floor.  Ciampa with an O'Connor Roll but Theory with a slingshot rolling drop kick.  Waller with a flip Unprettier for a near fall.

Ciampa with a chop to Waller and he hits Project Ciampa.  Gargano tags in and they hit the super kick and knee combination but Theory puts Waller's foot on the rope to stop the count.  Theory with a forearm to Gargano.  Theory with a suicide dive to Theory.  Waller with a rollup for a near fall.  Gargano with La Mistica and GargaNo Escape.  Theory stops the tap but Ciampa with the Sicilian Stretch.  Waller taps out.

Winners:  Johnny Gargano and Tommaso Ciampa (new champions)

We get pyro.

We go to Solo Sikoa.  He says this lei makes him the Tribal Chief.  He says this is not what he wanted but what his family needed.  Roman wasn't man enough to defend the title at  Wrestlemania.  Solo says he is the tribal chief now and he will take back their title from Solo.  If Roman wants to take this back, he can try to take it.  He will show Cody that he is coming for him and he will acknowledge him.

We go to credits.

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