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By Mike Johnson on 2015-02-07 17:19:43
The Colony vs. Tony Nese & Jigsaw

This is the Colony's debut here. Silver Ant and Jigsaw started and they did some nice wrestling early. The Ants double-teamed Jigsaw. Nese was able to tag in and had some good sequences by Fire Ant. Silver Ant tagged in and cleaned house. The Ants nailed a nice double dropkick into the corner. They went into a series of spots to the outside, culminating with a springboard flip to the floor by Fire Ant.

Back in the ring, Jigsaw nailed a nice back suplex with a bridge on Fire Ant for a two count. Ant came back with some awesome kicks. Nese hit a 450 splash to break up a pin. They went into a crazy series of back and forth moves that was really good. In the end, Nese and Jigsaw scored the pin.

Good stuff with lots of big spots.

Tommy Dreamer vs. Joey Ryan

It was Joey Ryan's Rules, so anything Ryan wanted. He wanted no Singapore canes. Instead we got some spots with the trademark Ryan Lollipops and brawling on the floor. Dreamer brought a trash can in and nailed Ryan with it, then ate pizza out of it. Nasty man. He went to whip Ryan into it in the corner but it was reversed. Ryan poured Legos into the ring and tried to backdrop Dreamer on them. He failed but went for a piledriver. Dreamer backdropped him on the Legos and hit a Spicoli Driver on them. Candice LaRae hit the ring but Dreamer piledrove her. Ryan nailed Dreamer and scored the pin.

FWE Women's champ Candice LaRae vs. Veda Scott

Veda hit the ring and attacked LaRae so they went right into this. Veda nailed a DDT on Ryan. Dreamer was at ringside and spit water into LaRae's face. Lots of brawling outside the ring. They then battled on the ramp to the ring. LaRae kicked Scott in the face as she charged. LaRae brought her back to the ring and choked Scott against the ropes. LaRae nailed a suplex for a two count. Scott made a comeback and used a rollup but Ryan got on the ropes and distracted the referee. Dreamer went after Ryan and LaRae got in his face telling him to stay out of it. He kissed her. The referee tossed Dreamer.

Larae went to nail Scott with a Singapore Cane but she ducked and nailed a back suplex with a bridge for a two count. Scott challenged Ryan to get in the ring. She kicked him low, then used the cane on his back. LaRae nailed a neckbreaker and scored the pin.

Your winner and still FWE champion, Candice LaRae!

Adrenaline Express vs. The Addiction

Adrenaline worked over Kazarian early. Some nice back and forth wrestling here. Daniels and Kazarian took control and worked over EJ Risk. They hit several springboard moves for a two count. They worked over Risk for some time and tossed him to the floor atop of his partner VSK. Daniels nailed the Arabian Press on both. They regained control and hit a nice series of moves on Daniels. They beat on him until Daniels finally made a comeback but was cut off. He finally made the hot tag and they went back and forth with big spots. The Addiction finally scored the pin.

After the bout, EJ Risk of Adrenaline Inc. announced he was retiring due to a neck injury. That's been expected for some time. He gave a really nice speech, asking the company not to forget the local names that helped make the company and thanked FWE for being a great promotion.

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