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By Richard Trionfo on 2024-07-02 22:06:00

Your announcers are Vic Joseph and Booker T.

Match Number One:  Jaida Parker versus Michin in a Street Fight

Parker meets Michin at ringside and Michin sends Parker into the ring steps.  Michin decides to ignore the weapons she brought to the ring with her and she goes under the ring for kendo sticks and a tool box.  Michin puts a chain in a sock and Parker punches Michin.  Michin throws the sock at Parker but misses and hits the ring steps.  Parker sends Michin into the apron and Michin does the same.  Michin gets more kendo sticks and trash can lids.  Michin pulls out a trash can.  Parker hits Michin with the lid a few times.  Parker with a knee to the midsection and a second one.  Parker with a Samoan drop for a near fall.   MIchin avoids a kendo stick and she punches Parker and then whips her with her belt.  Parker avoids being sent into the turnbuckles.

Parker puts Michin in the ropes in the corner and chops her.  Parker iwth a springboard seated splash onto Michin and Michin lands on a trash can on the mat for a near fall.  Parker slids to the floor and misses Michin.  Michin throws something at Parker and then hits her with a chair.  Parker is sent into the ring post.  Michin sets up a few chairs on the floor.  Parker takes advantage of Michin's attempt at feng shui and hits her with a chair.  Michin puts Parker in the chairs and connects with a chop.  Michin returns to the ring and she sets for a suicide dive but Parker moves and Michin face plants on the chair.  Parker misses a running hip and destroys the ringside barrier.

Michin brings Parker back into the ring and Michin takes some candy after Vic allows it and gives some to ringside fans.  Michin hits Parker with the candy and the container.  Michin with a slam and she goes to the floor to get a chain.  Parker goes to the announce table for safety.  Michin tosses candy to the fans in her tribute to Sweet Papi Sanchez.  Parker with a suplex on the floor.  Parker sends Michin back into the ring. Tey both go for the tool box and Parker closes it on Michin's hand and she stomps on it.  Parker pulls out a baby sledge hammer and baby hammer.  Parker gets a wrench and pulls at Michin's fingers.  

Parker uses the hammer to try to remove some teeth.  Michin hits Parker with a sack and she puts some chairs in a pile and drops nuts on the chairs.  Michin sets for a package piledriver but Parker blocks it and back drops Michin onto the chairs and gets a near fall.  Michin hits Parker with a kendo stick a few times.  Michin continues to hit Parker all over with the kendo stick.  Parker holds her knee and Michin puts a trash can over Parker.  Michin with a cannonball into Parker.  Michin gets a near fall.  Parker rolls to the floor and Michin has a giant steel pipe but Parker found the fire extinguisher and she sprays Michin with it.  Parker runs Michin through the base of the HBalKony with a running hip strike.  

Parker rolls Michin to the ring and Parker with a running hip strike for the three count.

Winner:  Jaida Parker

We go to LOCKER ROOM where Arianna Grace sighs deeply while Karmen Petrovic plays with her sword.  Karmen asks and Arianna says she doesn't want to talk about it, but she did.  Grace says Sol snatched her soul last week and it broke her heart because she is not going to Heatwave.  She says she is from Toronto and her people want her.

Karmen says she is from Toronto too, and Grace says that Karmen is not as Canadian as her.

Jacy Jayne and Jazmyn Nyx enter and talk about the losers.  They wonder which one is worse.

Karmen says she belongs and they can fix it.

Jazmyn laughs at Karmen and they leave.

Je'Von Evans says it is crazy that he is in the main event of his first PLE.   He says it is going to get bouncy.  He says he never left the country before so he had to get a passport.  He says this will be the biggest crowd he has wrestled in front of.  He isn't afraid of any of them and he will come back over the border as the new NXT Champ.

We go to commercial.

We are back with a look at Kelani Jordan winning the ladder match at Battleground.

She says she wanted her name to be in the record books.  She says she is about structure and it paid results.  She mentions her achievements in gymnastics.  She says she is now the first North American Champion.  She says pressure comes with the title, especially being the first.  She says no one is going ot defend the title like her.  Being a gymnast, no accolade can be taken from you, but this title can.  Sol Ruca deserves this match.  She says she will make it happen at Heatwave.

Match Number Two:  Hank Walker and Tank Ledger versus Pete Dunne and Tyler Bate

Hank and Bate start things off and they lock up.  Hank with a wrist lock and Bate rolls to escape.  They shake hands and Hank wants a test of strength and Bate does it.  Hank with the advantage and he gets a near fall but Bate bridges.  Hank uses his weight to get Bate down and Bate bridges.  Bate with a head scissors and he walks the turnbuckles with his hands and he gives Hank a head scissors.  Pete tags in and he chops Hank and then applies an arm bar and he works on the fingers.  Hank pulls Pete off the mat and Pete with a sunset flip for a near fall.  Tank tags in and Tank with a shoulder tackle.  They hit a compactor on Pete.  Pete with a chop and he works on the arm and he stomps on the hand.  

Bate tags in and Pete stomps on the hand and Bate with a senton off Pete's shoulders.  Bate with an Irish whip and Tank with a shoulder tackle off the turnbuckles.  Bate gets Tank up for a dead lift suplex.  Hank tags in and Bate with a knee lift and he leaps over Hank.  Bate with a jab and he gets Hank up for the airplane spin followed by a Michinoku Driver.

We go to commercial.

We are back and Tank punches Pete and Pete slaps Tank.  We see footage from the commercial beak when Tank hit a Bossman Slam on Bate.  Pete kicks Tank in the head and he kicks Tank and follows with a forearm.  Pete misses a forearm and Tank with a Bubba Bomb.  Hank tags in and hits a clothesline followed by an Irish whip and splash.  Hank with a shoulder tackle to Pete and he drops Bate onto Pete.  Hank gets Pete up on his shoulders but Pete counters into a triangle.  Hank pulls Pete up and Tank tags in and hits a clothesline for a near fall.  Bate with a head scissors to Tank and he sends Hank to the floor.  Bate with a suicide dive but he is caught by Hank and Tank and they drop Bate onto Pete on the apron.  They put Bate and Pete on the apron and they hit cross bodies to the back to knock them to the floor.

Pete with a kick to Tank and then to Hank.  Tank sends Pete to Hank for a belly-to-back suplex for a near fall.  Hank goes up top and Pete with a jumping knee as Hank comes off the turnbuckles.  Bate and Tank tag in and Bate with a kick from the apron.  Bate with a rebound clothesline to Tank and Pete with a double stomp to the back.  Bate with Spiral Tap for the three count.

Winners:  Pete Dunne and Tyler Bate

After the match, they shake hands.

Shawn Spears says he came back to NXT To guide the younger talent.  He says he wanted to share his knowledge with the wrestlers but there was some reluctance.  Now he is going to lead by example.  He returns home to Toronto and he will reach the pinnacle.  The younger talent will finally see the light.  He put down Je'Von Evans and was the first to pin Trick after winning the title.  At Heatwave, he will win the championship.

We are back and Stevie Turner and Robert Stone are telling Oro Mensah how much they loved his story and they argue.  Stone says Oro will face Myles Borne tonight.  Stevie and Stone argue and Oro wants to know what is going on.  Stevie says that he won't be going to Heatwave because of what happened with Ethan Page.

Stone and Stevie continue to argue and he says he is going to tell Ava because he said that Stone didn't have the balls to tell Oro.  Stevie asks who is the narc now.

Match Number Three:  Izzi Dame versus Brinley Reece (with Edris Enofe and Malik Blade)

They lock up and go to a stalemate a few times.  Izzi with a slam and a sit out side slam.  Izzi kicks Reece and gets a near fall.  Reece with shoulder tackles and a body block.  Reece sends Dame into the turnbuckles and Izzi goes to the floor.  Reece with a chop and Izzi runs Reece into the apron.

Tatum Paxley crawls from the bowels of the of the broken HBalKony and she leans in the ropes.  Reece with a rollup for a near fall and she gets a second one.  Izzi with a boot to the head and a Falcon Arrow for the three count.

Winner:  Izzi Dame

After the match, Tatum goes after Izzi and Izzi escapes.

We go to Chase U.

Andre teaches everyone about the wrestling history in Toronto.  He says they will win the tag titles on Sunday.  Andre asks Duke if he wants to share with the class.  Duke says they didn't win clean.  He says Ridge helped and he didn't want the help.  Duke apologizes and he shows Chase the photos.

Andre asks Ridge if he cheated.

Thea asks how could Ridgey do that.  Riley says he knew it.

Ridge says he was excited to be part of the group and he wanted to be part of a family.  That is why he pushed Chase out of the way last week.

Andre tells Ridge he has to stay back and not go to Heatwave.

Lola Vice walks in the back.

Roxanne Perez walks with some security behind her.

We go to commercial.

Coverage Continues on Next Page

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