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By Richard Trionfo on 2024-09-20 22:00:00

Your announcers are Michael Cole and Corey Graves.

We begin with a look back at last week's Smackdown when Cody Rhodes successfully defended the Undisputed Title, but was unable to end his involvement with the Bloodline.

We will see footage of Cody Rhodes and Roman Reigns when they met last night in Atlanta.

The Bloodline ignores the procedure for going through the metal detector and Jacob Fatu beats them up.

Match Number One:  LA Knight versus Andrade for the United States Championship

Andrade offers his hand at the start of the match and Knight shakes it.  They lock up and Knight with a wrist lock but Andrade with a single leg take down.  Knight with an inside cradle for a near fall.  Knight avoids the Message while Andrade avoids a BFT.

We go to commercial.

We are back and they exchange chops with Andrade gaining the advantage until Knight blocks a chop and he punches Andrade.  Andrade with a kick and chop.  Knight with an Irish whip and Andrade does the Flair Flip.  Andrade with a punch and he goes up top and hits a cross body for a near fall.  Andrade with a reverse chin lock.  Andrade with a shoulder tackle but Knight with a back elbow and Andrade rolls to the floor.  Andrade pulls Knight to the floor and Andrade kicks Knight and tries to send him into the announce table but Knight blocks it and he connects with an elbow and he bounces Andrade's head on the announce table many times.  Knight with a slingshot shoulder tackle and he gets a near fall.  Knight with shoulders in the corner.

Knight with an Irish whip but Andrade sends Knight to the apron.  Andrade follows Knight to the apron and Knight with a punch and he gets Andrade on his shoulders but Andrade escapes and he sends Knight into the ring post.  Andrade goes up top and he hits a moonsault onto Knight on the floor.  Andrade runs Knight into the ringside barrier.  Andrade kicks Knight and the referee warns him.  Knight with an inside cradle for a near fall.  Andrade with chops and a belly-to-back suplex for a near fall.  Andrade with a reverse chin lock.  Knight with a punch but Andrade with a knee to the midsection for a near fall.  Andrade pie faces Knight around the ring.  Andrade with punches and kicks.  

Knight with punches and a discus clothesline.  Knight goes for a belly-to-back suplex but Andrade lands on his feet and he chops Knight.  Andrade with a flying forearm and both men are down.  Andrade with kicks in the corner and he sets for the double knee strike and he misses when Knight moves.  Knight with a DDT and he gets a near fall.  Knight with kicks in the corner and he hits a running hip into the corner.  Knight sends Andrade sternum first into the turnbuckles and Knight with a neck breaker for a near fall.  Knight puts Andrade on the turnbuckles and Knight follows him to the turnbuckles.  Andrade with elbows to knock Knight to the mat.  Andrade sets for the AndradeSault and hits it for a near fall.  

Andrade with a running double knee strike into the corner for a near fall.  Andrade avoids a press slam and he gives Knight a DDT.  Knight with a power slam.  Knight goes to the turnbuckles for a double jump elbow drop and then he goes for BFT but Andrade escapes and gets a near fall with a rollup.  Andrade with a back elbow and he gets a near fall.  They fight to the turnbuckles and Andrade with a head butt to send Knight to the mat.  Knight leaps to the turnbuckles and Andrade pushes Knight away.  Andrade misses a missile drop kick and Knight with BFT for the three count.

Winner:  LA Knight (retains championship)

After the match, Knight and Andrade exchange some pleasantries and they shake hands and Andrade raises Knight's hand.

We take a look at how we got our women's tag match tonight.

Tiffany is talking to Nia about getting her nails done and how she talked about what is going to happen tonight.  Tiffany says it will be great to never have to see Bayley or Naomi tonight.

Nia reminds Tiffany that since Bayley and Naomi are going after her title, if they lose, Tiffany might want to leave Smackdown.

We go to commercial.

We are back and Andrade walks in the back and he bumps into Carmelo Hayes and he wants to know what that was and that he hasn't seen a choke like that since the Kings against the Lakers.  He tells Andrade that he is washed.

Andrade attacks Hayes and officials show up and try to get things under control.  

We take a look at what happened last night when Cody Rhodes and Roman Reigns were in the same football stadium at the same time.  We see Roman's entourage driving into the stadium.  Cody shows up by himself.

They stand on the 50 yard line and stare at each other.  

Roman says that this ground is his.  Years ago, he shed blood, sweat, and tears on this field many times.  This is his field.  If this is his field, that means it is his stadium.  If this is his stadium, it is his city.  He asks what has Cody done for his city.

Cody says seven cars is subtle.  Cody says that Techwood Studios is on the other side of the stadium.  The Omni used to be in this city.  His family has bled in this city and for this city.  You played football here, but you went to the beach.  This might be your stadium, but this is his home.

Roman likes that.  Roman wants to get down to the facts.  You signed your way into a lose lose situation.  You have everything to lose and you are dealing with a situation with people who have nothing to lose.  They took Jimmy from him.  They took his Wise Man.  They took his Bloodline.  They took his Ula Fala.  He has nothing to lose.  There is no weight on his neck.  It is on yours.  Roman says he is a man with no country.

Cody asks Roman if he is supposed to be surprised.  Cody says that he would be standing here like this, a chief without a tribe.  They took everything from you.  You have nothing to lose?  Cody tells Roman to look around WWE.  They have a tribal chief and it isn't you.  We have a WWE champion and it isn't you.  If you can't beat your own bloodline, who is standing here right now?  It is not the biggest box office attraction in the history of WWE.  It is not the guaranteed Wrestlemania main eventer.  It is the guy they used to call Roman Reigns.  

Roman asks Cody what does he want.

Cody says he wants Roman's word.  He wants Roman's word that he will have his back so Cody can have Roman's.  

Roman thinks about it and he gives Cody his word.  Roman says he will have Cody's back.  Roman says when it is all done, he's taking back what's his.

Cody cuts off Roman as he tries to leave and Cody says it isn't Roman's to take.

Roman tells Cody he is in his way.  He is in his way in life.

Roman walks to his many vehicles.

Kevin Owens is in BACK watching MONITOR.

Byron asks Kevin about what we just saw.

Kevin says nothing and walks away.

We go to commercial.

We are back and Kevin is sitting in the back.

Match Number Two:  Apollo Crews versus Giovanni Vinci

They lock up and Vinci with punches and kicks.  The referee warns Vinci.  Vinci with European uppercuts and chops.  Crews with a chop and forearms.  Vinci with an Irish whip and Vinci blocks a boot in the corner and hits a short arm clothesline.  Vinci punches Crews.  Vinci slams Crews into the ropes a few times to work on the leg.  Vinci with a third slam into the ropes.  Vinci goes for a power bomb but Crews counters with a rollup for the three count.

Winner:  Apollo Crews

After the match, Vinci kicks Crews in the head and sends him into the ringside barrier.  They return to the ring and Vinci with a brainbuster.

Vinci slaps Crews in the head.

Byron walks up to Kevin again in the back and he asks for a comment.

Kevin says if he is going to talk about it, he will do it out there.

We go to commercial.

Coverage Continues on Next Page


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