Welcome to PWInsider.com's live, ongoing NYWC "Draw the Line" coverage from the NYWC Sportatorium in Deer Park, NY:
Welcome to PWInsider.com's live, ongoing NYWC "Draw the Line" coverage from the NYWC Sportatorium in Deer Park, NY:
Milk Chocolate came to the ring. Brandon Watts says that this is the event everyone has been waiting for. They began singing a song...badly. This led to Apollyon and Bill Carr, with Crusher Doogan, coming to the ring and running them off.
They returned to the ring and said they just found the elephants for their song, because that's all "these two fat f***s" are good for. Carr and Apollyon laid them to waste, destroying them and leaving them wiped out in the ring.
Entertaining opener. Milk Chocolate are young but have a pretty damn entertaining deal.
Jolly Roger vs. John Silver
They locked up and Silver began working over his arm. Roger reversed and they went back and forth working over the others' arm. Roger used a single leg takwdown and began working over Silver's leg but was kicked off and they faced off. They went back and forth with reversals until finally facing off again.
Roger backdropped Silver to the apron, then slid underneath, trying to powerbomb him to the floor. Silver stomped his chest and went for a dive but was hit with a forearm. Roger returned to the ring, but was tossed out and hit with a suicide dive to the floor.
Roger cut off Silver with a leg lariat and locked in a side chinlock. He controlled Silver and drilled him with a kick to the back of the head for a two count. Silver kicked him off during a charge and connected with a pair of hard clotheslines, but missed a cannonball in the corner for a two count. Roger locked in an arm submission but Silver reached the ropes.
Silver and Roger battled back and forth with stiff chops. They battled back and forth. Silver nailed a cannonball in the corner for a two count. Roger came back with a springboard elbow off the ropes for a near fall. Silver cut him off and set him in the ropes then dropkicked him in the back of the head.
Silver used a back suplex with a bridge for a two count. Roger cut him off with a clothesline but Silver kicked out at the last second. Silver drilled him with a kick to the head and a backstabber for the pin.
Your winner, John Silver!
Good match designed to give Roger some ring time. He's got some potential but is still working out the rough edges. It was nice to see Silver work a singles match as he's really underrated as a personality and talent. Nice way to "officially" kick things off and was Roger's best performance to date here.
NYWC Tag Team champions Stockage & Mikey Whipwreck vs. Matt Justice & Jesse Vain with NYWC Starlet champ Marti Belle
The champs came out with a chair and a chain, which Justice protested on the mic. He said that they put up with the cage match and all the stipulations but they are going to show they are athletes tonight and have a wrestling match. He said they are going to put those belts around their waists where they belong and challenged them to a match where if they did their hardcore stuff, they would be DQ'd and would lose the belts. The champions accepted.
They did some wrestling early, where Mikey had the chance to show he still had the skills, controlling Justice on the mat. Justice tagged out to Vain who caught Mikey with a snapmare and a clothesline. They worked over Mikey until Stockade was able to tag in. He ran roughshod over Vain, focusing his attack on Vain's arm.
Stockade went for a DDT but Vain escaped by holding onto the ropes. This allowed him to work over Stockade. He and Justice tagged in and out, working over Stockade. Justice dropped a knee across Stockade's face and used his leg to try and force the air out of the champ's body.
They challengers forced Stockade to the floor. Justice nailed a sliding kick to the outside, slamming him into the guard rail. Mikey protested but that only distracted the referee, allowing them to double team Stockade on the floor. Stockade was rolled into the ring, where Justice scored a two count.
The challenger continued to pick Stockade apart. Vain dove off the ropes but was caught with a powerslam. Stockade struggled to get to his corner and made the hot tag to Mikey, who worked over both challengers. He backdropped Justice and then did the same to Vain. He drilled Vain with a Russian Legsweep but Justice dropkicked him into the referee, wiping him out.
The challengers took out Stockade. Justice went to toss powder into Mikey's eyes but it was kicked into his own face. Mikey nailed Vain with the Whippersnapper but Justice nailed him across the back with a chair. Vain covered Mikey, but threre was no referee. Mikey nailed Vain across the back with a chair but the referee was that and DQ'd the champs.
Your winners and new NYWC Tag Team champions, Matt Justice & Jesse Vain!
The former champions destroyed the referee with chair shot after chair shot. The other officials tried to help but were tossed out as well.
Good back and forth match. It made sense that the villains would be the first ones to break the rules, but then the heroes would get caught as a way to further the storyline between the two sides.
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