Homicide Retirement Match: Outlaw Wrestling Champion Homicide & Bull James vs. Afa Jr. and Mike Santana
A lot of Homicide's proteges and associates from over the years from Jersey All Pro Wrestling, The LIWF, ROH and more are here, including Steve "Monsta" Mack, Julius Smokes, Magic, Grim Reefer, Steve Mack, Jay Lover, EC Negro, Louie Ramos and many more.
The crowd chanted for Homicide before his entrance.
They changed "187" before the ring announcements.
Afa and Bull started. Santana and Homicide tagged in and faced off. They battled back and forth on the mat, reversing holds before facing off. Homicide kept running Santana ragged. Bull tagged in and Santana tagged out to Afa. They teased dissension with Afa and Santana. Afa drilled Bull with a series of rights in the corner. Santana tagged in and suplexed James. James was worked over as Homicide waited for the tag.
Homicide made the tag and hit an overhead belly to belly on Santana. He locked on the STF but Santana struggled to the ropes. Homicide nailed a suplex on Santana and DDT'd Afa who popped up. Homicide hit a swinging DDT off the ropes. He went for a piledriver but Santana got involved. Homicide blocked an Ace Crusher but was hit with a DVDR. Homicide nailed a Crusher for a two count. Afa went to hit him with the Outlaw title belt, but Bull get involved. Bull was nailed. The referee called for the DQ.
Homicide took the ring mic and yelled no. He said he came here to fight. He demanded they make a No DQ match right now. The ref rang the bell. Here we go again!
Everyone battled. Santana got splashed in the corner. Afa nailed Bull with a Samoan Drop. Afa splashed Homicide for a two count. Afa nailed a Samoan Drop on Homicide for another two count. Santana turned on Afa and hit a lariat. Bull hit a Doink Drop. They tossed Afa into a Homicide Ace Crusher for the pin.
Your winners, Homicide and Bull James!
Homicide hugged Kevin Keenan, the referee. The entire roster and lots more came out on stage to pay tribute to Homicide.
Homicide embraced Bull, then Santana. He hugged Julius Smokes, then Jay Lover from JAPW.
Bull announced Homicide as the forever champion for Outlaw Wrestling.
Bull said he just wanted to thank Homicide. He said Homicide has been the heartbeat of professional wrestling for the last 31 years in the Northeast and will be forever because of the people he trained and everything they've done. He said Homicide is their forever champion and the first inductee into the Outlaw Wrestling Hall of Fame.
James said there was a problem, they didn't have a plaque so instead he placed a call to El Paso and brought out Homicide's trainer Manny Fernandez, who had the plaque.
Fernandez said that this business and profession was brought on to him by some great human beings. He did what he could to pass on the knowledge that Terry Funk schooled him and taught him with and gave it to Homicide. Terry Funk said if you watch Manny Fernandez, he gets his business correct 90% of the time. Everything that he taught, Homicide gets rights 98% of the time and that's why the people love him. He thanked everyone for being there for Dee (Homicide's nickname). He joked he was 70 years old and would still smack the sh** out of Ric Flair. He thanked everyone.
The crowd chanted "Thank you Homicide."
Santana took the mic. He said he grew up in front of a lot of you guys. Everyone knows I was cut from a special cloth that Homicide created. Aside from the pro wrestling sh**, when Satana was in the deepest part of his life when his father died, Homicide showed up at midnight and he was there when Santana cried and screamed and stood there and hugged him. There are 3 people who called him when Santana was in the worst place in his life and he was one of them. He's in debt to Homicide for everything he's able to do in his career. Homicide's legacy is cemented for "f***ing forever." He said Homicide can leave today, tomorrow or ten years from now but he'll always be the Notorious 187, Homicide. He said that everyone in the building gave him the energy and passion and life so that he can get up every day and be there for his daughter. Homicide gave and gave and gave and now it's time for him to receive. He will be forever the Notorious 187 Homicide.
The crowd chanted for Homicide.
Santana said that for everyone he inspired and mentor, Santana wanted to thank him for everything.
Homicide took the mic and thanked everyone in the match. He thanked Bull for having him here. He said that it's been an honor to be in the locker room with all of these people, to the point that they don't even understand. They are all the future and are going to f*** sh** up. He thanked everyone for 31 years of a lot of bullsh**. It's been an honor and a blessing. He loved everyone and thanked everyone. Homicide was kind enough to shout me out, which means the world to me and I thank him for that. He said he wanted to talk a bunch of sh** and they played Frank Sinatra's New York, New York (which plays at Yankee Stadium when they win) and he closed with F*** the Mets. If you are from NYC, you'd understand.
Homicide spent a lot of time in ring embracing a ton of people from the promotion as well as his former proteges. He then spent forever making his way around the ring greeting fans before finally heading to the back, a career complete.
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