We are back and Fatu attacks stuff in the back while Solo tries to calm him down.
Solo tells Jacob it looked like . . .
Fatu wants to know what did it look like.
Solo says he was trying to help.
Fatu wants to know who he is trying to help. He says he doesn't want their help.
Match Number Three: Piper Niven (with Chelsea Green and Alba Fyre) versus Zelina Vega
Vega has some words for Piper and Piper pushes her away. Vega slaps Piper. Piper sends Vega into the corner but misses a splash. Vega escapes a slam attempt and Vega goes for an O'Connor Roll but Piper holds on to the ropes. Piper misses an elbow drop. Vega sends Piper into the turnbuckles and follows with a kick. Piper escapes a Code Red attempt and blocks an Irish whip. Piper with a shoulder and she sends Vega back to the mat as she drags her around the ring. Piper with another shoulder tackle. Vega kicks Piper and Piper sends Vega to the floor. Vega goes for a leg sweep and then she applies a rear naked choke and gets on Piper's back. Piper with a snap mare to escape. Piper with a boot to the midsection.
Piper goes to the turnbuckles but Vega pulls Piper off and Piper hits the turnbuckles. Vega with forearms. Vega goes to the turnbuckles for punches and Piper sends Vega to the apron. Vega kicks Piper and then she has some words for Green and Alba. Piper with a uranage. Green slaps Vega when Piper talks to the referee. Piper with a hard Irish whip. Vega with forearms and she goes for a cross body but Piper catches Vega and she slams Vega. Piper gets a near fall. Vega with forearms and Piper with another slam. Piper kicks Vega in the back. Piper with a Cobra Clutch. Vega avoids a clothesline and Vega with a rollup for a near fall. Piper with a shoulder tackle.
Piper sends Vega into the turnbuckles a few times. Piper gets a near fall. Piper returns to the Cobra Clutch. Piper with a head butt. Piper with a hard Irish whip. Piper with a forearm and she picks up Vega.for a slam but Vega with elbows to escape. Vega with a kick and she goes to the turnbuckles but Piper with a punch. Piper presses Vega over her head but Vega counters into a rear naked choke. Piper backs Vega into the turnbuckles to escape the hold. Vega with an octopus into a sunset flip for a near fall. Vega with a kick to Piper for a near fall. Vega with an uppercut and a running double knee strike to the back against the turnbuckles. Vega goes to the turnbuckles for Meteora and she gets a near fall.
Piper escapes Code Red but Vega with a drop toe hold to send Piper into the ropes. Vega goes for a Tiger Feint Kick but Piper gets up. Vega with a satellite DDT and then she knocks Green off the apron. Vega with a Tiger Feint Kick and she stops Fyre from the apron. Piper with a cross body for the three count.
Winner: Piper Niven
We go to commercial.
We are back with a look at the return of John Cena to Raw and what he had to say along with Cody Rhodes' appearance.
Randy Orton versus Kevin Owens is official for Wrestlemania.
Cathy Kelley asks Jade about her match against Liv Morgan.
Jade says Cathy knows how she feels. She says Liv wants to try her and she will show her. After she is done with Liv, all eyes are on you Naomi. This is a preview of what I am going to do to you.
We are back with the smoky video with the number 4.
Match Number Four: Liv Morgan (with Raquel Rodriguez) versus Jade Cargill
Jade with a boot to Liv when Liv charges at her. Liv rolls to the floor and Jade goes the floor and backs Raquel off. Liv grabs Jade from behind and Jade blocks a punch and punches Liv and sends her into the ringside barrier. Jade poses on the apron. Liv with a kick and Jade blocks obLIVion. Liv escapes. Jade misses a boot and she blocks a Codebreaker. Jade with a fallaway slam. Liv says she has had enough and she goes up the aisle. Jade follows and hits Liv with a forearm. They exchange punches on their way back to the ring. Liv avoids a splash in the corner and Liv with a hip into the corner. Jade blocks a knee in the corner and hits a power bomb for a near fall.
Raquel gets on the apron and Jade lets Liv get away. Liv with a lungblower and she sends Jade to the floor. Liv holds up the title belt and poses in the ropes. Jade rolls up Liv for a near fall. Liv with a drop kick for a near fall. Liv puts Jade in the ropes and she chokes Jade. Liv drop kicks Jade in the back. Liv kicks Jade in the chest. Jade with a back elbow and a boot. Jade misses a clothesline and Liv with a Codebreaker for a near fall. Liv with a reverse chin lock. Jade tries to escape the hold but Liv holds on. Jade backs Liv into the turnbuckles to get out of the hold but Jade runs into a boot. Liv with a suplex and she holds on for a second one and then holds on for the Third Amiga and hits it. Liv with an enzuigiri and Jade avoids obLIVion and Jade hits a German suplex.
Jade with back elbows and she sends Liv to the mat and follows with a kick. Jade with a splash into the corner. Jade with another splash into the corner. Jade with a spinebuster. Jade gets Liv on her shoulders for an F-5 and she gets a near fall. Jade sets for Jaded, but . . .
Naomi makes her way to the ringside area. Jade goes after Naomi and Naomi gets to the floor.
Jade blocks obLIVion and slams Liv to the mat. Naomi hits Jade with the title belt while Raquel distracts the referee. Liv with obLIVion for the three count.
Winner: Liv Morgan
After the match, Naomi attacks Jade and punches her. Naomi with a series of kicks to Jade. Naomi sends Jade out of the ring and into the announce table.
Cathy stops Drew in the back and she asks what is next with him and Priest.
Drew says he explained it so easily a five year old could understand. Priest will probably brag about winning a tag match against Drew tonight. Drew wants to know how he is wrong. He says to poke holes in his logic. He says Priest is as tough as he is stupid. Drew says he will be in London next week.
Drew walks up to Seth Rollins and Seth chuckles.
Coverage Continues on Next Page
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