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By Mike Johnson on 2012-04-28 18:35:58

Angel of The Baldies came to the ring.  Angel said that tonight was supposed to be about the legacy of ECW.  He said that he's tired of hearing about who was the best Tag Team champions.  He's tired of hearing about Taz, Raven and Sandman.  He's tired of hearing about Impact Players, Eliminators and Balls and Axl.   He said that Baldies were the best team in ECW history.  He said they were the baddest and its not their fault they were there at the end when the checks were bouncing like the Blue Meanie's stomach.  He said that he that if anyone wants to step to the plate and stand by him and prove who the baddest is, to come on out.  The crowd chanted, "Shut the f*** up."

The Gangsta's music played and out they came to the biggest pop of the night.  They trashed Angel.  Jack laid something over his nether-regions and trashed him with a stick.  He pulled out a claw that looked like Freddie Kruegers and dug it into Angel's head.  That got an ECW chant.

They pulled a table into the ring.   Mustafa worked over Angel.  They set him up on a table and were about to put him through it when Ruckus and Jeez hit the ring for save.  They worked over the Gangstas.  Jack fired back and brawled with Ruckus.  Angel worked over Mustafa as Jeez and Ruckus worked over Jack.  They finally walked off.

This looked like the start of a storyline. The angle didn't get over at all as the fans were chanting for "refund" and booing it after. A fan threw water on Jeez on the way out and Jeez had to be held back from murdering him.

Extreme Reunion attempted to reach out to Devito and HC Loc to get them to team with Angel.  Devito turned it down, citing health issues.  Loc was called too late to make it to the show.

Pitbull Gary Wolfe (with Christina Vicious) vs. Raven.

Wolfe took the mic and says that everyone knows Pitbull 2.  He said their brothers are watching above, especially Pitbull 2, waiting for him to kick the sh** out of Raven so let's get it done.  Raven came out with a new Flock, including a legitimately crippled guy who called him "Cripple H."  Raven began ripping on the legacy of ECW, saying reunions are for "f**s and morons."  He said that now ECW means "Extremely C**ty Wrestling."  The Flock attacked Wolfe.  Raven said he came here to mock how pathetic everyone is for not moving on and living in the past.  They all worked over Wolfe.

"Enter Sandman" began to play and out came Sandman for his grand entrance.  The Flock beat the crap out of Wolfe.  Sandman entered the ring and caned the entire Flock.  He was laid out and beaten with by a muscular guy in the Flock.  Wolfe and the muscle guy brawled.  Wolfe hit a sitdown slam and pinned him.

Yes, Wolfe pinned someone not even in the match to win.

Raven said this was pathetic and he needed a new Flock.  He walked out.

Sandman caned the hell out of Criple H and then he and Wolfe drank a bunch of beers.

Holy bait and switch Batman. Raven didn't even work. WTF. They draw over 2000 fans and one of the top names on the show treats it like a joke and doesn't work. Sad.

There was a small but noticeable "This show sucks". Ouch.

Coverage continues on Page Four.

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