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By Mike Johnson on 2015-06-14 20:38:00
Welcome to's live, ongoing coverage of the WWE Money in the Bank 2015 PPV from Columbus, Ohio!

Kickoff Show:

They dedicated the show to the late Dusty Rhodes at the beginning of the broadcast. We will miss you Dusty.

The Kickoff panel are Renee Young, Byron Saxton, Booker T and Corey Graves.

Renee Young said they would be celebrating the life of Dusty Rhodes tonight.  Booker said he spent 23 years of his career with Dusty and said that after his first big singles match in WCW, he returned to the back and Dusty would say, "They ain't gonna put you on first no more!"  Corey Graves noted that Dusty used to say he was "making movies" and said it was an honor to work with him in the NXT office.  Saxton said it was amazing to work with him and watch him create.

They aired different Tweets from different WWE personalities about Dusty's passing.

Booker said tha Dusty was someone that touched him in the heart and he thinks he's going to miss Dusty most of all.  

They showed Tom Phillips grabbing Neville as he entered the Arena. He said that what we saw on Smackdown was that Money in the Bank was designed for him. He said the match is for everything and he's ready.

They discussed the importance of winning MITB as Booker pointed out that Edge won the first one and that led to him becoming an eleven-time World champion.

They discussed Kevin Owens vs. John Cena and aired a video feature on the rematch.

They then showed Paige's promo promising to change the Divas division and discussed the Divas championship bout for the PPV.

They showed clips of Ryback hitting the Shellshock on Big Show on this past Monday's Raw to set up discussion of the WWE Intercontinental championship.

Bakcstage, Jojo interviewed Ryback.  Ryback said there are two Big Shows, the world's largest athlete and the man who's afraid inside.  He said that Show takes Ryback's success as a personal slight.  He said Show is nothing but a bully and Ryback hates bullies.  He promised to take Show out.

The announcers discussed the IC title bout.

Backstage, Roman Reigns was preparing for his match.  Dean Ambrose showed up.  Reigns said the next time they toast, they'll be doing it as WWE World Heavyweight champion and Money in the Bank holder.  Ambrose asked if Reigns was going to give him a head's up when he cashes in.  Reigns said, you already'll be the first to know.  They showed respect to each other.

They aired highlights of the recent developments over the WWE World Heavyweight championship.

They interviewed Stephanie McMahon.  She said they were going to honor Rollins' wishes and there would have no involvement in the main event Ladder Match tonight.  She said Rollins knew the risk if he loses and Rollins knows "crystal clear" what that means.

R-Truth vs. Bad News Barrett

Truth did a promo saying they might as well as book him on "Games of Thrones" because after tonight he will be "King Wazzup."  Barrett came out in a terrible new regal costume.  He said he had to go to London to get new royal garb because Truth ruined his by wearing it.  He said he had to dispatch of them the way he's going to dispatch of Truth.

Lots of buffering for the Network for me.

Truth had control early on but was nailed with a big lariat.    Barrett stomped away on Truth.  Barrett whipped Truth into the buckles hard.  Barrett cinched in a chinlock but Truth made a comeback and hit a series of kicks. He nailed a sitdown face first suplex.  Barrett came back and set up for the Bull Hammer.  Barrett went for it but Truth turned it into a crucifix and scored the pin.

Your winner, R-Truth!

Truth celebrated as if he was the new King and took Barrett's crown.  Barrett confronted him so Truth tossed the crown at Barrett and ran away

Michael Cole, JBL and Jerry Lawler all discussed the passing of Dusty Rhodes and sent it to a video package on his career.  It was awesome.

Renee Young, sounding completely broken up, sent it to Tom Phillips who was doing Twitter questions with Kevin Owens.

Owens was asked his biggest fear going into the rematch. He said he had no fear. He said that he's not disrespecting Superstars but is telling everyone the truth instead of spitting out catch phrases.

They went to a discussion about the Money in the Bank match.

Money in the Bank PPV

They opened the show with the entire WWE roster on the stage as they held a ten bell salute in honor of Dusty Rhodes.  They then played his WWE theme song as the entire roster clapped to the music.  Really classy opening.  I still can't wrap my head around Dusty's passing.

Money In the Bank Ladder Match: Dolph Ziggler vs. Neville vs. Roman Reigns vs. Randy Orton vs. Kofi Kingston vs. Sheamus vs. Kane.

Everyone battled to start off the match.  Kingston pulled a ladder into the ring immediately to try and retrieve the briefcase while everyone else was fighting.  That led to everyone stopping and going after him while trying to scramble up themselves.  Sheamus and Kane cleared the ring.  Sheamus nailed Kane and went to the top but Kane pulled him down and nailed him.

Ziggler charged but was caught.  Kane went for a chokeslam but Ziggler slipped out and nailed a DDT.  Ziggler went to the top but was pulled down by Sheamus.  Ziggler went for a DDT but Sheamus shoved him off and nailed White Noise.  Reigns tried to return to the ring but was kneed back down to the floor.  Sheamus went to the floor and slammed Orton into the barricade.

Several ladders were placed in the corner.  Sheamus went for White Noise on Kingston but he slippped out and nailed several kicks.  Kingston went off the top but was caught and slammed.  Neville nailed a missile dropkick on Sheamus but was blasted by a Kofi kick.  Kingston then nailed Sheamus with a spinning kick to the head.  Kingston set up the ladder in the center of the ring but was confronted by Neville.  They battled in the corner.  Neville monkeyflipped him but Kingston landed on his feet and ascended the ladder.  Neville followed on the other side and they battled.  Reigns hit the scene and took them out.

Reigns went to position the ladder but was attacked from behind by Kingston.  Reigns slammed him on a ladder bridged in the corner. Neville went for a rana but was caught and powerbombed atop of Kingston and the ladder.  Reigns climbed up but Kane attacked him.  Kane climbed up but Orton nailed him.  Orton went up but Kingston followed.  Orton nailed an RKO on Kingston.  Neville leapt onto the ladder but Randy nailed him with an RKO.

Sheamus and Orton battled over the briefcase and ladder.  Sheamus had his hands on the case at one point but Orton pulled him down.  Orton went to the top of the ladder but Sheamus nailed him and brought him down.  They exchanged punches on the mat with Orton getting the better of the exchange.  Sheamus shoved Orton into the adder and nailed him with a Brogue Kick.

Sheamus climbed up but this time, Ziggler was there to meet him with right hands and headbutts.  Ziggler almost got the case but Sheamus nailed him.  They exchanged punches on the top of the ladder.  Ziggler locked a sleeper on top of the ladder, dazing Sheamus and hitting the Zig Zag off the ladder.  Neville went to the top and nailed the Red Arrow on Sheamus for good measure.  That brought up a big "NXT" chant.

Neville and Ziggler fought their way to the top of the ladder.  They fought atop of the ladder.  Neville nailed Ziggler down.  Neville went to grab the case but was pulled down by Kane.  Kane went for a chokeslam but Ziggler superkicked him.    Neville and Ziggler teamed up to use the ladder on Kane but he wiped them out instead.  Reigns returned to nail the Superman Punch on Kane.  Reigns did a running dive over the top rope onto everyone on the floor.  

With everyone out, the other members of New Day ran out and tossed Kofi back into the ring.   Kofi set up a ladder as they cheered him on.  Reigns wiped out Big E and Xavier Woods with an apron dropkick.  He pulled Kofi down and nailed a powerbomb over the top to the floor on everyone, only to turn into Randy Orton attempting an RKO.  Reigns slipped out and nailed a spear.

Reigns went to get the case but when he was on top of the ladder, the lights went out and Bray Wyatt appeared in the ring.  He shoved the ladder over, sending Reigns toppling and then nailed Sister Abigail on him.  With everyone else wiped out, Sheamus set up a ladder and went to remove the case.  Neville confronted him but Sheamus overpowered him with what I think was a thumb jamming into his eye and shoved him off the ladder into the ring.  Sheamus grabbed the case.

Your winner, Sheamus!

Good match.  They saved all the big spots for the latter portion of the bout and while they were cool, they were also kept safe. 

Backstage, Paige was interviewed by Renee Young.  She said that only one strong voice needs to influence change but when she said that The Bellas were holding down the division, no one in the locker room stood up with her.  She said the Bellas are crafty in front of the ring and even more power behind the scenes.  She promised she was going to take the title and create that change tonight, "for you, Dusty."

WWE Divas champion Nikki Bella vs. Paige.

 They were going at each other even before the bell.  They locked up and were being really aggresive with each other early on.  Nikki was tossed to the floor and Paige nailed her with the flip off the apron.  Paige was slammed into the ringside barricade off Nikki's shoulders.  They are working hard so far.

Back in the ring, Nikki scored a two count.  They showed the entire Divas division watching backstage.  Nikki locked in a rear chinlock.  Nikki was drilled for a two count after a big knee but cut off Paige with a clothesline.   Nikki cinched in a body scissors, trying to force a submission.  They battled to the ropes and Nikki drilled her for a two count.  Nikkii continued to work her over but Paige, rebounding off the ropes, kicked her hard for a two count.

Nikki came back with a spinebuster for a two count.  Paige cut off Nikki in the corner and worked her over, then locked in a version of the STF.  Nikki made it to the ropes to break it.  Nikki tried to set up for the Rack Attack but Paige slipped out and went for the PTO but Nikki fought her off before it could be locked in and kicked her off.

Nikki drilled Paige with knee off the ropes and scored a two count.    She went for the Rack Attack but Paige slipped out and caught her with the RamPaige for a two count.  They were playing up that they were frustrated they couldn't put the other down. 

Paige set up Nikki on the ropes.  They battled atop the ropes and nailed each other with forearms that sent them each to the floor.  The Bellas switched on the floor.  Brie small packaged Paige but Paige reversed it and scored the pin. They announced Paige was the new champion but Brie revealed it was her.  Paige kicked her out of the ring but was nailed from behind by a Nikki forearm and pinned.

Your winner and still WWE Divas champion, Nikki Bella!

One of the best singles matches Nikki has ever had.  They worked really hard and had a good match.  I thought the finish was a little overbooked but if it leads to someone standing up and helping Paige, perhaps some of the girls from NXT, I am all for it.


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