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By Mike Johnson on 2015-11-13 23:30:00

Colt Cabana & Team Tremendous & The FBI vs. Vic Dalishus & Four Partners of His Choice.

Dalishus came out dressed as Jesus Christ.  Cabana took the mic and said he was offended by this.  Dalishus asked, "Why would Jew be offended?"  That was pretty awful.  Cabana got mad and had to be held back.  Dalishus said he was the savior of HOH and announced his first partners, The Samoan Empire...former WWE star Manu, Lloyd and Lance Anao'i.  He then announced Jade from TNA.   Cabana acted like he wanted to flirt with her.    

Team Tremendous checked the referee and he had contraband so they called for a new referee.  Out came Earl Hebner. 

Jade and Guido faced off.  They went back and forth with kicks.  Jade nailed a nice dropkick on him.  Guido offered his hand and she slapped him, then ran to tag Lance.  Cabana tagged in and he and Guido took down Lance.  Guido wanted to do the Paison double elbow but Colt didn'tknow what he meant.  Mamaluke entered the ring and shoved him.  Cabana shoved him back and Mamaluke staggered towards Guido, who grabbed his arm and they did the Paison elbow.

Team Vik worked over Dan Barry for a long time.  Lance missed a move off the top, allowing Barry to make the hot tag to Bill Carr.   Jade began nailing German suplexes on everyone.  She went for one on Cabana and he loved the physical contact and tried to snuggle with her.  Carr grabbed her and dropped her over the ropes to the floor in Cabana's waiting arms.  This set up a series of dives.  Jade nailed a moonsault off the top onto everyone.

They went back and forth until Team Tremendous' Bill Carr caught Vik with a Canadian Destroyer for pin, 

Lots of silliness mixed in with some good wrestling.  The Cabana-Jade silliness was GREAT.  Tony Mamaluke looked especially good in the ring.  I thought everyone did their jobs really well here.  For such a striange mix of talent, it congealed well.

Tomasso Ciampa vs. Eddie Kingston

Kingston has slimmed down considerably.  He and Ciampa had some nice back and forth action.  Ciampa caught Kingston with a kick.  Kingston caught Ciampa coming off the ropes and nailed a big belly to belly overhead suplex.  Ciampa drilled him with a series of hard slaps.  Kingston went for a clothesline but was slapped with an armbar and brought back down to the mat for a two count.

With both men down, the referee began counting them down.  They made it to their knees and exchanged headbutts.  Ciampa nailed him with Project Ciampa for a two count.  Kingston finally caught him with the spinning backfist for the pin.

Your winner, Eddie Kingston!

Solid match with some really nice exchanges.  I thought this was the best Kingston has looked thus far in HOH and Ciampa was on his game as well.

Abyss vs. Rhino.

Rhino came out and said he doesn't know if Abyss knows where they are but they are in the "f***ing Arena" and challenged him to make it hardcore and extreme with a No DQ Anything Goes Match.  Abyss attacked him and they began brawling.    Rhino nailed several shoulderblocks in the corner and teased a gore but Abyss left the ring.

Rhino followed him and they battled around on the floor.  Abyss went under the ring and tossed some chairs in.  He wedged one in the corner.   He worked over Rhino.  The Arena chanted, "F*** TNA." Abyss continued to work over Rhino in the corner and nailed a running splash.

Rhino fought back but Abyss grabbed him for a chokeslam.  Rhino fought him off and got one of the chairs, bringing it down over Abyss' back.  He took the ring bell, put it over Abyss' genitals and rang it.  He teased a gore as Abyss rose to his feet but was caught as he charged and chokeslammed.   Abyss covered him for a two count.

Rhino came back with a Gore but Abyss kicked out.  Rhino nailed him and placed a table in the corner. Abyss cut him off and drilled a chair down on him several times.    He went for the Earthquake splash on Rhino but Rhino turned a chair sideways and Abyss crotched himself.  Rhino gored him through the table in the corner and scored the pin.

Your winner, Rhino!

Fun decade. Abyss received a nice ovation as he left.

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