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By Richard Trionfo on 2024-10-21 22:00:00

Ivar says there have been setbacks but they continue to rise.  They move into the future without fear.  They look to their ancestors, the Viking warriors of the past.  They crossed oceans conquering everything in their path.  They have conquered too.  Your time to run and hide has ended.

Raquel says she needs to find Rhea but Liv says she needs to focus on Nia while Finn and JD have to worry about the tag titles.  Finn says he wants to make sure that Priest doesn't get another title match.  Dom asks about what happens when he wins the title and Carlito laughs.  Raquel asks him what does he bring.  

Carlito says he will talk to Pearce about getting Dom a match.

Trick Williams is in the crowd.

Match Number Three:  Rey Mysterio and Dragon Lee (with Zelina Vega) versus Julius Creed and Brutus Creed (with Chad Gable and Ivy Nile)

Julius and Lee start things off and Julius with a front face lock.  Julius with a wrist lock.  Lee with a reversal and chop.  Julius blocks a wheelbarrow move and Lee with a sunset flip for a near fall.  Lee with a drop kick and Rey tags in.  Rey with punches and Lee with a back heel kick.  Rey with a kick and Lee with a drop kick to the knee.  Rey with a drop kick for a near fall.  Julius with a dead lift into a suplex on Rey.  Brutus tags in and Julius sends Brutus onto Rey with a gutwrench suplex and he gets a near fall.  Brutus with a hard Irish whip to Rey.  Brutus with forearms to Rey.  Julius tags in and Brutus with a full nelson but Rey kicks Julius and sends Brutus to the floor.  Rey gets on Julius' shoulders and he sends Julius over the top rope to the floor.  Lee with a suicide dive.  

We go to commercial.

We are back and Julius with an overhead belly-to-belly suplex on Lee.  The straps come down as Lee goes to the apron.  Julius with a dead lift superplex for a near fall.  Julius with a reverse chin lock.  Julius presses Lee over his head but Lee with a rana to send Julius into the ring post.  Brutus and Rey make the tag and Rey with a head scissors and a second one to Brutus.  Rey is sent to the apron and Rey with a shoulder and kick.  Rey goes up top and hits a seated splash.  Rey with a forearm to knock Julius off the apron.  Rey with a tornado DDT to Brutus for a near fall.  Rey with a kick and Brutus catches Rey on a quebrada attempt.  Julius tags in and Brutus with a moonsault followed by one from Julius for a near fall.  Lee sends Brutus to the floor.

Lee goes up top and Julius tries for a superplex but Lee sends Julius into the tree of woe followed by a double stomp and a suicide dive.

Chad gets on the apron to stop Rey from hitting a 619.  Zelina hits Chad with a flip flop and then Vega with a rana to Ivy.  Julius sets for a power bomb but Rey with a rana to send Julius into the ropes.  Rey with a 619 and Lee tags in and goes up top and hits a frog splash for the three count.

Winners:  Rey Mysterio and Dragon Lee (advance to Triple Threat match against War Raiders and The New Day)

Pearce is with Iyo and Kairi.  Pearce says he will talk to the other GMs about what happened and they will have a solution.

Carlito enters and he says that Pearce is looking for a new opponent for Gunther and he suggests Dominik Mysterio.

Pearce laughs and he asks Carlito if he is serious.

Pearce says Dom hasn't done anything to earn the opportunity and he wants to know why Dom isn't asking for the match.  Carlito says he is trying to fix the problem.

Pearce tells Carlito to tell Dom if he can beat a former World Champion then he will consider giving Dom a title match.

Jackie is with Bron and she asks him about his confidence going into the match with Jey preoccupied with his family.

Bron says he didn't come here for a cheeseteak.  He came for the IC Title.  He says he respects Jey but he is focused on his family drama and that is why he is going to get his title back.  He says he is a bad ass and he is going to do what a bad ass does.

We go to commercial.

We are back and Cathy is with Gunther.  She asks him about Cody's invitation to appear on Smackdown.

Gunther says he brings the people closer into his business matters.  He didn't have to mention his daughter.  It does not have to do anythiing with his family.  It has to do wtih two generational champions trying to prove who is best.  Gunther says Cody is one of many while Gunther says he is one of one.  He says he will be in Brooklyn on Friday.

Damian Priest shows up and he tells Gunther he has no issue with him any more.  He is done with the Judgment Day and he should get what he never should have lost.  He says he will earn it and when he gets back from Crown Jewel, he will have a problem with Priest.

Gunther tells Priest good for him.

Match Number Four:  Jey Uso versus Bron Breakker for the Intercontinental Championship

Jey with a punch and Bron punches back.  They go back and forth.  Bron with an Irish whip and Jey floats over and punches Bron.  Jey clotheslines Bron over the top rope to the floor.  

We go to commercial.

We are back and Bron chokes Jey in the ropes and bounces him on the rope.  Bron sets for a suplex on the apron but Jey blocks it.  They go back and forth and Bron decides to run Jey into the ring post.  He does it again.  Bron with a lungblower on the apron and Jey falls to the floor.  Bron sends Jey's head into the apron and then rolls him back into the ring.  Bron with a hard Irish whip to Jey.  Jey with punches and Bron catches Jey on a cross body and he hits a slam and then does push ups.  Bron with a punch.  Bron with a moonsault.  Jey punches and the spit punch.  Jey is sent to the apron and Jey with a kick from the apron.

Jey goes up top and Bron stops Jey.  Bron goes for an overhead belly-to-belly superplex but Jey pushes him off the turnbuckles.  Bron with a Frankensteiner from the turnbuckles.

We go to commercial.

We are back and Bron goes to the turnbuckles and he sets for a superplex but Jey knocks Bron off the turnbuckles and hits a spear for a near fall.  

Solo Sikoa, with merchandise is joined by Jacob Fatu at ringside and he has seats for tonight's show.

Jey sits on the apron and then he walks over to his brother and his Fatu.   Jey wants to know what is he doing here and Solo says he is trying to help him.  Jey punches Bron when Bron tries to attack him.  Bron sends Jey to the floor.  Bron tries to send Jey into the ring post but Jey reverses it and he sends Bron into the ring post.  Jey super kicks Tonga Loa and then Tama Tonga tries to attack Jey and Jey with a super kick.  

Solo, a ticket holder, trespasses over the ringside barrier and he tells Jey he is trying to help him.  Bron sees what is going on and Bron tries to spear Jey but he hits Solo instead when Solo pushes Jey out of the way.

Fatu stands and watches while Bron connects with a jumping knee.  

Fatu trespasses and the straps come down for Bron and he gets in Fatu's face.  

Jey with a suicide dive into both men.  Jey sends Bron back into the ring and Jey goes up top.  Bron gets his knees up on a frog splash by Jey.  Bron goes for the WARP Spear and Jey with a leap frog and a few super kicks.  Jey with a spear and he goes up top and hits the frog splash for a near fall.  

Tama and Loa get on the apron and Adam Pearce and officials send them to the back.

Jey sets for a running spear to Bron but Fatu with a super kick to Jey followed by a Samoan drop onto the announce table because the referee was looking at what was going on in the match.   Fatu carries Solo to safety.

Bron rolls Jey into the ring and Bron with WARP Spear for the three count.

Winner:  Bron Breakker (new champion)

We go to credits

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