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By Dave Scherer on 2024-07-06 19:04:00

The fans clearly want Seth to win here.  

Samantha Irvin is awesome by the way.

Rollins got the advantage early and then looked to the back and called for Drew.  Everyone is expecting him to appear (including me, the man said it, I take him at his word).

Seth in control early. He nailed a springboard swanton, then a springboard senton, to get a two.  

When Priest got control, he looked to the back too.  Graves made a good point of saying maybe Drew would cash in on Cody later.  Good call.  

This is all action early on with Seth getting more of the offense  Seth is a beast.

They are looking to the entrance way a little too much.  Neither one of them are close to really losing yet, so a cash in shouldn't worry them, especially when the match isn't close to over.

These guys are throwing bombs at each other.  Really, really good stuff.

Seth hit a Stomp.  Champ kicked out at 2.  But, he stayed down.  Seth told him if he wanted to be the man, stand and fight him.  So he did and hit the Razor's Edge for two.  It definitely seems like Seth is helping Priest turn face, or at least laying the groundwork.

Corey and Cole are talking about Seth's age.  He's a few years younger than Priest.  I popped.

Seth hit Falcon Arrow and had it for three.  The ref started at two.  It was awkward.  Then Drew's music hit and down he came.  He cashed in.  Officially.  It's a three way now.  I got that one right!

He hit Future Shock on Seth.  He ran into a Priest clothesline.  But Drew hit a Claymore Lite.  Punk ran in ran in out of nowhere and went to work on Drew, no DQs in a Triple Threat.  Punk said holy shit.  Love it.

Punk is wasting Drew with a chair. He is here to pay Drew back for Chicago and cost him his Title again!  These two are now set for SummerSlam, no doubt.

Punk decided to drop the chair and grabbed the Title belt and hit Drew in the face with it.  He then sat on the announce table with it.  Cole asked Phil what he was doing.  Screwing Drew!  South of Heaven and Priest retains.  He wasn't happy that he won that way.

Now Seth, who was out of the picture, can't get another shot while Priest is champ.  It's Gunther vs. Priest, and let's be real Punk vs. Drew, at SummerSlam.  It went down exactly how I speculated that it would.  Good stuff.

After the match, Seth wanted to get at Punk.  Corey stopped him.  Punk stood up on the table.  Corey kept him from getting closer.  Punk stared at Drew, who was still in the ring, as we went to break.

Time for the women's MITB match.

Chelsea came out last and got a huge pop in her home country.  Tiffany got a good one before her.  Iyo is out last.  

They are selling early on that Chelsea is afraid of heights.  Early on she chose to use the ladder as a weapon rather than climb it.  Iyo put an end to that.  The crowd is behind their countrywoman though.

They are doing big spots early.  When the ladders are out, they put their bodies through hell.

The crowd is so behind Chelsea that they hate when anyone takes her out.

Cole just said, "This has been a damn car wreck".  It's an apt description.

Tiffany just destroyed Naomi on a ladder and got a Tiffy Time chant.  Then she did a swanton from the top to the floor and wiped out three other women.  

That left Chelsea to try and overcome her fear and climb the ladder.  Iyo had other ideas.  This is nuts.

Naomi made it to the top but Tiffy stopped her.  

On the floor, Naomi grabbed a table, giving the people what they wanted.  Chelsea attacked her.  Tiffy came over and they decided to work together.  They set up two tables, kind of slowly.  This allowed everyone to get back in the ring and set up tables out the wazoo.  This is carnage, just ask Lyra.  OUCH.  

Cole said that he feels sick that he's enjoying this.  No you don't Cole.

Naomi got a clear shot but Chelsea cam in and stopped her.  The fans want Green to win.  

Zoey went to the top.  Iyo stopped her.  This won't end well.  And it didn't.  Iyo and Zoey came flying down on the ladder.  Chelsea is up.  She has it.  No she doesn't.  Tiff shook the ladder.  Tiff just Toodled Chelsea off of the ladder through the table.  TIFFY WINS!

That was freaking NUTS!  Either Tiff or Chelsea with the case would have been fine by me since the drama will be fun.  But since I picked Tiff, I am glad she won.  And not for nothing, she is awesome. So were the other five women.  They all killed it.

Please click to Page 3 for more thoughts from tonight's show!

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