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By Mike Johnson on 2018-03-24 23:09:00

Live from Philadelphia, welcome to's live, ongoing coverage of House of Hardcore 39 from the 2300 Arena!

If you want to catch up on last night's coverage of HOH from Long Island, NY, click here.

To watch the live stream of tonight's show, click here.

Clayton Gainz with the Double D Duprees vs. Trey Miguel

They aired the wrong graphic for Gainz, identifying him as Miguel.  This is a rematch of last night's event in Long Island, which was a good opener.

Clayton use some power spots to control Miguel.  Miguel tried to build up some offense but was tripped by the Duprees as he rebounded off the ropes.  Clayton nailed some backbreakers and an elbow for a two count.

Gainz worked over Miguel, cinching in a rear chinlock.   Miguel fought back with several shots to the mid-section but was caught with a belly to belly suplex for a two count.

Miguel finally scored a headscissors and several dropkicks to knock Gainz into the corner.  He charged but was caught and slammed into the buckles.  Miguel avoided a charge and went to springboard but one of the Duprees grabbed his foot.   The referee was tossed out.  Miguel went for a flying bodypress but Gainz ducked.

Miguel trapped Gainz in the buckle and nailed a 619, sending him crashing into the ring.  Miguel nailed a flying splash and scored the pin.

Your winner, Trey Miguel!

Joey Mercury attacked Miguel after the match and nailed a Pedigree on him.  The crowd chanted, “F*** you Joey.”  The announcers noted Mercury isn’t even supposed to be on the show but is upset he lost the Long Island Street Fight to Dreamer last night.  Mercury tossed Miguel to the outside.

Mercury demanded the ring announcer Katred bring him the ring mic.  Mercury cut a promo calling himself the face of House of Hardcore and said he doesn’t care who comes out of New Orleans as the HOH TV champion.  Whoever wins, will be facing him and the title will be his.

On the broadcast, they plugged the weekly HOH TV show.

Bully Ray came to the ring.  The crowd chanted, “Hall of Famer” and “You deserve it.”   He thanked the crowd.  He said that if he was going to be honest with the crowd, they deserve it.

Ray said he’s been sick for about 10 days with the flu.  He said Tommy Dreamer told him to stay home and take care of himself.  He told Dreamer it was too important to be here in Philly for him, because he wanted to see Tommy Dreamer become the new NWA champion.

Bully said it was also important to come to Philly and say thank you to the fans, because in two weeks, it’s going to get kind of cool and said that it all started right here in the Arena.  The fans chanted, “ECW.”

Bully said people ask him what he is most proud of and said he has to be proud he’s going into the Hall of Fame.  He said that what makes him the most proud is that he and D-Von are the first original act from ECW to be inducted into the WWE Hall of Fame.

Ray, who had been carrying a bag, said he was also proud to unveil the HOH TV championship for the first time, and invited out the competitors that are still in contention for the championship to come to the ring.  They all filed down the aisle. 

Ray showed off the championship and told the competitors he was very proud of this title and whoever wins will be proud as they will be able to say they are the best in HOH.  They did a photo opp with all the competitors.  Bully wished everyone well.  He plugged they would be crowning the first champion as part of Wrestlecon.

As everyone left, Sami Callihan remained in the ring.  Ray announced the first champion would make their first defense back at the 2300 Arena on 5/19.

Callihan took the mic and asked everyone if he could have a second of their time.  He thanked Ray for being the only person in the wrestling business to let Callihan have his say his peace after the Eddie Edwards issue, but next time, mind his business.  He walked out of the ring.

Ray told him he was minding his business, but he was just giving Callihan a chance to explain himself.  He asked what would happen if he got in Callihan’s business.  Would Callihan screw up another spot and hit him with a baseball bat?  Ray told him to watch himself and remember who he was talking to, retired or not.  Callihan said, “Maybe it wasn’t a f***ing accident and maybe you should watch yourself.”  He walked off.

The Squad World Order came out and were being obnoxious.  Kenny did their intros and was pretty damn good at it in terms of getting heat and being a jerk.

HOH TV TITLE TOURNAMENT: Swoggle vs. Kenny Dykstra

There was some stalling early, but Kenny was nailed with a German suplex and a cannonball.  He nailed a chop to Kenny’s face and followed up with another.  He superkicked Kenny in the face, sending him to the floor outside.

The other members of the Squad tried to rouse him as the referee began counting Kenny out.  He was rolled back in by his partners right before he would have been counted out.  Swoggle kicked out at the last second.

Swoggle went under the ring and came out the other side.  He nailed a splash off the ropes or a two count.  Swoggle locked on a Tazmission and Kenny tapped, but the other members of the Squad had distracted the referee.

Swoggle nailed German suplexes on the other members of the Squad but was nailed by Kenny.  Kenny went for a piledriver but Swoggle slipped under his legs and rolled up Kenny for the pin.

Your winner, advancing, Swoggle!

Swoggle took the mic and yelled, "I f***ing did it!"

The Director of Sports-Entertainment came out and said that he and The President realize that the people don’t know what good professional wrestling is.  So, The President has ordered him to present a wrestler who will showcase all of his values – it was Sam Adonis from CMLL in Mexico, announced as Donald Trump’s favorite wrestler.

Adonis took the mic and said he has never seen so many liberal morons in one place in his life.   He said they were live at the ECW Arena, where young talent goes to grow.  A fan gave him crap and Adonis told him to go hit the meth pipe again.  Adonis said he’s already paid his dues, selling out in Mexico and ripping off Ultimo Dragon’s mask in Japan.  He said HOH needs a man like him.

The fans began ripping on him, so he told them to go home and write on the Internet how bad he is.  That was funny actually.  He said there’s no politics in HOH but politics are what make pro wrestling great and they are why WWE is the best.  He said he is here to bring politics back to HOH and bragged about being Donald Trump’s favorite.  He challenged anyone to come out.

A wrestler identified as Titan Dennis Jackson came out and they rang the bell.  

They battled back and forth.  Jackson looked nervous.  He was nailed with a kick as he charged in the corner.  Adonis nailed a blockbuster off the ropes and cinched in a side chinlock.  He cinched in a front facelock and controlled him on the mat.

Jackson finally powered him and placed Adonis on the top rope.  He nailed a series of right hand and tossed him off the ropes into the ring.

He whipped Adonis into the ring but Adonis held on and then kicked him in the face.  He nailed a 450 splash off the top, scoring the pin.

Your winner, Sam Adonis!

Coverage continues on Page 2!

HOH will be running the night before Wrestlemania 34 in New Orleans as part of Wrestlecon kicking off one hour after NXT Takeover ends.   For details, visit

For more on HOH, visit

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