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By Mike Johnson on 2011-05-14 18:25:00

IWGP Heavyweight champion Hiroshi Tanahashi vs. Charlie Haas

The crowd was very pro Tanahashi.

Some really good mat work early on. Haas shoulderblocked Tanahashi down but was caught with a series of armdrags. They went into reversals and the two faced off.

They went into a test of strength. Tanahashi forced Haas down but he made his way back to his feet. Haas used a leg trip to take him down and score several two counts while powering him down. Tanahashi bridged up to avoid the three counts then made his way all the way back to his feet. They went back and forth, then faced off.

Haas caught him with a kick and worked over his back. Tanahashi kicked him off during a charge into the corner and nailed a bodypress. Haas went to the floor and Tanahashi nailed a pescado to the floor.

Back in the ring, Tanahashi kicked away at Haas and nailed several uppercuts. Haas held onto the ropes to avoid a dropkick and nailed a back suplex for a two count. Haas grabbed a waistlock to pull the champion off the mat for a suplex attempt, then whipped him hard into the buckles.

Tanahashi rolled to the apron on the outside. He was slingshot into the ring, landing across Haas' back. That was pretty damn cool. Haas continued to beat Tanahashi with kicks and stomps to the back. They went to the floor, where Haas beat the champ and dropped him back-first across the guard rail. Haas continued the beating. Tanahashi returned to the ring at the 19 count.

Haas nailed a butterfly suplex and locked in a rear chinlock, using his knee to force pressure to the back of Tanahashi's spine as he reared him back. Haas choked him out against the ropes and began dropping himself down across Tanahashi's back.

The champion fired back with chops. Haas responded in kind and kneed him in the gut. He went back to a side chinlock. Tanahashi kicked Haas in the face as he rebounded off the ropes. Haas reversed a whip but was nailed with a leaping clothesline.

Tanahashi slammed him and ascended to the top for a flip into legdrop for a two count. He charged Haas but was caught with a belly to belly suplex. Haas kicked the champ but Tanahashi caught him and spun Haas to the mat. Tanahashi slammed Haas and went back to the top. Haas charged him with a big elbowsmash. He drilled Tanahashi with a series of headbutts and went for a superplex. Haas nailed it and covered Tanahashi, who kicked out at the last second.

Haas nailed the Olympic Slam. He locked Tanahashi into the Haas of Pain. Tanahashi fought his way to the ropes to force a break. Haas went for another Olympic Slam but Tanahashi reversed it in mid-stream and nailed a neckbreaker. He nailed a lariat, then went to the top for a frog splash. Haas got his knees up and covered him. Tanahashi reversed it into a crucifix for a two count.

Tanahashi went to the top and nailed a frog splash, scoring the pin.

Your winner and still IWGP Heavyweight champion, Hiroshi Tanahashi!

Very good back and forth match.

That's all from NYC!

We'll be back with live coverage tomorrow from Philadelphia, PA at New Japan closes out the East Coast Invasion tour!

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