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By Richard Trionfo on 2024-05-25 10:59:00

Kayla Braxton takes over as the host for the second half of the Extended Edition of the Countdown Show.

Kevin Owens replaces Corey Graves.

Wade says we might not have had a King of the Ring finals tonight and Kevin says he barely made it.

We go to part two of Cody and Corey's conversation.

Corey asks Cody about Logan Paul.  Cody says he was thinking about something to say about Logan and he saw the definition of maverick.  He says that fits Logan with what he has done.  He has been successful.  From a wrestling perspective, Logan is more fundamentally sound than he has any right to.  Corey asks about his person opinion about Logan.  Cody says Logan has been too bold.  He has taken credit for WWE's success.  Knowing he believes that, the best thing that can happen to them is see them slip on a banana peel and fall on their face and see what happens.

Corey asks about the US Title being pulled from the match.  Cody says if you say you don't want a title, you are lying.  He says he would love the US title, but that can be something he achieves in the future.  Corey asks about Logan's right hand.  Cody quotes JBL and says he would just duck.  He does not want to have to be off balance because it can all end with a right hand.  Corey asks how does it go down.  He says Logan doesn't stand a chance.  He finds out that he is wonderful, but he is not on the level he thinks he is on.

Liv Morgan is with Byron Saxton.  He asks about the Revenge Tour.

Liv says she has never felt better in her whole life.  She finally completes the revenge tour and takes what Rhea loves the most.  

Byron asks about dealing with Becky.  

Liv says Becky has never faced this version of Becky Lynch before.  She asks someone what are they doing here.

Dom Mysterio shows up and he says you know why he is here.  He says he flew to Saudi Arabia to make sure that Liv doesn't get her hands on Mami's title.

We take a look at the Women's Championship match with a video package.

We take a look at Steve Austin winning King of the Ring.

We take a look at the King of the Ring Finals.

We look at Kayla Braxton and Randy Orton around Jeddah.

Randy says it is surreal to be here.  He says you never get used to how beautiful it is and he talks about the fans.  Kayla asks about the fans in France singing his entrance music.  Randy says for the first time in almost 16 years with that song, they sang it.  Randy says he is beaten up, but this is for a prize he has never won before.  She asks about Gunther.  Randy says he has a list of guys he wanted to wrestle and Gunther might not be on the top of the list, but he is one of a kind.  It will be hard hitting and might be the toughest match he has had since his return.  This will show how much his body can take.  Randy says he has never seen so much in one person before.

Corey Graves and Michael Cole are your announcers.

Match Number One:  Women’s Tag Team Championship Match: Bianca Belair and Jade Cargill versus Indi Hartwell and Candice LeRae

Jade and Indi start things off and Indi with a waist lock and Jade sends her to the mat.  Jade goes for a slam but Indi gets to her feet.  Jade catches Indi on a cross body and Jade with a fallaway slam.  Jade with a shoulder tackle and she tags in Bianca.  Jade with a slam and Bianca is slammed onto Indi by Jade.  Candice tags in and she goes for the knee but Bianca moves out of the way.  Bianca blocks a head scissors take down and Bianca with a gutbuster.  Bianca with a running shoulder in the corner.  Bianca with an Irish whip and Candice kicks Bianca.

Bianca stops Candice on the turnbuckles and Bianca tries to press slam Candice but Candice gets to her feet and tags in Indi.  Bianca punches Indi on the apron and Candice clips her.  Indi with a front face lock.  Indi wraps Bianca's leg in the ropes.  Indi mocks Bianca by twirling her hair.  Bianca punches Indi but Indi sends Bianca into the corner and then snap mares Bianca with her leg hitting the ropes.  Candice tags in and slams the knee into the mat.  Candice with more kicks to the leg.  Indi tags in and Bianca sends Candice to the floor but Indi kicks Bianca.  Candice tags in and Indi keeps Bianca from getting to her corner.

Candice with a forearm to the back and she gets a near fall.  Candice with a KneeDT into a single leg crab.  Bianca kicks Candice away and Indi tags in.  Indi knocks Jade off the apron.  Indi kicks Bianca and Bianca with a kick but Candice chokes Bianca while Indi distracts the referee.  Jade tags in and she kicks Indi and hits a spinebuster on Candice.  Jade with splashes to both women many times.  Jade biels Candice and then she hits a splash on both of them.  Jade with a sit out power bomb on Indi for a near fall when Candice breaks up the cover.  Indi with a kick and Candice tags in.  Indi holds Jade in the ropes and Candice with a quebrada for a near fall.  Candice tags in and Jade sends Indi into the ring post.  Candice with a missile drop kick.

Bianca tags in and she clips Candice.  They hit a wheelbarrow DDT into a wheelbarrow suplex for the three count.

Winners:  Bianca Belair and Jade Cargill (retain championship)

Logan Paul is with Byron Saxton.

Byron asks about Smackdown and what Cody said.  

Logan says there is no controversy surrounding him.  He was in the ring with Floyd Mayweather and everyone doubts him.  He says this is his third title match in Saudi Arabia.  He is going to leave wtih two titles tonight.  He will show why he belongs in the WWE and why he belongs on top.

Becky Lynch walks to the ring.

Coverage Continues on Next Page

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