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By Richard Trionfo on 2024-07-19 21:58:00

We are back and Nick Aldis is in the ring and he says it is his job to deliver the biggest and best matches.  He has a contract that has already been signed by him and one of the participants for the United States Title Match at SummerSlam.  All he needs is the champion's signature.

Nick brings out LA Knight first.

Out next is Logan Paul.

Logan looks at the contract and then he asks everyone why would he give this dude a shot at his title.  

Knight tells Logan he talks about there is no reason for Logan to face him and maybe Logan is right.  He can take a walk and they can think about it later.  Knight says you might want to reconsider because every time they have been face to face, he has owned and cooked Logan.  Knight mentions last year he gave Logan a map where he could stick every bottle of Prime.  You have become the US Champion.  He says he can't take that away from Logan.  You are the guy around here as long as you hold that title.  Knight says he feels it is time for his shot and he asks for it and you say no.

Knight says he shows up at Logan's house and what does that do?  It got him a Money in the Bank qualifying match.  In that match, he pinned Logan's shoulders to the mat.  Knight says what he wants is on Logan's shoulder.  He has gone around the world to try to get him to sign the contract.

Logan calls Knight 'Shaun' and he says Knight needs this match while Logan says he doesn't need the match.  Logan says they are not the same.  The difference is that your entire existence is defined by what he does in the ring.  When he is not in the ring, he is interviewing former presidents, creating businesses, and starting a family.  You are very good at what you do.  Logan says he likes the catchphrase bodybuilder gimmick.  You don't think or look like him.  When your entire existence is defined by what you do in the ring, you have not had a moment in the last twenty years.  You pretend to be the Rock.

Knight says he has never heard that before.  You talk about the US title and you talk about frauds.  Knight wants to bring up frauds.  You walk around with the title and you are a fraud pretending to be the US Champion.  You haven't signed a contract.  Your brother is willing to jump into the ring with Mike Tyson but you don't have the balls to jump into the ring with him.

Logan says if Knight wants this match, he will sign the contract and give him the shot at glory.  

Logan signs the contract.  After he beats Knight, he will have nothing.  He says Knight has nothing of value.

They bump each other and they push each other while Nick separates them.

Logan leaves the ring and then he gets back into the ring but Knight stops Paul and punches him.  Logan has a punch blocked and then Logan avoids BFT and gets out of the ring.

Corey mentions the Money in the Bank contract and the current briefcase holder, Tiffany Stratton.

She says when you are Tiffany Stratton, perfection comes easy.  She says she is the center of the universe and everything goes her way.

We are back and Santos and Elektra stop LA Knight in the back and he says he must be so proud to have a title match.  He says that Knight pinned Logan at Madison Square Garden.  Santos reminds Knight that he was in that match too and if it was one on one, it would have been different.

Knight suggests they talk if they want to do something before SummerSlam.

Santos says Knight facing him before his title match might not be the smartest thing to do.

Match Number Three:  Tiffany Stratton (with Nia Jax) versus Michin

They lock up and Tiffany sends Michin to the mat.  Michin with a rollup for a near fall and a drop kick.  Michin with a leg sweep in the corner and she hits a cannonball.  MIchin with a rollup for a near fall.  Michin with kicks and Tiffany goes to the floor.  Michin chases after Tiffany and Tiffany hides behind Nia.  Tiffany with a forearm when Michin and Nia exchange words.  Tiffany with an Alabama Slam on the floor.

We go to commercial.

We are back and Tiffany with knees and a take down.  Tiffany goes to the apron for a hesitation slingshot senton for a near fall.  Tiffany with a handspring back elbow into the corner and she gets a near fall.  Tiffany with a cartwheel into an Alabama Slam attempt but Michin counters with a rollup for a near fall.  Michin with a back slide for a near fall.  Michin with a back elbow and kicks followed by a drop kick.  Michin with a clothesline and a chop.  Michin goes for a tornado DDT and its it for a near fall.  Tiffany with a running hip against the ropes and a running double stomp for a near fall.  Tiffany puts Michin on the turnbuckles.  Michin knocks Tiffany off and hits a missile drop kick.  Tiffany goes to the floor.  Michin sets for a dive to the floor but Nia grabs Michin by the ankle.  Michin kicks at Tiffany and Tiffany with a kick from the apron.

Tiffany with a Finlay Slam and the Prettiest . . . maybe not because Tiffany sees Bayley in the crowd.  Bayley sends Nia into the ringside barrier.  Bayley hits Nia with the briefcase and then she tries to destroy it.

Tiffany is throwing a fit while Bayley destroys it.  Michin with a rollup for the three count.

Winner:  Michin

After the match, Bayley gives Tiffany back what is left of the briefcase.

The Bloodline are in DARK OFFICE.  

Solo says life is so good when you are the Tribal Chief on the Island of Relevance.  It is so busy.  We never have a moment to themselves.  He is not talking about who will be Cody's tag team partner.  He wonders who will disrespect the Bloodline by teaming with Cody.  Did you see what we did to Randy last week?  If you are with Cody, you are against us.  Tonight better be a handicap match or someone will pay the price.  He says he is the Tribal Chief and you will acknowledge him.

We go to commercial.

Next week, we will have a six team Number One Contender's Gauntlet Match for the tag titles.  Santos Escobar faces LA Knight.  Tiffany Stratton and Nia Jax face Bayley and Michin.

Cody Rhodes walks in CONCOURSE and Kevin Owens walks up to him and he asks Cody if he is ready.

Match Number Four:  Cody Rhodes and Kevin Owens versus Grayson Waller and Austin Theory

Theory and Cody start things off and Theory with a side head lock.  Cody with a knee to the midsection.  Kevin tags in and they punch Theory in the midsection and hit a side Russian leg sweep and boot combination for a near fall.  Kevin with a back elbow and Theory rolls to the floor.  Kevin follows and punches and chops Theory.  They return tot he ring and Waller replaces the giant fake bottle of sponsored drink.  Cody tags in and he knocks Waller off the apron.  Theory with a clothesline and Waller tags in and holds Cody while Theory punches him.  Waller with an elbow drop to the back.  Waller with knees to Cody.  Cody lands on his feet on a belly-to-back suplex attempt.  Waller misses a splash in the corner.  Owens tags in and he knocks Theory off the apron and then he punches and kicks Waller to the floor.

Owens goes to the floor for a clothesline to Waller and one to Theory as Kevin has added a Wacky Lap component.  Owens with a reverse atomic drop and enzuigiri to Waller.  Kevin sets for a cannonball and hits it.  Kevin goes up top and Theory grabs Kevin's leg to stop him.  Owens lands on Waller's knees on the swanton.  Theory tags in and he hits a slingshot rolling drop kick.  Waller tags in and Theory with a back breaker and Waller with an elbow drop.  Waller punches Cody off the apron and he gets a near fall on Owens.

We go to commercial.

We are back and Waller tags in and Theory holds Kevin's leg while Waller hits an elbow drop for a near fall.  Waller gets another near fall.  Waller with a cravate.  Waller with knees that back Kevin into the corner.  Waller follows Kevin to the floor and Kevin with a kick and he sends Waller into the ring post.  Waller keeps Kevin from making the tag and Waller with an elbow.  Waller with punches to Kevin and he puts Kevin on the turnbuckles.  Owens blocks a superplex and Kevin knocks him to the mat.  Waller leaps up again and Kevin punches Waller and Kevin with a punch to stagger Waller on the turnbuckles.  They exchange forearms until Owens head butts Waller and gives him an elbow to send Waller to the mat.  Owens with a swanton and both men are down.

Cody and Theory tag in and Cody with punches and a running forearm and he floats over and hits a power slam.  Cody with a kick and drop down punch.  Cody with jabs and a Bionic Elbow.  Cody goes for a slam but Waller pulls Theory tot he mat.  Cody punches Waller off the apron but Waller makes the tag.  Cody takes care of Theory but Waller with a somersault flatliner.  Theory tags in and Theory gets Cody on his shoulders and Waller goes to the turnbuckles.  Cody almost sends Theory into Waller.  Waller almost kicks Theory and Cody with a Cody Cutter to Theory.  Owens with a stunner to Waller and Cody with CrossRhodes to Theory for the three count.

Winners:  Kevin Owens and Cody Rhodes

After the match, Solo Sikoa, Tonga Loa, and Tama Tonga walk to the ring with purpose.

Cody with a plancha onto Tama and Solo.  Kevin rakes Tonga's eye.

Cody sends Solo into the announce table and then Kevin rearranges the announce table.  Cody and Kevin set for a power bomb through the announce table but Jacob Fatu stops Cody and then hits a super kick on Kevin.  Kevin with punches to Fatu but Fatu with a super kick.  Fatu head butts Kevin in the corner and Fatu with a running hip into the corner.  Fatu with many more running hips to Kevin while Solo makes Cody watch.

Fatu goes to the turnbuckles for a diving head butt.

Fatu and Tama hold Cody for Solo to give Cody a Cerberus Bomb through the announce table.

Tama puts a chair around Kevin's neck and he is sent into the ring post.

We go to credits.


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