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By Adolfo Acosta on 2007-09-30 14:09:13

WWE 24/7




The following is a recap of the two individual matches you can order in the WWE 24/7 Legends section with your VOD service.   The Wild Samoans are spotlighted.


The Strongbow Brothers VS The Wild Samoans

World Wrestling Federation Tag Team Championship Match

All-Star Wrestling

Allentown, Pennsylvania

March 8, 1983


The Samoans are the challengers and are managed by Capt. Lou Albano.  What was he a captain of anyway?   Was it like Capt. Mike Rotunda?  I digress.  The Strongbows are the champs and get a nice reaction from the crowd.   Your commentators are Vince McMahon and Pat Patterson.  Jules and Afa start things off.  The two criss cross the ropes, before Jules grabs Afa in a sleeper.   Afa breaks it by back in the corner.  Afa goes for an elbow drop, but Jules moves out of the way and tags in Jay Strongbow.   Jay comes in and blasts Afa with chops to the chest and head, then goes for the sleeper.  Sika from the outside pulls Afa to the outside to save him from the hold.   Back in the ring, Jay and Afa lock up, Afa shoots him to the ropes, but Jay shoots underneath Afa's legs and hits him with an arm drag, then tags out to Jules.  Boy… what a gut on Jay Strongbow.   Jules locks up with Afa, and Afa backs him into the Samoans' corner.  Sika tags and the two double team Jules.   Sika smashes Jules into the turnbuckle, then rakes his back.  Jules tags out to Jay, who gets attacked as well.  Sika shoots Jay into the ropes and elbows him in the sternum.   Jules tags back in, and nails Sika with forearm blows and punches to the head.  Sika backs into his corner and tags in Afa.   Sika holds Jules while Afa nails him with an axehandle.  Afa gouges at Jules' face, before shooting him into the ropes, but kicks Afa in the face when Afa ducks his head.   Jay Strongbow tags in and attacks Afa with kicks and a knee to the face.  Afa fights back with a chop, then smashes Jay's head into Sika's head.   Sika tags in, and punishes Jay with punches to the head.  Jay manages to tag in Jules, but the ref misses it.  Back in the Samoans' corner, they double team Jay with a double chop.   Afa tags in, but Jay gets away from him and Jules tags in.  Jules hits Afa with forearms and chops, shoots him into the corner and another chop.   He goes for the pin, but it's broken up by Sika.  All four men in the ring, Afa & Sika double headbutt Jay and send him over the top rope.   They shoot Jules into the ropes, and nail him with a double clothesline.  Sika lifts up Jules and hits the Samoan Drop for the pinfall at about 6 minutes.   Winners and new tag team champions:  The Wild Samoans! 


I love Vince's commentary afterwards:  "None made better champions than the Strongbow Brothers!... This is a sad day."



Hulk Hogan VS Sika

World Wrestling Federation Championship Match

Saturday Night's Main Event

Hershey, Pennsylvania

October 3, 1987


Before the match we get a Mr. Fuji interview.  Fuji says that Sika is ready.   His training regimen apparently includes biting the heads off of chickens.  Hogan is also interviewed, saying that both he and Sika are "kings of the jungle," but he's just a little hungrier… and all the Hulkamaniacs are surrounding the "jungle zone."   Uh… What?


Your commentators are Vince McMahon and Bobby "The Brain" Heenan.  Heenan predicts the end of Hogan's title reign due to an attack by the Hart Foundation and the Honky Tonk Man earlier on that particular edition of Saturday Night's Main Event.  


Onto the match, Sika immediately goes after Hogan and backs him into the corner.  Sika dominates him early, and takes him down and stomps him on the mat.   The ref backs him off, and while distracted, Mr. Fuji takes his cane and chokes Hogan out on the mat with it.  Sika continues the assault with chops to the head and kicks to the stomach.   Again the ref backs him off and Fuji takes an opportunity to strike him with the cane.  Sika runs off the ropes and goes for a diving headbutt, but Hogan moves and Sika eats canvas.   Both men get to their feet and Hogan blasts him with several punches, the clotheslines him out of the ring.  Sika regroups, charges off the ropes, but runs into a Hogan big boot… bodyslam, three-count!   Just kidding.  After the big boot, Hogan drops a couple elbows, picks up Sika and punches him several times.  Man, the crowd is ballistic for this stuff.  Kim-Chee, Sika's "handler" tries to interfere, but Hogan takes care of him.  However, Sika recovers and double throat chops Hogan… sending him to the outside.   Outside the ring, Sika tries ramming Sika into the ringpost, but Hogan reverses it and Sika smashes into the post.  Fuji tries to attack Hogan with a cane, but Hogan grabs it and goes to strike Fuji with it.  But another ref hits the ring and prevents Hogan from hitting Fuji.  Amidst all this chaos, we take a commercial break (not on 24/7, but on the original Saturday Night's Main Event).   Back from break, and order has been restored.  Sika charges at Hogan, but Hogan moves and Sika rams himself chest first into the corner.   Sika topples backwards and Hogan for a big splash, but Sika gets his knees up.  Sika in control now, Sika attacks Hogan with a headbutt and applies a chokehold.   Sika rakes Hogan's back, then chops him in the throat.  Sika again goes back to a chokehold.  The ref makes him break it, and Fuji again chokes Hogan while his back is turned.   Sika hits another throat chop and gets a 2 count.  Sika clamps on a nerve hold, while the crowd starts getting behind Hogan.   Sika powers him down again.  Sika keeps the hold on, and the ref checks the arm… it drops once, twice… but not a third time.  Hogan gets to his feet, breaks the hold, and takes Sika down with a shoulder block.   But it takes its toll on Hogan as well.  Sika is back on his feet and attacks him with more headbutts.  Heenan is classic on commentary:  "C'mon Sika… rip the head off that chicken.  Take a wing.  Have a drumstick on me."   Sika goes for the cover, but Hogan kicks out at 2… and starts Hulking up.  You know the drill here.  Sika punches Hogan as he Hulks up… Hogan shakes his head and body.   Sika punches him one more time, Hogan points the finger, punches Sika, bodyslam… legdrop… three count.  Fuji tries coming in, Hogan blasts him with a right hand.   Kim-Chee hits the ring, and gets an atomic drop for his efforts as the crowd eats it up.  Winner and still WWF Champion:   Hulk Hogan!


You can go ahead and skip the tag team title match… it's nothing special.  The Hogan/Sika match, however, is a lot of fun.   Yeah… it's a typical Hogan 80's match formula, but it's still a fun little match.  So skip the tag team title match, rent the Hogan match.

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