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By Richard Trionfo on 2014-04-14 23:10:00
Match Number Six: Alexander Rusev (with Lana) versus Xavier Woods (with R Truth)

Woods tries for a kick but Rusev blocks it and he connects with knees and kicks to Woods. Rusev with a round kick to the head and Woods goes down. Rusev with a uranage into the Accolade and Woods taps out.

Winner: Alexander Rusev

After the match, Truth comes into the ring to get Rusev to release the hold and they have a stand off in the center of the ring. Truth checks on Woods and he turns his back on Rusev and Rusev gets the command from Lana and he kicks Truth.

We are back with the next Warrior Moment. Rick Rude versus the Ultimate Warrior from SummerSlam 1990.

Did you know that you could sign up for a One Week Free Trial of the WWE Network? We see a clip of the Journey to Wrestlemania: Daniel Bryan (note from me: An amazing show that you need to watch if you have the WWE Network)

Match Number Seven: Jack Swagger (with Zeb Colter) versus Sheamus in a First Round Intercontinental Title Number One Contender Tournament Match

Swagger with kicks and knees in the corner as the referee warns Swagger. Swagger misses a short arm clothesline and Sheamus with punches. Sheamus with a kick followed by a clothesline. Sheamus with a punch to the midsection and a kick. Sheamus with a clothesline and then he clotheslines Swagger over the top rope to the floor.

Sheamus puts Swagger against the ropes and Colter gets on the apron to distract Sheamus. Sheamus comes off the apron and Swagger catches him and hits a belly-to-belly slam while Big E watches from the back on the monitor. Swagger gets a near fall.

Swagger traps the arms but Sheamus with head butts and Swagger with a belly-to-belly suplex for a near fall. Swagger chokes Sheamus in the ropes. Swagger gets a near fall and then he chokes Sheamus in the corner. Swagger with a snap mare and then he traps Sheamus’ arms again. Sheamus with a clothesline and both men are down.

Swagger misses a charge into the corner and Sheamus with two double sledges followed by a shoulder in the corner followed by a knee lift. Sheamus with a snap mare and kick to the back followed by a knee drop. Sheamus puts Swagger in the ropes for the forearms across the chest. Sheamus goes up top for the flying shoulder tackle and he gets a near fall. Swagger sends Sheamus over the top rope but Sheamus lands on the apron. Sheamus goes for the slingshot shoulder tackle but Swagger moves and Swagger applies the ankle lock.

Sheamus rolls over and kicks Swagger away. Swagger with a shoulder tackle that knocks Sheamus to the floor. Swagger with a running knee against the ringside barrier and then he sends Swagger’s leg into the ring steps. Swagger rolls Sheamus back into the ring and Swagger charges back in but he runs into a Brogue Kick for the three count.

Winner: Sheamus (Advances to face the winner of Dolph Ziggler versus Wade Barrett in the Semi Finals)

Sheamus collapses as he leaves the ring.

It is time to take a look at Adam Rose on the Exotic Express.

We go to commercial.

We are back with a video feature on the Ultimate Warrior highlighting the four night series that will air starting Tuesday night.

Damien Sandow is in the ring and he says regardless of how you feel about him, he is the most deserving person in the WWE. He is not finished talking . . .

Big Show’s music plays and Sandow tells everyone to sit down. He is not going to be silenced. You will listen to every single word he has to say. He is not going to be silenced by anybody. He is a former Money in the Bank Contract Holder. He was seconds away from being World Champion. You will sit here while he gets it off his chest.

He tells Show to keep it to himself because he is not finished.

Sandow asks if you are going to boo him and cheer Show. Is it because he is a giant and smiles and shakes hands. Sandow says that you should be begging to touch him when he comes to the ring because he deserves it. He has earned it.

Sandow asks Show, what about you? What does he have to say about all of this? Show says nothing and Sandow says that he deserves it and no one can say that he does not deserve it. Sandow pokes Show and says that Show knows that he is telling the truth. You look at him and you see the future of the WWE. You look at him and you see a future champion. You look at him and you see greatness.

Show punches Sandow and Sandow is not seeing too much

The Wyatt’s graphic plays and they appear on the TitanTron. Bray says that they are next.

We go to commercial.

We are back and we are told that Big Show will be facing Jack Swagger on Main Event.

Bray says that society as a whole has become this vile and putrid thing. Do as you are told so says the man. You see what they want you to see and you feel what they want you to feel. Bray says that he is different. When you see a blank canvas, he sees a beautiful painting. When you hear silence, he hears a beautiful symphony. He has many names, abuser and destroyer. You can call him whatever you see fit, but he has never once lied to you.

We all know who has. John Cena has made a career out of lying to you all. He earns your trust hiding behind his porcelain smile. He is no man, he is beast. Bray tells everyone that he won’t let John do this to you any more. He has John where he wants, against the ropes and he just needs that one little push.

Abigail shall be his sword through this crusade. He does not wish to slay this monster . . . not yet. Right now, he wants it to come out and play. How about it John? He knows that John is back there.

John Cena’s music plays and he has a mic.

Cena says that is a great idea. John wants to have some fun because the Wyatts are so serious. He tried at Wrestlemania to bring out the monster, but it does not exist.

John wants to have some fun with Bray. He doesn’t judge anybody but he looks at the Wyatts and if he could get them to happy hour, they would be the life of the party. He says that Rowan probably has jokes for days. Harper would be the guy who would go streaking right through the quad. He tells Bray that it takes a man’s man to wear the white pants. He has the Hawaiian shirt and the Michael Jackson glove. He is a party man.

Cena tells Bray that these people like to have fun and a good time so he is going to put a smile on his face. John says that Bray talks about Sister Abigail and he wonders if she is real. John says that he got on the Google Machine and he says that he found Sister Abigail.

John comments on her beauty and facial hair. John says that he sees the two of them and he wonders what Bray’s mom looks like. After a quick search, he found her on Tinder. He shows a photo of Bobbie Jo Wyatt and she looks like Luke Harper.

There is a new member of the Wyatt Family, a beautiful baby girl born a month ago. John says that he got the photos of Chastity Lynn Wyatt and she looks like Rowan.

Bray says that any time a serious threat gets in his face, all he knows how to do is make jokes about it.

John says if Bray wants serious, he says that he can get serious just as much as anyone. His back was against the wall going into Wrestlemania and when John Cena gets serious, Bray Wyatt gets beat. He tells Bray to be careful what he wishes for. This time he’s got it, but the tables are turned. What if Bray loses again? He will be the desperate man. He is going to force Bray to do something he has not before in the WWE. With all of the talk, without his family he cannot back up what he says. John tells Bray if you take out the two Santa Claus wannabes, Bray is not the Eater of Worlds, he is the Eater of the World’s Biggest Cinnabon. If you want serious, here is a serious challenge. Cena challenges Bray to a match inside a steel cage.

Bray says that he likes it and John doesn’t realize they are playing catch with knives and sooner or later one of us is going to be stuck. How can John be 100% sure that it won’t be him? If you want to see fun and see Bray have a good time. He asks his brothers and sisters in his back yard, he will not allow this fallacy to rule them any more. This is his world.

Bray starts to sing and we go to commercial.

Fandango and Layla are in the Goldman Box and he says that things with him and Summer were professional. He understands her falling in love with him, but it not him, it is her.

Match Number Eight: Santino Marella and Emma versus Fandango and Layla El

The men start off and Fandango with a side head lock and shoulder tackle. Santino with a kip up and arm drag. Santino blocks a kick and Santino with a split and hip toss. Santino pulls out his cobra and Layla tags in. Emma with a Thesz Press and she slams Layla’s head into the mat. Layla with an Irish whip and she misses a charge into the corner. Emma with the DILemma into the corner and Santino knocks Fandango off the apron.

Layla pulls Emma off the turnbuckles because Emma was looking at something outside the ring. Layla gets the three count.

Winners: Fandango and Layla El

Stephanie McMahon says that your job performance is less than satisfactory. He let his personal emotions get in the way of dealing with the Shield.

Kane apologizes for the distractions.

Stephanie says that when they hired him as the Director of Operations, they thought they had a man with no moral direction, but he cannot deal with Daniel Bryan and failed three times. She tells Kane that he is weak, pathetic and a shell of himself. He was the Big Red Machine and he made children cry. What happened to the Devil’s Favorite Demon? What happened to Kane. Kane stands up and the lights go red.

Kane looks at the mask inside the case and he lifts the case and it is time for the mask to go back on. Kane says that he will eviscerate Daniel Bryan and send him to the depths of hell.

We are back with a new Bo Dallas BOlieve video talking about Change.

We have another reminder of the programming on the WWE Network to remember the Ultimate Warrior. It will air at 10PM Eastern the next four nights.

We take a look back at Ultimate Warrior’s appearance on Raw last week.

They show a quote from Ultimate Warrior.

We go to commercial and we have a new Adam Rose Exotic Express video. They are playing Hungry Hungry Hippos and the bunny loses. He tells the bunny not to be a lemon, be a Rosebud because it is always Party Time.

Match Number Nine: Dolph Ziggler versus Wade Barrett in a First Round Intercontinental Title Number One Contender Tournament

They lock up and Ziggler with a waist lock but Barrett with a hip lock take down. Ziggler holds on to the waist lock and Ziggler goes to the floor. Ziggler rolls back into the ring while Barrett starts a Bad News chant.

Ziggler goes for the leg and Barrett with a punch to the head. Barrett sends Ziggler into the turnbuckles and then he kicks Ziggler. Barrett is warned by the referee and Barrett with a suplex and a near fall. Barrett with a knee drop but he misses a second one. Ziggler punches Barrett against the ropes.

Ziggler with a side head lock. Barrett with a forearm and a hard Irish whip for a near fall. Barrett with a kick to the ribs and Ziggler rolls to the apron and he appears to have trouble breathing. Barrett chokes Ziggler in the ropes. Ziggler is choked in the ropes but Ziggler punches Barrett.

Ziggler with a drop kick and he clotheslines Barrett over the top rope to the floor and Ziggler’s momentum sends him to the floor as well. Barrett and Ziggler exchange punches and then Barrett sends Ziggler into the ring post and we go to commercial.

We are back and Barrett with a reverse chin lock. Barrett with an Irish whip but Barrett misses a charge into the corner and Barrett hits the ring post with his shoulder. Ziggler with a cross body and he punches Barrett. Ziggler leaps into the corner and he punches Barrett and then hits the neck breaker for a near fall.

Barrett gets Ziggler on his shoulders and he hits Wasteland but Ziggler kicks out at two. Barrett sets for the pump handle slam but Ziggler with a kick to the leg and he hits a Fameasser for a near fall. Ziggler misses a splash into the corner and Ziggler goes down. Barrett goes to the turnbuckles but Ziggler stops him. Ziggler goes for a superplex but Barrett holds the turnbuckle. Barrett knocks Ziggler off the turnbuckles but Ziggler leaps to the turnbuckles and hits a Super X Factor for a near fall.

Ziggler goes for a Zig Zag but Barrett holds the ropes. Barrett hits a Blackpool Slam for a near fall. Barrett sets up the elbow for the Bullhammer but Ziggler with a rollup for a near fall. Ziggler goes for the DDT but Barrett pushes Ziggler away. Barrett with the Bullhammer for the three count.

Winner: Wade Barrett (Advances to face Sheamus in the Semi Finals)

After the match, Wade Barrett says that he is afraid that he’s got some bad news. Standing right here is Bad News Barrett. Mark his words, he is the next Intercontinental Champion.

The semi finals will see Rob Van Dam versus Cesaro and Sheamus versus Wade Barrett.

We have a Kane video package because the man behind the mask is back.

We go to commercial.

We are back and on Smackdown, Batista will face Sheamus.

Match Number Ten: Dean Ambrose, Seth Rollins, and Roman Reigns versus Alberto Del Rio, Jack Swagger, Fandango, Heath Slater, Jinder Mahal, Drew McIntyre, Titus O’Neil, Curtis Axel, Ryback, Alexander Rusev, Wade Barrett

They bring Slater into the ring and they surround him while the referee holds The Shield back.

Slater and Rollins start and Rollins with a kick and he punches Slater. Ambrose tags in and he punches Slater. Reigns tags in and he head butts Slater. Reigns with another head butt and he sends Slater into the turnbuckles and kicks Slater. Rollins tags in and he kicks Slater and runs his forearm across the face. Slater with a punch but Rollins with an enzuigiri and Barrett breaks up the cover.

Amborse attacks Barrett and the referee holds Ambrose back while Slater punches Rollins. McIntyre punches Rollins and he tags in Titus. Titus with a back breaker and he tosses Rollins aside and then he barks. Rusev tags in and he kicks Rollins and hits a series of elbow drops. Rusev with a head butt and he tags in Swagger. Swagger with a knee in the corner.

Ryback tags in and he presses Rollins over his head and hits a power slam. Ryback says something to Ambrose before returning to Rollins and he throws Rollins to the floor. Reigns with a spear to Ryback and everyone goes off the apron and we have a fourteen man brawl.

No Contest

Rollins with a flip dive onto everyone and then the Shield get into the ring while the remnants of their opponents are on the floor. The Shield fight off their opponents until the numbers get the better of the Shield.

The attack continues and Ambrose gets kicked in the head by Del Rio while Barrett punches Reigns and Rollins is worked over by the men in the ring.

Evolution’s music plays and Triple H, Randy Orton, and Batista make their way onto the stage.

Hunter tells everyone to leave the ring so they can finish off The Shield.

Orton kicks and punches Rollins while Hunter and Batista join in. Hunter takes control of the situation. Reigns fights off Evolution but Orton with an RKO to Reigns. Orton picks up Reigns for Batista to give him a Batista Bomb. Hunter punches Rollins while Batista kicks Ambrose.

Orton with a boot to Rollins’ midsection. Orton with an RKO to Rollins. Orton and Hunter punch Ambrose while Batista gives Rollins a Batista Bomb. Batista and Orton hit a combination Batista Bomb reverse RKO combination.

Hunter takes the mic and he tells Reigns to get up and show him. Orton and Batista hold Reigns and Hunter tells Reigns to Believe in Evolution. Hunter gives Reigns a Pedigree.

We go to credits.

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