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By Mike Johnson on 2016-02-19 07:13:00

ROH champion Jay Lethal (with Truth Martini) & Tetsuya Naito vs. YOSHI-HASHI & IWGP champion Kazuchika Okada.

Lethal and Okada started out in a "dream match" scenario of the two top champions from each company facing off.    They went back and forth.  Naito and HASHI tagged in with Naito getting the better of him and controlling him early on,  Naito was shoved off into the ropes from a side headlock and slid under the ropes to escape HASHI.  Naito was still caught with several armdrags and a slam when he returned to the ring.

Lethal tagged in and crotched HASHI on the ropes, then dropkicked him to the floor.  Lethal and Naito doubleteamed HASHI in the corner.    They worked over HASHI until he finally made the tag to Okada  Okada hit the ring and took out Lethal, then snapped Naito with a great looking DDT,  Hashi tagged in and nailed a neckbreaker on Lethal,  He and Okada double teamed Lethal,  HASHI came off the top with a Blockbuster but Naito broke up the pinfall.

Okada and Naito battled on the outside with Naito being tossed into the guard rail.  Lethal tried to nail HASHI with the Book of Truth but he ducked and nailed a big clothesline.  HASHI went to the top but Truth Martino shoved him off the top into the ring.  Lethal nailed the handspring into the Ace Crusher and scored the pin.

Your winners, ROH champion Jay Lethal  & Tetsuya Naito!

Naito and Lethal stomped HASHI until he was out of the ring.  Lethal pointed at Naito and then offered his hand.  Naito teased hitting Jay, but then took it.  He presented Jay with his trademark hat and Jay offered him the Book of Truth.

Another physical match that had some good wrestling.

ROH TV champion Roderick Strong vs. Tomohiro Ishii

The two tested each other out.  Strong backed Ishii to the corner and slapped him, then backed off begging when he realized that was a bad idea.  Ishii went after him and Strong went to the floor to slow down his monentum and try to play some mind games with him.

Ishii gained control and worked over Strong with hard chops and strikes as Strong tried to get away from him to no avail.  They are some hard-hittin bombs.  Strong fired back and stomped away him, then nailed a hard running knee.  Strong covered him for a two count.

Strong cinched in a sleeper but Ishii fought him off.  Strong chopped him and Ishii only got angry.  Strong kicked him down and ripped at his nose.  Strong scored several two counts as the crowd clapped and tried to rally Ishii,  Ishii worked over Strong, who came back with several kicks and an enziguiri.  Strong nailed a running knee in the corner and slammed Ishii down but Ishii kicked up at two.

They battled to the apron where Strong dove off and hit the Gibson Driver off the apron to the floor.  The crowd chanted "ROH."  Strong covered Ishii but Ishii kicked up at the last second.  Ishii began to make a comeback and Strong's attack had no effect.  He finally hauled off and nailed Strong in the corner and then placed him on the top rope. 

Ishii superplexed Strong in, holding him for a long time before dropping him back but Strong kicked up at the last second. Ishii nailed a powerbomb but again, Strong kicked out.  This is good stuff.  Strong caught him with a discus forearm and them a dropkick to cut off Ishii's momentum.

Strong placed Ishii on the top rope.  The TV champion attempted and nailed a superplex into the ring, then  caught him with a Gutbuster and a leaping leg lariat for another two count.  The crowd loved that Ishii refused to stay down.  Strong missed a leaping knee but nailed it on the second attempt.  Ishii caught him off with a pair of clotheslines and covered him for another near fall.  This is far and away the best thing on the show in my opinion.

Strong and Ishii began laying into each other.  Ishii caught him with the low clothesline and almost scored yet another pinfall.  Ishii nailed a brainbuster and scored the pin.

Your winner and new ROH TV champion, Tomihiro Ishii!

Well, that was a surprise!!  Ishii's always been a hard working talent so this was a cool move to see.  Lots of great back and forth, hard hitting wrestling in this one.  Strong was awesome as the brash heel champion and Ishii was great.

The undercard was OK but in my opinion, the main event was really what delivered the most.

Thanks for logging in with us this morning! 

Here's the schedule for PWInsider coverage this weekend:

Friday evening - BELLATOR coverage at

Saturday 4:30 AM - ROH/New Japan Honor Rising Night 2 coverage.

Sunday 7 PM - WWE Fast Lane coverage.

For more on ROH, visit

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