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By Mike Johnson on 2014-07-19 23:00:00

Welcome to's live, ongoing coverage of Maryland Championship Wrestling's 14thn Annual Shane Shamrock Memorial Cup in Joppa, MD!

Shane Shamrock Memorial Cup Qualifier: Shane Strickland vs. Fenix Fury

Fenix received a big reaction coming out. Strickland showed some swagger and controlled him early on the mat. Fenix tossed him off with a hiptoss and they went for dropkicks at the same time.

Fenix caught Strickland with a kick to the leg but was taken down with a front facelock to the mat. Strickland picked up and slammed Fenix, then caught him with a kick to the back for a two count. Strickland caught Fenix with a dropkick as he rebounded off the ropes. He tossed Fenix to the floor and went for a dive but Fenix returned to the ring, cut him off and nailed a guillotine legdrop off the ropes for a two count.

Strickland worked over Fenix, who fired back with chops. They worked each other back and forth with kicks and chops util Strickland was whipped hard into the buckles. Strickland was worked over but caught him with an enziguiri and nailed some offense to get several two counts. ‘

Fenix came back with a series of knee strikes but his attempted tornado DDT was evaded. Strickland nailed a running kick to the check but Fenix came back with another Tornado DDT for a two count. Strickland came back with a back suplex where he dropped Fenix’s back across his knees for a two count. He nailed a double stomp off the top to the chest for the pin.

Your winners, Shane Strickland!

Strickland advances into the Shamrock Memorial later tonight.

Real good opener with some fun offensive maneuvers and sequences. Fenix impressed me and Strickland looked really crisp and continues to look like a true future star. Nice way to open the night.

Shane Shamrock Qualifier: Bo Nekoda vs. Brandon Scott

Nekoda is a redneck trucker cowboy. Scott is a young, white meat babyface.

Scott opened up with a flurry of offense and controlled Nekoda on the mat and scored several near falls early. Scott caught him with a kick and went to the top for a flying bodypress for a two count. It was all Scott early.

Nekoda’s second, Heygood (I think that was his name) distracted Scott, allowing Nekoda to nail him and toss him to the floor. Scott was driven backwards into the apron and tossed into the ring. Nekoda worked over his back and sent him hard into the buckles for a two count.

Scott tried to make a comeback but missed a dropkick, allowing Nekoda to lock in a in a one-legged crab. Scott fought to the ropes and finally made it. Nekoda worked over Scott, who finally caught him with an enziguiri, sending Nekoda over in a 360 degree bump.

Scott made a comeback and nailed a series of clotheslines and several big strikes for a two count. Scott nailed some big moves but was caught with a backstabber and pinned.

Your winner, Bo Nekoda!

Good back and forth babyface vs. heel bout. Both showed a lot of promise. I loved Nekoda’s throwback gimmick. Scott had some good fire as a babyface and the crowd was into getting behind him.


Tony Nese vs. Papadon

This is Nese’s MCW debut. They had some good back and forth wrestling early. Nese tied up Papadon like a pretzel and rolled him up for a two count. Nese nailed a series of chops in the corner. Papadon fired back with one of his own and caught him with an interesting hiptoss and a rana.

Papadon used a snapmare and hit a rebound clothesline. Nese cut him off with a hard kick to the face and worked him over aggressively. Nese nailed a springboard moonsault for a two count. Nese went for another springboard move but was caught with an uppercut. Nese was sent to the floor. Papadon went for a dive but was kicked. Nese nailed him with a kicking combination and went for a dive of his own but was nailed.

They went back and forth with some great near falls and sequences. Papadon nailed a series of kicks to the chest but missed one. Nese grabbed him but Papadon reversed it into a tiltowhirl backbreaker and then an inverted DDT for a two count. Papadon went for a piledriver but Nese reversed it. He nailed a inverted Kryptonite Krunch for a two count.

Nese went to the top but Papadon caught him and attempted a belly to back superplex. Nese knocked him off but Papadon but undaunted and nailed the superplex. Papadon nailed a flying leg lariat for a two count. Papadon went for a back suplex but Nese landed on his feet and nailed a double stomp. Nese missed a 450 off the top and was nailed with a shining wizard and a brainbuster for the pin.

Your winner, Papadon!

Another good match with some good back and forth wrestling. Papadon showed Nese respect after the match. The usual good performances you'd expect from these two.

It was noted that the TLC match tonight was title for title with Matt Hardy putting up the MCW title and Luke Hawx putting up his Extreme title. In other news, Stevie Richards loves cats.

The CEO Of Black WallStreet DROLIX vs. Shaun Cannon

DROLIX is a former MCW champion and part of the Black Wallstreet stable, attempting a corporate takeover of Maryland Wrestling. Cannon is an eccentric babyface.

Cannon was whipped into the corner but reversed it and jumped up with a knee strike to the face. Cannon pinned DROLIX in 26 seconds. Chuck Lennox put his foot on the rope so the referee thought he made a mistake and restarted the bout.

Cannon continued working over DROLIX but was caught with a boomerang clothesline to the back of the neck. Cannon was choked against the ropes. DROLIX worked him over but Cannon made a comeback and scored a DDT. DROLIX finally caught him with a choke and scored the submission.

Your winner, DROLIX!

Coverage continues on Page 2!

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