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By Mike Johnson on 2019-12-11 16:58:00


 Mike Johnson Reporting

Welcome to's ongoing coverage of the 2015 CZW Cage of Death event from Voorhees, NJ, which you can order on iPPV right now at

Scramble Match for Best of the Best Tournament Spot: Pectoral Poseidon vs. Chip Day vs. Eddie Smooth vs. Desmond Xavier vs. Connor Claxton vs. Lucky Thurteen vs. Brittany Blake

Pectoral is Rex Lawless out of New York doing an Atlantis deal.  He's accompanied by two guys dressed in blue body suits wearing fish hats like you'd buy at an aquarium gift shop.  That's pretty damn funny.  Everyone chopped at him to no effect.  Claxton slammed the mat with his trusty wrench and everyone fell as if Thor had used his hammer.  Pectoral used his strength to throw everyone around.  Blake came off the top but Pectoral caught her and she kicked away at everyone.  He tossed her into the air and she caught someone with a nice tornado DDT.

Xavier was showcased with some nice kicks and a great leaping, spinning standing moonsault. Lawless and Thurteen went back and forth until Lawless nailed a great rana, which is impressive for a guy his size.  Smooth and Day then had a really nice back and forth sequence ending with Smooth nailing a German suplex.  He and Blake went back and forth.  She landed on his shoulders and snapped off a sick head scissors takedown into a double stomp.  

Everyone ended up in a BIG Tower of Doom which got a massive pop.  Blake looked like she came down hard on her tailbone.  Everyone was wiped out.  Blake hit a tope to the outside on several competitors.  Claxton teased a dive but instead threw his wrench at everyone and they went down.  Lucky hit a twisting dive to the floor.  Xavier went to the top but Pectoral drilled him with a running big boot.

Pectoral sent his minions over the top with stereo tope con hilos.  Pectoral then drilled everyone with a dive over the top.  Xavier went to the top rope and it an insane twisting inverted dive down on everyone from the ringpost.  That was nutty!   The place chanted, "CZW!"

Back in the ring, Lucky drilled Xavier with a nasty powerbomb over the knees.  Smooth wiped out Blake but missed a 450 splash.  Blake nailed him with a Canadian Destroyer.  Claxton grabbed her for a TKO but Pectoral pulled him up on the pinfall and worked him over.  Xavier and Day double teamed him, then went to work on each other.  Day caught him with a nice spinning kick.  Xavier drilled him with a kick and nailed a corkscrew splash for the pin.

Your winner, advancing to the Best of the Best, Donovan Xavier!

Really good opener with lots of crazy stunt dives and all sorts of frantic action.  Everyone had their chance to stand out and have a moment here.  Lucky has been working on his body and looked really good.  Pectoral Poseidon is so wacky and odd that it really enhances Lawless in the ring.  Claxton played his part well.  Blake is onto something as a performer although I fear she is so tiny she's going to be completely wrecked physically in a year.  She's a hell of a bumper and sort of reminds me of a younger, raw Rey Mysterio when she's doing big spots.  Athletically, she's very strong and is coming along well.  Donovan is going to be a player in a very short period of time and will be real popular among fans in that way AR Fox and Shane Strickland have become because he does crisp, fast aerial moves. Day and Smooth did very well as well. A good showing for all and if you like that spotty, athletic style of wrestling, this was done well. Overall, real entertaining.

They opened the show with Maven Bentley welcoming the U.S. Marine Corp. members in attendance for the national anthem and then thanking everyone for their Toys for Tots donations.  They announced that  a long-time CZW staffer was making his return after serving in the Middle East as well.

They announced CZW vs. SMASH Wrestling in Toronto on 1/16/16.

CZW Wired championship Joey Janella vs. Lio Rush.

They went back and forth with some really crisp back and forth wrestling and reversals early.  Rush is extremely gifted athletically, almost like a young Low Ki when it comes to come of his timing.  Janella, who is even more well rounded than a I remember, really plays a scuzzy heel well.  They battled to the outside, where Rush did a reverse rana off Janella's shoulders while they were on the apron.  That could have gone really badly but popped the crowd.

Back in the ring, Rush continued to work over Janella, as they exchanged stiff kicks and strikes.  Janella nailed a Fisherman's buster and Rush rolled to the outside to recover.  Janella nailed a standing moonsault off the top to the floor.  They battled to the apron, where Rush hit him with a suplex off the apron to the floor.  Seriously.  What the hell!  That was one of the nuttiest things ever.  The referee began counting them out and the crowdn chanted, "F*** your count."  They ran in at the nine count to save themselves.  The crowd chanted, "This is awesome."

Rush grabbed Janella and nailed an F5 for a two count.  He went to the top for a splash but was caught coming down  and locked in a Crossface.    Rush fought to get to the ropes.  Janella began beating the hell out of him with elbows to the neck and head before locking the hold back on.  Rush fought back and grabbed a chair, going for Air Sabu.  Janella nailed him and kicked him into the chair in a sitting position.  Janella went for a swanton but Rush moved and Janella destroyed the back of the chair.  THAT WAS NUTS.  He kicked up at two, which may be more than ridiculous.

Janella took Rush down to the mat and locked in the Crossface again.  Rush was able to maneuver himself over to where he was bridged backwards, covering Janella and the referee counted three.  The place EXPLODED.

Your winner and new CZW Wired champion, Lio Rush!

Just an incredible back and forth between these two.  Rush is going to be a name that builds himself into a commodity if he keeps this up.  Janella was just on point and perfect.  I think they went well beyond the call of sanity in this one but there's no argument that I was staring at the ring just mesmerized by what they were pulling off.  Two for two so far!


The Beaver Boys vs. The Amazing Gulaks

Lots of good back and forth wrestling early.  Rory mounted his brother's back to mock the Boys, so they nailed a double drop toehold and stereo dropkicks to the head.  Some nice chemistry between the two teams early on.   The Gulaks cut off Reynolds in their corner.   They worked over Reynolds and did some amazing acrobatic spots before Silver was able to tag in and work over Rory.  The Beavers prepared to flip over Rory but Drew returned to the ring and saved the day.  Silver was sent to the floor, where Rory nailed him with a flip dive.

The Gulaks keep doing all of these spots where they land on their feet and yell "Amazing!"  Now the crowd is doing it for them.   The Beaver Boys regained control and worked over until the Gulaks double teamed with a splash off Drew's shoulders, scoring the pin on Reynolds.

Lots of stuff here I couldn't recap but another really good match.

Your winners, The Amazing Gulaks!

Greg Excellent  (with Chrissy Rivera) vs. Tony Nese

Excellent catches Nese on a dive to the outside and drills him into the ringside barrier.    Nese fights him off on the floor, returns to the ring and nails a reverse flip dive to the outside.  Back in the ring, Excellent drilled him down with a stiff slap.  Nese went for a high cross bodyblock but was caught and dumped rudely over the top to the floor.

Excellent followed him to the floor and ripped at him, before tossing Nese back in.  Nese was covered but kicked out at two.  Excellent ripped at his face and left Nese for Rivera to choke against the ropes.   Excellent worked over Nese, which put him in the rare position of being the babyface having to fight from underneath and he used his chops and some kicks well in doing so.

Nese was able to get behind Excellent and took him down, then nailed a double stomp for a two count.  He went to lift Excellent but was drilled across the back.  Excellent nailed him with a big side slam for a two count.   Excellent worked him over with stiff shots until Nese leapt up with a progression of kicks, a suplex and a 450 splash off the top for a near fall.

Excellent caught Nese with a kick and a leaping Pedigree and scored the pin.

Your winner, Greg Excellent!

A slower paced match and one that had more of an old school burly heel vs. a flashier babyface.  It was a different style for Nese but I thought he did well.  Excellent, who had always been a comedy character here, is doing well as CZW builds him as a legit villain.  Solid stuff.

DJ Hyde vs. George Gatten

Hyde controls the match early.  Clean break in the corner and dares George to do something.    Hyde clotheslined him to the floor and worked him over.  Hyde ran him into the barriers on the floor.  He charged at Gatten, who flung a chair in his face.  Hyde returned to the ring.  Gatten tried to use a takedown but Hyde sent him into the ropes and hit a spear of sorts for a two count.

Hyde and Gatten got in each other's faces and spit in each other's faces.  Gatten chopped away at him and nailed a German suplex.  Hyde drilled him with a nasty T-Bone supex as yelled "F*** John Zandig."  He set up for a lariat but Gatten grabbed him and rolled him up for a three count.

Your winner, George Gatten!

The crowd loved Hyde losing but the match itself, they were pretty quiet for.   Hyde raised his hand after, then left the ring without incident.


CZW Tag Team champions Team Tremendous vs. BLK Jeez & Pepper Parks (with Cherry Bomb)

Dan Barry came out alone as CZW Tag Team champ Bill Carr is not here due to a last minute personal issue that forced him to pull out of the show last night.  Dick Justice is with Barry.  Barry cut an angry promo saying as such and saying he is a fighting champion and would defend.  They attacked him before he could finish and former CZW champion Sozio hit the ring with a Singapore Cane to make the save, so that's the match.

Carr's emergency is legitimate and came up late last night.

Sozio and Jeez battled back and forth.  Jeez caught him with a kick to the head and tagged in Parks.  Parks slammed him for a two count.    He was almost counted out but made a return to the ring.  Jeez continued working over him until Dan Barry made the tag.  He and Jeez fought on the ropes until Jeez was knocked to the ring and caught with a top rope splash for a two count.

Sozio and Pepper brawled.  Sozio went to come off the ropes with a missile dropkick but Pepper shoved the ref in the way and he got kicked HARD.  Parks went to use the CZW Tag belt on Barry but Dick Justice grabbed it.  Cherry Bomb lowblowed him.  Barry nailed a sitdown powerbomb on Parks but there was no referee to make the count.  Cherry grabbed Barry but he grabbed her good arm (her other arm was in a sling).  That allowed Parks to attack Barry.

They battled to the ropes, when Cherry revealed her sling wasn't legit and she nailed Barry in the back of the head with something she had hidden inside of it.  Parks nailed a KILLER superbomb off the top (almost Chris Candido-esque) and scored the pin.

Your winners and new CZW Tag Team champions, BLK Jeez & Pepper Parks!

Given the last minute circumstances, they had as good of a match as you could have asked for.  Good wrestling and the crowd, which was let down by the change, really got into the match as they went.  All things considered, good stuff.  The title change leaves things open for the rematch too.

I QUIT MATCH: Tim Donst vs. Joe "Chainsaw" Gacey

They brawled out of the ring and immediately to the floor.  They beat the hell out of each other while demanding that the other quit.  Gacey brought a chair wrapped in barbed wire into the ring and then drilled Donst across the back with another chair.  He began piling the chairs up and bridged the barbed wire chair across them.  Donst fought back and charged him but was hit with a drop toehold into the barbed wire chair and came out of that sequence bleeding, the first blood of the night.

Gacey grabbed a staple gun and began using it on Donst, trying to make him quit.  Donst refused so Gacey used it over and over and over again.   Donst refused.  Gacey put a bag of thumbtacks over his head and then DDT'd Donst.  No submission.  He poured tacks in his mouth and superkicked him. 

Donst made a comeback with an inverted chokeslam.    He tied up Gacey's wrists with barbed wire and began unloading on him with sick chairshots to the head and body.  Gacey refused to quit.   Donst bridged a piece of guard rail across the ring apron and the barricade.  He told Gacey to quit or he would kill him, then nailed a death valley driver through the barricade.  Gacey refused to quit.  Donst said that Gacey was going to die because of all those dumbass fans.  He told a little girl in the crowd that when she grows up she will know she killed Gacey.

He tossed Gacey back in the ring and drilled him with the barbed wire chair.  They battled on the top rope over the chairs butn Donst got caught and powerbombed through them.   They battled into the crowd and towards the hard camera.   He put Donst on the platform for the hard camera and Donst, realizing that this was no good, said he was quitting.  That made Gacey the winner.  Gacey grabbed him and tossed him off anyway, sending Donst through the announcers' table below.

Your winner, Joe Gacey!

Well, that was a brutal, evil brawl. 

ULTRAVIOLENT DEATH MATCH: Danny Havoc vs. Ricky Shane Page

They battled back and forth with Page being tossed into and hung up on the barbed wire, then splashed into it by Havoc.  They battled to the floor, where Page took some carpet tack strips and pressed it against Havoc's arm.  Ewww.  They battled on the floor into the aisle, where Page got the better of Havoc and nailed a dive to the outside onto him, crashing into a mass of chairs and debris outside.

Havoc kicked out at two but was drilled with a foreign object.   They battled back and forth until Havoc speaked Page through the rows of carpet tacks on one side of the ring.  Page got caught up in the barbed wire before crashing to the floor. Page, now bleeding, regained control and went for  DVDR off the apron to the floor.  Havoc slipped out and into the ring and drilled him with a trash can to the head.  He slammed Page off the apron through a flurry of chairs on the floor.

The battle continued until Page nailed a powerbomb through a barbed wire board on the floor.   Page used a carpet strip to the groin and chokeslammed Havoc on a trash can for a two count.  The crowd chanted, "Ultraviolence."  Page went for a DVDR onto another barbed wire board but Havoc escaped and nailed a German suplex onto it for a two count.

They pulled out a glass plate and continued the battle.  Havoc finally nailed a German suplex off a chair through the plate and scored the pin.  Wowzer.

Your winner, Danny Havoc!

Well, if you want something sick and depraved, you came to the right show.

After all that bloodletting, they shook hands. The gentleman's death match. The crowd chanted for RSP to come back.

David Starr came to the ring and demand Sami Callihan get out right now.   The lights went out and when they returned, Callihan was in the ring and they began brawling.  We have an official match.

Sami Callihan vs. David Starr

Everyone chanted "Welcome back."   Starr is sent to the floor and Sami hits a rapid fire dive to the floor.

Sami tossed him into the ring but is clobbered with a dive by Starr.  He worked over Sami who made a comeback and powerbombed Starr over the guard rail into the crowd.    Starr came back with a superkick to cut off Callihan on the floor.  He grabbed Callihan and dumped him over the guard rail into the crowd.

Starr brought Callihan back in and worked him over, then sent him back to the floor.   He went to chop Sami against the ringpost but Sami ducked so he hit steel instead.    Back in the ring, Callihan unloaded with several running bootscrapes to the face.  Callihan drills him with a twisting suplex for a two count.  He clotheslined Starr but misses with a Yakuza Kick.  Starr nailed him but can only get a two count.  The crowd rallies Callihan.

Starr continued to work over Callihan until he made a comeback and went for the Stretch Muffler.  Starr avoided it and nailed a straitjacket bridged suplex.  Starr began nailing right hands but Callihan fired back.  Starr nailed a discus punch.  Callihan came back and locked in the Muffler.  Starr was trapped and Sami continued kicking him until he was out and the referee called it.

Your winner, Sami Callihan!

Really hard hitting match.

Callihan demanded they cut his music.  He said that he was Sami Callihan, the Death Match.  He declared that David Starr was the future.  He said he doesn't agree with everything Starr does but he is a tough SOB.  Callihan told him that if he wants to climb to the top, he's going to find Callihan waiting, because he's the best wrestler in the world. 

Out came Jonathan Gresham who came out and said he's been representing CZW all over the world but doesn't even get a spot on the card.  He said that Sami comes back and gets a match.  He said CZW has lots of problems and a lot of them are politics.  He said that he's tired of this garbage.  Callihan challenged him to fight right now.

Gresham backed off and Callihan went to kick him and turned into Starr drilling him with a discus punch.  Gresham and Starr each cut promos, Gresham saying he would get Sami and Starr saying he was the one everyone should be paying attention to.

The Sami homecoming was going fine but the angles all being tossed in were probably not the best idea.

Cage of Death is being built.  Be back soon!

CAGE OF DEATH: CZW champion Matt Tremont vs. AR Fox vs. Devon Moore vs. Masada

They brought back former CZW ring announcer Larry Legend (aka Larry Mercer in ROH) to ring announce the main event to a huge pop.

bhatLots of brawling early on.  Tremont used a barbed wire bat on Moore.  Masada tossed FOX into a portion of the cage that is hanging down at a 45 degree angle.  It has glass panes in it.  He then grabbed Fox and powerbombed him through the glass pane and a table that was outside with glass exploding everywhere.  Well, that happened pretty damn fast!  Masada went to the outside and nailed Fox with a trash can lid to the head.

Moore and Tremont battled out of the cage on the other side and onto a platform set up next to the cage.    They slammed each other's heads into the platform and Tremont crashed down through a table below.  Fox was tossed in by Masada but Moore pulled Masada to the floor and they battled.  Fox hit a flip out o f the cage to the floor, taking out a board that was in the frame of the game with his feet as he flipped.

Everyone battled.  Fox went for a kick but got caught on the guard rail outside.  Masada nailed him then slammed Moore into the ring apron.  Fox nailed Masada and tossed Moore back into the cage.  He nailed him with a trash can lid.  The ring crew placed a NEW glass pane inside the cane.   

Masada slammed Moore on a barbed wire board roughly.   He ripped on Moore's forehead, which was now busted open.   A doctor came running out to check on Matt Tremont, who never got up after his big bump.   The crowd chanted for him and he finally rose to his feet but was dropkicked back down by Fox.

Masada was double teamed by Fox and Moore.     Fox set up a barbed wire board in the corner.   He tried to send Moore into it but it was reversed and Fox crashed through it as he flipped upside down.  The crowd chanted for Tremont.  Moore ripped at Masada's face.  Tremont got back up but was again kicked down to the floor.

Masada pulled out acupuncture needles and shoved them in Moore and Fox's head.  He covered Moore for a two count.    The crowd chanted for Tremont as Masada worked over everyone else.  Tremont, a bloody mess, finally returned to the ring and went face to face with Masada.  They exchanged blows with Tremont unloading and nailing a stunner for a two count.

They continued battling. Masada nailed him with a steel chair and then drove his face into the chair.  Masada picked up Moore and dropped him across and open chair.   Tremont and Masada jockeyed for position to see who would get the other with Tremont nailing a suplex across a chair.  Tremont nailed a kryptonite krunch variation.

Tremontwent outside for something under the ring.  Fox worked over Moore in the cage.  Tremont produced a batch of light tubes taped together and returned to the ring.  He nailed a sitdown Michinoku Driver on Fox.  He then nailed one on Moore.  He teased using the tubes but was stopped by Fox who placed him on the top and nailed a Flux Capacitor on Tremont onto the glass tubes.  That looked evil.

The carnage continued with Moore ripping at Masada with barbed wire.  He placed Tremont on a table in the center of the ring and went to the top platform.  Masada followed him up to the platform.  You know this won't end well.  Tremont is off the table and places the barbed wire board atop of it.  Tremont then went up to the platform.  Tremont was kicked down and slipped off, taking another fall off the scaffolding.  He began climbing back up.  All three battled on the platform.  This absolutely WILL NOT end well!

Masada overpowered the others.  Fox now began slowly climbing up.  Tremont nailed Masada and shoved him off with Masada taking that crazy bump through the barbed wire board and the table in the ring below.  This left Tremont and Moore battling as Fox opted to climb back down.  Masada got to his feet in time for Moore to be thrown off the platform and down into him.

Tremont was left alone on the platform and nailed a flying double clothesline into the ring onto Masada and Tremont.  Fox climbed up to the platform.  He nailed a big bodypress off the platform onto everyone and then returned to the platform.  He nailed a swanton off the platform onto Tremont and then went back to the top rope, hitting a 450 splash on the champ but Tremont kicked up.

Masada grabbed Fox and tossed him into the barbed wire.  Masada grabbed Moore and hit a DVDR through the glass pane in the hanging portion of the cage, sending him through another table below.  The nuttiness so nice they had to do it twice?

Tremont dared Fox to bring it and took an unprotected chairshot to the head.  Fox called for a table and one was presented to him by the ring crew.   The fans chanted for fire.  Yeah, uh, no.  He placed two chairs facing each other on the table.  He tried to place a glass pane on it but they couldn't get it to fit right.  Masada returned to the scene and laid out Fox, then put this structure of madness together.  One of the ring crew guys hit the ring to help but the second someone bumped, it all fell apart.  I'm having ECW bad table Sabu match flashbacks.

Fox trapped Tremont under this mess and went to the platform,.  Tremont is up and started shaking the scaffolding to keep Fox from getting his balance.  He made his way up.  The crowd chanted, "Please don't die."  Tremont got the better of their battle and dove off the platform with a sideslam through all that insanity, shattering table, chair and glass alike for the pin.

Your winner and still champion Matt Tremont!

An absolutely insane match.  I wasn't a fan of the unprotected chairshots.  Everything they are doing is dangerous enough without doing that as well and if they were missing, no one would care because they would still have all the nutty spots to pop them.  Let's retire them CZW.

Tremont celebrated and had an absolutely insane gash in his arm. Devon Moore took the mic and praised Fox, who the fans chanted for.  He then praised Tremont.  The crowd chanted for Tremont, then Moore.    The crowd then chanted for Masada. 

Tremont said that with God as his witness, they gave the fans Ultra fn' violence.  He said he's not a selfish champ and it makes more than one man to do what they do.  The crowd chanted CZW.  He said they were bleeding black and yellow (CZW colors) all day and they kept the tradition started in 1999 continued.  He closed out leading the fans in a cheer for CZW.

Well, that's all from Voorhees, NJ tonight.  Thanks for logging in with PWInsider tonight!

Combat Zone Wrestling will present the 20th Cage of Death event tomorrow 12/9 at the 2300 Arena in Philadelphia, PA, streaming live live for subscribers of The Highspots Wrestling Network.

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