RIP Joe Koff!
— Dave Lagana (@Lagana) October 15, 2024
A thread on the deep impact he had on my career, what a friend he was and the impact he had on those around him.
I first met Joe Koff on the day it was announced Sinclair Broadcasting was purchasing (aka saving) Ring of Honor in May of 2011.
— Dave Lagana (@Lagana) October 15, 2024
He helped keep me afloat with a consulting agreement as we worked on a more formal role in new company. He was always a man of his word!
No matter what wrestling company I worked for or life event that ever happened... Joe Koff always took my call!
— Dave Lagana (@Lagana) October 15, 2024
Without Joe Koff - ALL IN would not have happened how it did.
He did not have to agree to let the NWA be a part of it.
But he did!
Without Joe Koff - the 2019 Crockett Cup looks vastly different. Using ROH production & crew for this show helped cement the NWA's place in the marketplace.
— Dave Lagana (@Lagana) October 15, 2024
Joe Koff didn't have to do that - but he did!
After the success of NWA Powerrr, Joe Koff allowed more cross-promotion and talent exchanges with ROH.
— Dave Lagana (@Lagana) October 15, 2024
Joe Koff didn't have to do that - but he did.
Over the last 4 years, when I needed advice or just to talk, he always was there for me.
— Dave Lagana (@Lagana) October 15, 2024
Joe Koff was a gentleman, a true businessman and I hope one day history really shines a light on the good he did for so many of us.
Thoughts and prayers with Joe's family!
More on Page 3.
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