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By Mike Johnson on 2013-06-21 23:44:00


The winner will have a Money in the Bank style title shot that he can cash in anytime in the next year for a chance at any time.

Number one is Damien Darling.  Number two is Jorge Santi. 

They went back and forth with Santi controlling the momentum in the ring.   A third guy came in and they worked over Santi.  Fourth out was Johnny Knockout, now wearing facepaint over part of his face.  He teased charging into the ring until he backed up and did a full sprint in.  Everyone fought each other.

Another Darling came out.  He teamed with Damien.  Wes Draven Turner was next out and hit some flashy offense.  Everyone battled.

The Patriot (Tom Brandi) was next out.  He clotheslined one of the Darlings out of the ring to the floor.   Whoever the next person was, he was attacked and laid out.  AJ Pann, the heelk riung announcer, came out dressed in a Ric Flair style robe, acting like he was going to wrestle.  Everyone battled.

Next out was Chris Masters.     They all battled.  Next out was Stone Cold ET who got a massive pop.  They all stopped and watched him do his deal on the ropes.    They all attacked him.  They trapped him in the corner and all took turns chopping the hell out of him.  

Pann was dragged into the ring and chopped.   Next out was VSK.   There were several eliminations, including Draven after he was sent into the ringpost.  Darling kicked off a  VSK charge in the corner.  Patriot was tossed out. 

Mike Bennett was next out.  Masters and ET went face to face, which was funny.  Masters slammed him.   He put the Masterlock on him, then dumped him to the floor. 

Out next was Alex Reynolds.   He and Masters teamed to thin the field of competition, throwing some more guys out.  It came down to he, Masters, Santi and Bennett.  Next out was EJ Risk.  They all battled,

Next out was Jimmy Wang Yang, now dressed as one of the Flying Elvis.   Everyone battled.  Sam Shields was next.   Everyone battled.  Masters was eliminated by a double dropkick from VSK and EJ Risk.  He tossed a chair into the ring out of anger.

Next out was Jason Gotti.     VSK battled back and forth with Bennett.   

Next out, out of nowhere, coming in from a side door, was The Sandman, who did his grand entrance,  He hit the ring and started caning everyone.    He got a MASSIVE ECW chant. 

Next in was Matt Striker, who was announcing.  He and Sandman went right at it.  He's wearing his sweater.   He went right after Sandman and choked him on the mat.

Next out was Tommy Dreamer.   Dreamer unloaded on Striker and clotheslined him over the top to the floor.   A bunch of wrestlers teamed on Sandman and tossed him out to the floor at the same time.  Everyone turned their attention to Dreamer, working him over.

After some eliminations, it was down to Reynolds, Dreamer, Gotti, VSK, Risk and Yang

Next out was Nick Jackson.   He trued to form an alliance with Yang, then nailed him and tossed him over.  Next out was Tony Nese.  He and Reynolds immediately went at it.  Nese and Dreamer held Reynolds' legs open so Risk could be whipped into him.

Next out was Paul London.   He battled with Risk.  Dreamer tried to toss VSK.  Petey Williams was out next.   London nailed him with a leg lariat.  Nese worked over Dreamer in the corner.  Williams and Jackson teamed up to work over Nese.

VSK and Dreamer tried to toss Jackson over.   Matt Jackson was out next.  The Bucks worked over Nese with some of their finishers, then shot him into Williams for a Canadian Destroyer.

Nese, VSK and Risk were tossed out.  London and Dreamer fought with the Bucks and Williams.   Out next was Bandido Jr.   He spiked Nick Jackson with a spinning DDT. Matt Jackson saved his brother, raking his back.

Williams went for the Canadian Destroyer on Dreamer, who escaped and nailed him with a piledriver.  Next out one.  The Bucks battled with Dreamer, who nailed them with a stunner and DDT at once.  He tried to suplex both Bucks to the outside but they escaped and nailed a double superkick on him to send him out.  They rolled under the ropes to work him over.

Out next was Jigsaw.  He hit a nice springboard rana  on Nick Jackson.  They drilled him with More Bang For Your Buck. Dreamer, who wasn't eliminated, pulled a ladder out from under the ring.  He tried to take out the Bucks but was sent through the ladder.

Out next was Jay Lethal, another surprise.   He clotheslined Jigsaw out.  He was backdropped to the apron by Bandido but returned to the ring with a sunset flip attempt.  He sent Bandido over the top to the apron and kicked him out.     He took the Bucks out and hit a pair of topes through the ropes on them.

Lethal and the  Bucks exchanged superkicks and clotheslines.   London, who was down, returned to the fray to help Lethal tossed the Bucks.  Williams drilled Lethal with a knee strike.    He and London battled on the apron..  He finally nailed London and knocked him off.  Lethal then dropkicked Williams off.

Dreamer, who was out on the floor, and Lethal are the last two.  Lethal brought him back out and nailed an axehandle off the ropes.   He went for another but Dreamer nailed him in the bread basket.     Dreamer peppered him with right hands.

Dreamer did the Hulk Hogan hulk-up and punches followed by a legdrop.  Lethal rolled out of the way and started acting like Ric Flair, then locked in a figure four.  He went to do it again but Dreamer kicked him off.  Dreamer did the Terry Funk spinning toe hold, which got a "Terry" chant.

Lethal kicked Dreamer, who almost went over the top.  He fought off Lethal.  Lethal went for the springboard elbow but Dreamer caught him and tossed Lethal over the top for the win.

Your winner, Tommy Dreamer!

Fun but long match.  Lethal and Sandman were fun surprises.


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