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By Mike Johnson on 2012-11-17 19:55:41
Raven came out and said that people probably wonder why he's here when he trashed the show the first time. He said that Extreme should have died when it did and it doesn't need to come back. He said no one needs to be here. He said that it was a revolution at the time and it can't be done again. He said that it was his genius that allowed Paul Heyman to do what he did.

Raven said that because he isn't lending his genius to it. He realizes that if you can't beat em, join 'em and he'll destroy it from the inside. He said that he'll do whatever he can and use whatever weapons he has to do it. He said that he was supposed to fight Gary Wolfe but Wolfe was "too much of a p***y" to show up, so now that he's explained himself, he's leaving.

Raven got all the way to the locker room when Stevie Richards came out and backed him back to the ring. Raven asked him what he has to say. Richards said he wanted to say what everyone is thinking, "shut the f*** up." He said that he's disgusted by Raven and said that Raven can still call him kid but he's a man and he's going to be the first Extreme Rising champion.

Raven said if that's the case, he's going to take the belt and spank Stevie the way he always has. Richards said that's the problem, he just wanted to take down something good and positive. He said that he's going to carry the company and do more than Raven ever did in his career. Richards said that they haven't wrestled since 1997. Raven said that he won. Richards said that he did, but isn't it time for a rematch.

Richards challenged Raven to face him in a Loser Leaves Town match, saying if he can't beat Raven, he doesn't want to be here. Raven accepted and began to walk out. Richards said he wanted the match right now. Raven said that if he does...and nailed Richards with the mic.

Raven vs. Stevie Richards

Raven said they aren't going to have a match but a fight. He choked Richards and beat him with a series of right hands in the corner. Richards came back with a series of right hands when a bunch of wrestlers hit the ring. They said it was the new Flock.

Richards began nailing Steviekicks and a Steviebomb. Raven disappeared from the scene. Richards asked where he was and said that when he's done, the fans will never, ever have to see Raven again.

Raven came out and said that people probably wonder why he's here when he trashed the show the first time. He said that Extreme should have died when it did and it doesn't need to come back. He said no one needs to be here. He said that it was a revolution at the time and it can't be done again. He said that it was his genius that allowed Paul Heyman to do what he did.

Raven said that because he isn't lending his genius to it. He realizes that if you can't beat em, join 'em and he'll destroy it from the inside. He said that he'll do whatever he can and use whatever weapons he has to do it. He said that he was supposed to fight Gary Wolfe but Wolfe was "too much of a p***y" to show up, so now that he's explained himself, he's leaving.

Raven got all the way to the locker room when Stevie Richards came out and backed him back to the ring. Raven asked him what he has to say. Richards said he wanted to say what everyone is thinking, "shut the f*** up." He said that he's disgusted by Raven and said that Raven can still call him kid but he's a man and he's going to be the first Extreme Rising champion.

Raven said if that's the case, he's going to take the belt and spank Stevie the way he always has. Richards said that's the problem, he just wanted to take down something good and positive. He said that he's going to carry the company and do more than Raven ever did in his career. Richards said that they haven't wrestled since 1997. Raven said that he won. Richards said that he did, but isn't it time for a rematch.

Richards challenged Raven to face him in a Loser Leaves Town match, saying if he can't beat Raven, he doesn't want to be here. Raven accepted and began to walk out. Richards said he wanted the match right now. Raven said that if he does...and nailed Richards with the mic.

Raven vs. Stevie Richards

Raven said they aren't going to have a match but a fight. He choked Richards and beat him with a series of right hands in the corner. Richards came back with a series of right hands when a bunch of wrestlers hit the ring. They said it was the new Flock.

Richards began nailing Steviekicks and a Steviebomb. Raven disappeared from the scene. Richards asked where he was and said that when he's done, the fans will never, ever have to see Raven again.

Extreme Rising Championship Tournament: Devon Storm vs. Sabu

Big Sabu chant.

Storm controlled early with a series of right hands and legdrops. He raked Sabu's face but Sabu kicked him and nailed a spinkick off the ropes for a two count. Sabu locked in a Camel Clutch.

Sabu nailed several big rights and whipped Storm into the corner. Storm reversed and sent Sabu in the corner. Sabu went up and over but was cut off by Storm on the apron. Storm used his boot to force Sabu's face into the ringpost and shoved him off the apron to the floor.

Storm followed him to the floor and whipped him into the guard rail. He nailed Air Sabu off a chair onto Storm against the rail. Sabu nailed a slingshot forward dive onto Storm outside. Sabu tossed him back into the ring and nailed a slingshot somersault legdrop onto Storm for a two count.

Sabu grabbed the timekeeper's table but Storm cut him off and placed Sabu on the table. Storm went to the ropes but was pulled down off the ropes. Sabu tossed him back into the ring, then hit a springboard into a tornado DDT for a two count.

Sabu began working over Storm's knee and leg, stomping and kicking away at it. Storm slipped through Sabu's legs, used a double leg takedown and nailed a series of legdrops. Storm continued working over Sabu, choking him against the ropes and nailing a Russian Legsweep. Storm came off the ropes with a big backwards splash for a two count.

Sabu fired back with a series of rights but was cut off with a sit down spinebuster and turned into a modified surfboard. Storm locked in a Dragon Sleeper but Sabu made it to the ropes. Storm went to the floor and retrieved a steel chair, then a piece of the guard rail. Storm bridged the rail across several chairs on the floor.

Storm returned to the ring, but was nailed and left out to dry on the ropes. Sabu nailed a legdrop off the ropes onto Storm for a two count. Sabu threw a chair into the face of Storm and set up for Air Sabu. He went for a splash off the chair into the corner but missed. Storm drilled him backwards into the corner with a chair, then nailed an overhead Northern Lights suplex onto the chair for a two count.

Crowbar brought Sabu back to the floor where he dropped him across a guard rail. He placed Sabu on the rail that was bridged across the chairs. He nailed a slingshot splash out of the ring onto Sabu. He rolled Sabu back into the ring for a series of two counts, then followed up with several right hands.

Storm nailed a series of right hands. Sabu cut him off on the top and nailed a standing hurancanrana into the ring. Sabu worked over Storm in the corner to set up Air Sabu. He nailed it with a big spinkick to the head.

Sabu nailed the Arabian Facebuster for a two count. He brought another table into the ring, then worked over Storm with kicks. He set up the table but was caught by a forward roll from Storm for a two count.

Sabu kicked Storm low and placed him face-first onto the table. Sabu nailed an Arabian Facebuster through the table on Storm. The crowd loved that and chanted "Holy sh**." Sabu covered Storm, who kicked out at the last second.

Sabu set up for the Triple Jump Moonsault but Storm tripped him up and nailed an inverted DDT onto a chair, then a second. Storm covered Sabu and pinned him. The crowd hated that.

Your winner, Devon Storm!

Good match and what you'd expect from these two - lots of crazy stunts.

Sabu received a standing ovation after the match. The crowd chanted, "Thank you Sabu." Coverage continues on Page 4!

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