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By Richard Trionfo on 2024-04-07 16:59:00

Match Number Six:  WWE Women’s Championship Match: Iyo Sky versus Bayley

They lock up and Bayley sends Iyo to the mat and Iyo goes to the floor.  Iyo returns to the ring and she stomps on Bayley's foot and sends her to the floor.  Iyo goes to the floor and Iyo punches Bayley and sends her into the apron.  Iyo with a drop kick.  Bayley with a forearm when Iyo sets for a suicide dive.  Bayley with a cutter in the ropes and she hits a suicide dive.  Bayley gets a near fall.  Bayley with a baseball slide to send Iyo to the floor.  Iyo avoids the drop kick through the corner and Iyo slams the leg into the post.  Iyo with a knee bar hanging off the apron.  Iyo slams the leg into the mat.  Iyo runs into a boot.  Iyo blocks a boot and hits a dragon screw with Bayley in the corner.

Iyo kicks Bayley an hits a victory roll into a double stomp for a near fall.  Bayley pulls Iyo off the apron and Iyo with a punch.  Iyo is sent over the ringside barrier into the time keeper's area.  Iyao with a forearm and she comes off the ringside barrier but Bayley with a spinebuster on the floor.  Bayley gets a near fall.  Bayley with a kick and forearms.  The referee pulls Bayley out of the corner and then Bayley gets Iyo up and hits a side slam for a near fall.  Bayley goes up top and Iyo with a Shotei and she is caught in the turnbuckles.  Bayley is knocked to the floor and Iyo hits a moonsault.  Iyo with a springboard drop kick for a near fall.

Iyo with a waist lock and we see a series of standing switches.  Iyo lands on her feet on a belly-to-back suplex attempt.  Bayley with a sunset flip power bomb to Iyo that sends her into the turnbuckles.  Bayley gets a near fall.  Iyo with a waist lock on the apron and German suplex.  Iyo rolls through and hits a second one for a near fall.  Iyo goes up top for the moonsault but Bayley gets her feet up but Bayley did more damage to her injured leg.  Bayley goes up top for the elbow drop and she misses.  Iyo with a crossface.  Bayley with a rollup for a near fall.  Bayley with a corkscrew back elbow to Iyo's back.  Iyo catches Bayley again and returns to the crossface.  Bayley approaches the ropes but Iyo pulls her into the center of the ring and she goes to the STF.  Bayley with elbows to escape.  Bayley with a belly-to-belly suplex for a near fall.

Iyo blocks the Rose Plant and Iyo says they are friends.  Iyo with a punch and she laughs.  Bayley slaps Iyo.  Bayley tells Iyo she was never her friend.  Iyo slaps Bayley.  Bayley with forearms and Iyo with a rollup for a near fall.  Iyo with a butterfly back breaker and Iyo goes up top for a moonsault and she hits it but Bayley kicks out.  Iyo with forearms and a moonsault.  She goes to the middle turnbuckles for a moonsault.  Bayley avoids a moonsault.  Bayley with Rose Plant but Iyo with a handspring to land on her feet.  Bayley with a clothesline.  Bayley with a belly-to-back suplex and Bayley goes up top for the elbow drop and hits it.  Bayley with Rose Plant for the three count.

Winner:  Bayley (new champion)

Snoop Dogg is in the ring with the Eagles cheerleaders.

The attendance is 72,755.  The two night total for Wrestlemania XL was 145,298.

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