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By Richard Trionfo on 2024-05-17 21:58:00

We are back and LA Knight is complaining to the referee about what happened.

Hayes says that Knight couldn't get the job done and Knight pushes him.

Charles Robinson separates them and he tells them to go in opposite directions.

Nick Aldis is in the ring and he has a lectern and tables to accompany him.

Nick brings out Logan Paul first and he is joined by some lackeys and a guy who appears to be an attorney.

Nick brings out Cody Rhodes and he does not need lackeys or ATTORNEY.

Cody asks DUVAL what do they want to talk about.

He says he loves this place.  He asks Logan if he remembers what happened 32 years ago in this building.  Cody says he knows because War Games 1992 took place here.  The Stinger Squadron against the Dangerous Alliance, considered to be the greatest War Games match.  Cody says like some of the people in the crowd, he is a fan of professional wrestling and what he does.  You are not a fan.  He says Logan is a tourist.  You are passing through and making viral memories.  He tells Logan to get off the train and drop that US title to make Cody a Grand Slam Champion.  

Logan says Cody is saying the same thing the last guy said and the guy before him said.  He asks if Cody is stalling.  He says he didn't come here to hear Cody Rhodes talk.  He says he came here to sign a contract to wrestle Cody.  

Nick gives Logan the contract to sign.  

Logan and ATTORNEY look it over and he says there is one little thing . . . 

Logan rips up the contract.  

He says the contract did not have what they agreed to.  The match is only for Cody's title.  He says he did not agree to put his title on the line.   Cody says he got his litigator to draw up a contract.  Logan gives Nick the contract to sign and he says he signed it already.

Nick says this isn't what they agreed to.  He says it is bad business and unprofessional.  Nick says he won't stand for it.

ATTORNEY asks Nick if he is threatening his client.

Cody tells Nick he has known him for a long time and he knows what happens when Nick gets angry.  He says Nick is doing a great job.  Cody asks to finish up the paperwork with Logan and he will get with him later.

Logan says he signed the contract and it is done.  The match is made.  He says Cody has not done anything to deserve a shot at his title.  What has Cody done?  Logan says he has proven that he is worthy of every title in this industry.  He tells Cody to sign the contract.

Cody stands up and he gets the pen.  He tells Logan the honeymoon with him is over.  He has seen Logan do a flip, whoopdidoo.  You will find out who he is after the match.  You mention Mike Tyson and a WWE Hall of Famer is going to beat your brother in eight days.  Cody says a future Hall of Famer is going to beat Logan at King of the Ring.

Cody signs the contract and he sends Logan to the floor and then he puts on of LACKEYS through a table with a power bomb.  

Cody holes both belts

Cathy Kelley is with Nia Jax and she asks Nia about Jade's comments.

Nia says Jade has to hype herself up.  She is so strong and so impressive.  Jade is going to be Queen of the Ring . . . NOT.  Nia says Jade is not going to be Queen of the Ring.  Nia will be your Queen of the Ring.

Match Number Three:  Nia Jax versus Jade Cargill in a Queen of the Ring Second Round Match

Nia with a shoulder tackle but she misses a splash.  Jade with a spinebuster and Nia rolls to the floor.  Nia pulls Jade to the floor and Nia biels Jade into the ringside barrier in front of Jade's daughter.  Nia tells Jade's daughter her mom sucks and Jade takes Nia down.  Nia sends Jade back into the ring and Jade with a shoulder tackle that sends Nia to the floor.  Jade sends Nia into the announce table and apron.  Jade is sent face first into the ring post.  Nia clotheslines Jade over the ringside barrier.  Nia adjusts the announce table and she throws other stuff around.  Nia sends Jade back into the ringside area.  Nia has a chair and Jade blocks it and Jade hits Nia with the chair.

Winner:  Nia Jax (by disqualification) [advances to face Bianca Belair]

After the match, Jade and Nia fight against the ringside barrier and into the ringside area.  Jade with a European uppercut.  Jade runs Nia into the ring post and then the ringside barrier.  

Officials come out to stop this but Nia sends Jade into the ring post.  

They are finally separated and Nia smirks at what she made Jade do.

Jade breaks past officials like they are wearing Jaguars helmets and she goes after Nia and connects with punches.

We go to commercial.

Match Number Four:  Johnny Gargano and Tommaso Ciampa versus Angel Garza and Humberto Carrillo

Johnny and Humberto start things off.  Johnny with a wrist lock and Humberto with a reversal and elbow to the arm.  Humberto with an arm bar into a wrist lock.  Johnny with a reversal and drop toe hold into a front face lock.  Humberto gets a near fall.  Humberto with a front face lock.  Humberto with a suplex for a near fall.  Humberto with an Irish whip and Johnny with a back elbow and an arm drag take down followed by a head scissors.  Ciampa tags in and Ciampa with an Irish whip and they hit a knee and flying boot combination in the corner.  Ciampa with a clothesline and Angel tags in.  Johnny and Ciampa clothesline them over the top rope and they hit stereo pescados.

Ciampa with a chop to Humberto and Angel tags in and Ciampa with a punch.  Angel pulls the ropes open and Ciampa goes to the floor.

We go to commercial

We are back and Ciampa sends Humberto to the floor and Angel keeps Ciampa from making the tag for a moment but Humberto pulls Johnny off the apron.  Ciampa with punches to Angel and Angel sets for a Gory Special and Humberto tags in and hits a slingshot blockbuster for a near fall.  Humberto with a front face lock and Ciampa blocks the suplex attempt.  They go back and forth until Ciampa hits the suplex.  Johnny tags in and he clotheslines both men and hits a kick to send Angel to the floor followed by a spinning bulldog.  Johnny goes to the apron and hits a slingshot spear to Humberto and a suicide dive that sends Garza into the announce table.  Johnny goes up top and Santos gets on the apron to distract the referee.  Elektra crotches Johnny and the referee figures that Elektra did something so she is sent to the back with Santos.

Johnny and Ciampa with a knee and super kick combination for the three count.

Winners:  Johnny Gargano and Tommaso Ciampa

Austin and Grayson get up from their seats where they were doing commentary to get on the announce table.

Corey mentions the QR codes.

We see where Monday's QR code sent everyone.

Byron Saxton is with AJ Styles.  He asks AJ where does he go from here.

AJ says they had an unbelievable match in France and he came close but lost.  He had a chance in the King of the Ring Tournament but he lost to Randy Orton in the first round.  Where does he go?  Next week, he goes to Nick Aldis' office and we will see where we go from there.

We are back and Byron asks Bayley about Queen of the Ring.

Chelsea and Piper show up and Chelsea blames Bayley for Piper's loss last week.

Bayley suggests they talk next week in the ring and she cackles.

Next week, Bianca Belair will face Nia Jax to see who gets to stay in the same ring the next night.  Tama Tonga faces the winner of the next match.  

Match Number Five:  Randy Orton versus Carmelo Hayes in a Second Round Match in King of the Ring

Hayes goes for a kick but Randy moves.  Hayes avoids Orton and Hayes with a kick to the back of the leg.  Haye slaps Orton in the back of the head.  Orton gets back to his feet so he is no longer eye to eye with Hayes.  Hayes pushes Orton and Orton with a kick and he sends Hayes into the turnbuckles and then the ring post.  He sends Hayes shoulder first into the ring post again and follows with European uppercuts.  Orton sends Hayes over the top rope to the floor.  Orton sends Hayes into the announce table and he goes for the back drop driver onto the announce table but Hayes with a rake of the eyes and he lands on his feet.  Orton with a leg sweep to Hayes because he had to gloat.

Orton breaks the count and he gives Hayes a few back drop drivers onto the announce table.  Orton with a third back drop driver and the table will not break.

We go to commercial.

We are back and Hayes drives the knee into the mat.  We see footage of Hayes hitting a springboard shoulder tackle during the break.  Hayes kicks Orton in the hamstring a few times.  Hayes with a waist lock and he goes for the leg and puts it in the ropes.  Hayes kicks the knee.  Hayes misses a boot to the knee and Hayes gets his leg caught in the ropes.  Orton with two clotheslines and he ducks a clothesline from Hayes but Hayes holds on to the ropes for the power slam.  

Hayes misses a boot and Orton with a power slam for a near fall.  Orton sends Hayes to the apron and sets for the IEDDT but since it is the first attempt, Hayes gets in the ring and Hayes with a kick to the knee and a Codebreaker for a near fall.  Hayes with punches to the injured knee.  Hayes goes to the turnbuckles and he sets for Nothing But Net but misses.  Orton gets Hayes to the apron for the IEDDT.  Orton looks around and twists to the mat for the RKO Push Ups.  Hayes with a rollup after escaping the RKO.  Orton catches Hayes coming off the ropes with an RKO for the three count.

Winner:  Randy Orton (advances to face Tama Tonga)

Cathy is in the ring with Randy Orton and . . .

The House of Bloodline makes its way to the stage.

Orton laughs and he asks if they are going to try to intimidate him.  Randy says they forgot who he is.  Randy says his name is Randy Freaking Orton and he is a fourteen time World Champion and he will be King of the Ring.

Randy says he will introduce his foot up Tama's ass next week, followed by reintroducing him to the three most dangerous letters in Sports Entertainment . . . RKO.

We go to credits.


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