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By Richard Trionfo on 2024-07-09 22:06:00

Your announcers are Booker T and Vic Joseph.

We take a look back at Heatwave.

The new NXT Men's Champion Ethan Page makes his way to the ring and he has security on the floor around the ring.

Ethan says six weeks, that is all it took for him to take over this entire brand.  For him to accomplish something that miraculous in such a short time, it would take determination and adaptability.  Being a world class athlete and having a huge ego helps.  Ethan says you should have seen your faces at the end of Heatwave.  It was priceless.  Ethan says everyone in this room hates Ethan.  This cameraman probably hates Ethan Page.  The entire locker room hates Ethan Page.  

That is why he has security around the ring with him.  That keeps any overzealous degenerates from coming to the ring after him.  He does not have time for delinquents.

Oro Mensah goes for a spin move, but he does not have the agility of Robin Williams in Best of Times.

Ethan thanks security for getting rid of the trash.  Ethan thanks Ava for banning Oro from Heatwave so he doesn't interrupt another opportunity for him.  He got to go home to main event one of the greatest shows in NXT history and he walked out as champion.  Ethan promises that, as your NXT Champion, he promises that none of these 'outsiders' come to NXT and ruin what we have.  What they have in NXT is so very special.  If you don't mind indulging him, he would like everyone to join him in 'WE ARE NXT"

Ethan says he is NXT.  The Whoop That Era is officialy done.  We have entered the Era of Ego.

Trick Williams makes his way to the ring.  He tells Page you got the w at Heatwave, but he will get even.  He will get even with his rematch.  Trick says he wants his rematch tonight.

Ethan tells Trick he knows he is emotional.  Ethan says he is happy that Trick came out to ruin his celebration because he wanted to thank Trick for that Trick Shot because it allowed him to fall into the championship.  Ethan says he knew that Trick would come out to demand a rematch.  Ethan says he is the guy and the title proves that.  As far as your request . . . DENIED.

Shawn Spears comes out and he says that Ethan owes him a thank you.  If he did not have his view obstructed at the end of the match, you wouldn't have won.  He tells Trick that he has been runing his mouth for a while but who is the goofy ass now?  You lost without being pinned.  Shawn says he tried to tell Trick what would happen.  Shawn says he can't let Trick get a rematch.  He goes to the back of the line.

Not to feel left out, Je'Von Evans comes out.  He tells Shawn and Ethan to shut the hell up.  Evans says he knocked both of them out and pinned them and he almost became the new champion.  He shot his shot and he is going to shoot it again.  He isn't waiting for anyone.

Evans punches Page and Trick punches Shawn.  They return fire and Trick and Evans send Ethan and Shawn to the floor.

We take a look at how we got the tag team partners from Heatwave as opponents tonight.

We go to commercial.

We are back with a look at how the Heritage Cup match was set up over the weekend.

Match Number One:  Karmen Petrovic versus Arianna Grace

They lock up and Grace sends Karmen to the mat.  Grace with a shoulder tackle and she says she is better.  Karmen blocks a punch and Karmen sends Grace to the mat a few times.  Karmen slaps Grace.  Karmen with kicks to the midsection and a round kick for a near fall.  

Jacy Jayne and Jazmyn Nyx make their way to the ring to watch Karmen apply a bridging chin lock.  Grace with a back elbow to Karmen and an elbow off the turnbuckles to the back of the neck for a near fall.  Grace with a seated abdominal stretch.  Karmen with forearms and a kick.  Karmen tries to send Grace into the turnbuckles but Grace blocks it.  Grace sends Karmen into the turnbuckles but misses a stomp.  Karmen with a leg sweep and spinning round kick to the back for the three count.

Winner:  Karmen Petrovic

After the match,, Fallon Henley attacks Karmen from behind and connects with forearms to the back.  Fallon tells Jacy and Jazmyn she is sick of these rookies.

We go to Brooks Jensen with Ava earlier today.

Ava tells Brooks his actions have been out of line.  Brooks apologizes to her and Shawn for what he did.  He got lost and out of control.  He says he is not here to make any excuses and he owns up to his actions.  

Ava says the life and job aren't easy.  There are a lot of ups and downs and highs and lows.

Brooks says this is all he wanted to do as a second generation superstar.  He says Ava knows.

Ava says that her and Shawn wanted to release him but a few people vouched for Brooks so they will give him a second chance.

Brooks thanks Ava and he says Ava won't regret this.  She tells Brooks that he is a superstar 24/7 and he has to hold himself that way.

They shake hands.

We go to commercial.

Eddy Thorpe is doing some DJ work from the HBalKony.

Match Number Two:  Lexis King versus Tony D'Angelo for the Heritage Cup

Round One

They lock up and Tony with a wrist lock and an arm wringer.  King with a kick to escape.  They lock up and Tony with a side head lock and shoulder tackle.  King walks over Tony's back.  Tony with a spinebuster and arm drags into an arm bar.  King with punches in the corner but Tony with an Irish whip.

Tony with a back body drop and arm drag into an arm bar.  King with a drop kick and chops.  King misses a chop and Tony with a chop.  Tony holds on to the ropes when King goes for a drop kick.  Tony goes for a Boston Crab but King fights him off.  Tony with a double leg take down and he tries for the Boston Crab and he locks it in and King holds on to the end of the round.

King with a shot after the round ends.

Round Two

King has something to say to Thorpe and Tony with Fuggedaboutit for the three count.

Tony D'Angelo 1 Fall
Lexis King 0 Falls

Round Three

Tony with punches and King with a knee and elbow to the back of the head.  Tony sends King to the floor and King pulls Tony to the floor.  Tony with a punch to King and King moves and Tony goes into the ring steps.  King runs Tony's ribs into the apron.  King with a kick to the ribs.  King with a knee to the midsection and a kick to the back.  King grabs Tony by the ear and connects with a forearm to the back.  King with shoulders in the corner.  King goes for a knee to the midsection but Tony wit a rollup for a near fall.

King with a slingshot double stomp to the back.  King gets a near fall.  King with forearms to the collarbone and a seated abdominal stretch.  King with a punch to the midsection.  Tony wtih uppercuts and a butterfly suplex.  Tony misses a splash into the corner and King with a running body block to the back followed by Coronation for the three count.

Lexis King 1 Fall
Tony D'Angelo 1 Fall

Round Four

King with a drop kick as the bell rings.  King with kicks and a short arm clohesline.  Tony with a clothesline and both men are down.  Tony with many punches to King followed by a belly-to-belly suplex or two.  King with an O'Connor Roll for a near fall.  King with an elbow.  Tony goes to the turnbuckles to stop King and King with punches and a head butt.

King with a DDT off the turnbuckles for a near fall.  King has a super kick blocked.  King blocks Fuggedaboutit for an inside cradle and a near fall.  King sets for Coronation but Tony with a spinebuster for the three count.

Winner:  Tony D'Angelo (retains championship)

We go to the back where Je'Von Evans is being attacked by Brooks Jensen. 

Josh Briggs wants to know what is he doing.  He says he stuck his neck out for Brooks.

Brooks says he is trying to make an impact.

We go to commercial.

We are back and Thea Hail bounces in the back and she says she is going to beat Izzi and get them back on track.

Ridge shows up and says they stole the show and he has done some stuff for them.  He says he got Thea the match for Izzi to show what she can do against Roxanne.  Ridge says he got Duke a title match for next week, against Oba Femi.  Riley says Oba is going to destroy Oba.  Ridge says that Duke will be the one to knock him off his throne.

Thea yells many words together at the same time.

Match Number Three:  Tyriek Igwe and Tyson Dupont versus Mark Coffey and Wolfgang

Tyson and Igwe attack Gallus on the way to the ring and then the referee starts the match.  Mark clotheslines Igwe from the apron and Wolfgang gets a near fall.  Wolfgang with a slam and he gets a near fall.  Tyson with punches and then Igwe tags in and they hit a double shoulder tackle.  Igwe with punches and an Irish whip but he runs into an elbow.  Igwe with a shoulder.Mark with a drop kick and Wolfgang tags in.  Igwe with punches to both men and Mark with a back slide and Wolfgang with a knee drop.  Mark with a kick.  Wolfgang with punches in the corner.

Wolfgang with an Irish whip and he misses a splash.  Tyson tags in and he hits shoulder tackles on Mark and a drop kick to Wolfgang and Mark.  Tyson with a side slam to Mark.  Tyson gets a near fall.  Igwe tags in and Joe pulls the ropes down and Tyson goes to the floor.  Igwe misses a clothesline and Mark with a forearm.  Wolfgang tags ina nd they hit the flying boot and F-5 for the three count.

Winners:  Mark Coffey and Wolfgang

Kelly Kincaid is with Trick Williams and she asks about having to find a new partner after what happened to Je'Von.

Trick says Brooks did Je'Von dirty.  No one is going to stop him from a title match.  He will face them two on one tonight, but he says maybe he should find a partner.

Wes Lee walks in the back.

We go to commercial.

Coverage Continues on Next Page


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