Trick Williams says that everyone wants the gold and you put in the work. Baron Corbin can never be you. Another name on the t-shirt.
Rhea Ripley shows up and she says she is not here to talk to you, she is here to send a message. Finn Balor was handling THE Judgment Day business and you stuck your nose into it. Big mistake. You stick your nose in their business, you become their business.
Match Number Three: Dragon Lee (with Valentina Feroz) versus Nathan Frazer (with Yulisa Leon) for the Heritage Cup Championship
Round One:
Lee offers his hand and Frazer shakes it. They lock up and Frazer with a take down and Lee holds on and takes Frazer to the mat. Lee with a wrist lock. Frazer with a reversal and Lee with a reversal. Frazzer with an arm wringer but Lee with a handspring to land on his feet. They go to a Greco Roman knuckle lock and Frazer with a side head lock and take down.
Axiom makes his way to ringside.
Frazer holds on to the side head lock when Lee tries to send him off the ropes. Lee with an atomic drop but Frazer holds on to the side head lock.
Scrypts joins Axiom at ringside and they talk.
Frazer with a float over and he flips across the ring. Frazer with a rollup and Lee with a rollup of his own. Lee with a snap mare and he misses a kick. Frazer misses a kick and Lee misses as well. They lock up as the round ends.
Round Two:
They lock up and Lee with a hammer lock and Frazer with a flying mare. Frazer with a drop kick. Lee with an elbow and then he blocks a kick and gives Frazer a dragon screw in the ropes. Lee puts Frazer on the turnbuckels and hits a Frankensteiner but Frazer holds on and gets the three count with a sunset flip.
Nathan Frazer: 1 Fall
Dragon Lee: 0 Falls
Round Three
Frazer with sling blade and Lee rolls to the floor. Frazer with a head scissors but Lee with a cartwheel and he lands on his feet. Lee with a drop kick to send Frazer to the floor followed by a flip dive. Lee ties the arm in the ropes and then he hits a clothesline into the corner. Lee with kicks for a near fall.
Lee with a Liomtamer into a single leg crab. Lee pulls Frazer up from the ropes and Frazer lands on his feet and hits an enzuigiri. Frazer with a Boston Crab into an STF. Lee with a rollup for a near fall. Lee gets Frazer up and hits an Ushigoroshi for a near fall and then he gets another near fall as the round ends.
Round Four:
Lee with a running kick into the corner followed by a leg sweep from the apron. Lee with a drop kick into the corner and he gets a near fall. Lee with a punch and he goes for a suplex but Frazer with an inside cradle for a near fall. Frazer sends Lee to the floor and Frazer with a suicide dive. Frazer sends Lee back into the ring and Frazer with a springboard move but Lee moves. Lee with kiccks and Frazer wtih an enzuigiri. Lee with a super kicck.
Frazer with a super kick to the back of the head. Lee with a rollup into a sit out power bomb for the three count.
Nathan Frazer: 1 Fall
Dragon Lee: 1 Fall
Round Five
Lee with a drop kick that sends Frazer into the corner. Frazer with a super kick. Frazer goes up top for a Phoenix Splash but Lee crotches Frazer and puts him in the tree of woe. Lee with a double stomp. Lee charges at Frazer and Frazer sends Lee into the turnbuckles with an overhead belly-to-belly throw. Frazer puts Lee on the turnbuckles and sets for a superplex but Lee blocks it. Frazer flips off the turnbuckles and hits a superplex. Lee with a sit out power bomb for a near fall.
Lee and Frazer with forearms. Lee with a victory roll for a near fall. Frazer with a rollup for a near fall. Lee floats over and Frazer with a rollup. Lee with a rollup for a near fall. Frazer reverses and gets the three count.
Winner: Nathan Frazer (retains championship)
After the match, Lee presents Frazer with the trophy.
We have a video to remind us of what Raw Underground was.
We take a look at Eddy Thorpe's training session with Gable Steveson. Gable says he has been tracking Damon's career and he is legit. Eddy says that Damon isn't an Olympic Champion.
We see the training. Gable tells Eddy to stick to the game plan and don't let Damon get in his head. We see more training.
Eddy thanks Gable for the help. Eddy asks Gable to be at ringside with him.
Gable says he knows Damon's parents will be watching.
Wes Lee and Myles Borne are talking and Mustafa Ali shows up and Myles leaves.
Ali says he wanted to apologize for slapping Wes in the face. He wanted a clean finish and he says he might have gotten too involved in the match.
Lee tells Ali to stick to being a wrestler.
Tyler Bate says it is rubbish that he was down the middle. He says there were fast counts and slow counts. Tyler wants another shot at the title.
Ali says you agreed to let him be the referee and Tyler had a chance. Ali wants his match and Tyler says he will be the referee.
Wes walks away while they argue.
Robert Stone is looking for Von Wagner in the back. Stone finds him and he wants to know where Von was because they were supposed to meet. Von tells Stone he wouldn't understand.
Von says everything his family had to fight through and the trauma. He says Stone doesn't get it and he says he can't do this.
Match Number Four; Kiana James versus Gigi Dolin
They lock up and they go around the ring until Gigi takes Kiana to the mat with a waist lock. Gigi gets a near fall. Kiana gets a near fall. Gigi with arm drags into an arm bar. Kiana gets to the ropes and Gigi releases the hold. Gigi blocks a kick and punches Kiana. Gigi pulls Kiana from the ropes and then Kiana goes to the floor. Gigi with a wrist lock take down and a back heel kick. Gig with a rollup for a near fall. Kiana slaps Gigi and Gigi with forearms. Kiana with a back elbow and then they go to the floor.
They return to the ring and Gigi goes for a back slide and she gets a near fall. Kiana with an Irish whip but Gigi sends Kiana to the apron. Kiana with a forearm and a slingshot elbow drop for a near fall. Kiana with punches and Gigi punches back. Kiana wtih a knee and she sends Gigi to the floor. Kiana with a forearm to the back. Gigi sends Kiana into the apron. Kiana gets a near fall. Kiana with a hard Irish whip. GIgi with a rollup to counter an Irish whip for a near fall. Kiana with a kick.
Gigi with a forearm and a back body drop. Kiana goes to the floor and Gigi follows. Kiana kicks Gigi when they go back to the floor. Kiana gets a near fall. Kiana slams Gigi's head into the mat. Kiana with a knee to the back and she gets a near fall. Kiana with a reverse chin lock. Gigi with forearms and kicks followed by clotheslines. Both women with clotheslines and they go down. Kiana gets her bag and Gigi with a kick. Kiana swings and misses with the bag. Gigi witih a kick and a crucifix driver for the three count.
Winner: Gigi Dolin
After the match, Kiana hits Gigi with the bag and then hits 401k on Gigi.
Kiana pulls out orange paint and pours it on Gigi. Then she gets a can of blue paint and pours it on Gigi.
We go to Tony D'Angelo in jail and he has a guest and it is Joe Coffey. Tony wants to know how he got on his list.
Joe says he knows people too.
Tony says he thought Stacks got him.
Joe says a lot has changed since Tony got locked up.
Tony says he is in here because they are rats and Joe is lucky that he can't get through the glass. He says Stacks will have it handled.
Joe says he took care of it. He says the Underboss has ambition and a mind of his own.
He says Stacks is family.
Joe says Stacks sold Tony out.
Joe has a recording of Stacks telling Joe what to do so he can take control.
We take a look at Roxanne Perez answering questions on Snapchat and she gets attacked by Blair Davenport.
Roxanne will face Blair next week.
We see Baron Corbin in the back getting ready for his match.
We see Carmelo Hayes and Trick Williams walking in the back.
We go to commercial.
We are back and Jacy Jayne says if you want to make it in this business, you need to have thick skin. Jacy says if Lyra shows up, she will take care of her.
Lyra enters the room and she punches Jacy and tells her that she doesn't play games.
Rhea Ripley shows up and she says that Lyra is a bad ass.
Ava tells Rip and Jagger to calm down. Rip wants to know what were they thinking. Ava says they are a good team. Jagger says he has issues with decisions that will affect their careers. Ava says they are fighting for their careers. Ava says Joe has a plan. Jagger says if Joe doesn't have a plan, they will.
Next week, we will have the Loser Leaves NXT Match with the Creeds versus The Dyad. Tyler Bate will face Mustafa Ali next week. Roxanne Perez faces Blair Davenport. Eddy Thorpe faces Damon Kemp in NXT Underground.
Match Number Five: Carmelo Hayes (with Trick Williams) versus Baron Corbin for the NXT Men's Championship
They lock up and Corbin goes for End of Days but Hayes gets to his feet. Corbin with the wacky slide and he clotheslines Carmelo. Corbin avoids an O'Connor Roll but Hayes with a Codebreaker and he goes up top. Corbin goes to the floor and Hayes with a cross body off the turnbuckles to the floor. Hayes with a forearm to the back and a chop. Hayes with punches and forearms against the ringside barrier. Hayes with a chop. Hayes with a forearm and he breaks the referee's count. Corbin runs Hayes into the ring post. Corbin sends Hayes into the ringside barrier. They return to the ring and Corbin with a hard Irish whip. Hayes blocks a punch and he punches Corbin. Corbin with a clothesline for a near fall. Corbin with a forearm and then he applies the half nelson and chin bar combination.
Hayes with punches but Corbin with a knee and he sends Hayes to the floor. Hayes with a round kick. Corbin sends Hayes over the ringside barrier and Hayes with forearms to Corbin. Hayes comes off the ringside barrier but Corbin moves. Hayes rolls through and is met with a boot to the head. Corbin gets a near fall. Corbin with elbows to the chest and he returns to the half nelson and chin bar combination. Hayes gets to the ropes to force a break. Corbin goes for a belly-to-back suplex but Hayes lands on his feet and hits a series of drop kicks followed by a springboard clothesline for a near fall. Hayes with a kick but Corbin with a tilt-a-whirl back breaker. Corbin drops his shirt on Hayes.
Corbin with a forearm to Hayes. Corbin with another forearm. Corbin with punches to Hayes. Corbin with forearms in the corner. Corbin with a forearm to the lower back. Corbin with a clothesline for a near fall. Corbin puts Hayes on the turnbuckles and punches him. Hayes with forearms to Corbin and Corbin falls to the mat. Hayes with a frog splash but he cannot capitalize. Hayes with punches. Corbin walks into a bicycle kick and Corbin goes to the floor. Hayes with a kick in the ropes and he hits Fadeaway. Hayes with a thrust kick and Codebreaker. Hayes hits the springboard DDT for a near fall. Corbin stops Hayes from going to the turnbuckles. Hayes with forearms and kicks.
Hayes kicks Corbin and goes to the turnbuckles. Corbin moves and Hayes rolls through. Hayes with a victory roll for a near fall. Corbin blocks a Codebreaker and hits a Death Valley Driver followed by a choke breaker for a near fall. Hayes goes to the floor and Corbin follows. Corbin goes for a shoulder but Hayes moves and Corbin hits the steps. Corbin blocks a rana and Corbin power bombs Hayes on the announce table. Corbin with elbows to the back of the head. Corbin gets a near fall. Corbin punches Hayes many times. Corbin runs into a knee and Hayes counters Deep Six and hits Corbin with a knee. Corbin with Deep Six for a near fall.
Corbin sets for End of Days but Hayes with a snap mare and a kick. Hayes goes for a slingshot move but Corbin grabs Hayes but the throat. Hayes drops Corbin on the top rope and hits a slingshot DDT on the apron. Hayes goes up top and hits Nothing But Net for the three count.
Winner: Carmelo Hayes (retains championship
We go to the back and Bron Breakker says no one can control him. He has beaten everyone. Bron tells someone to shut up and he says you will find out next week.
We go to credits.
Match Number Five: Carmelo Hayes (with Trick Williams) versus Baron Corbin for the NXT Men's Championship
They lock up and Corbin goes for End of Days but Hayes gets to his feet. Corbin with the wacky slide and he clotheslines Carmelo. Corbin avoids an O'Connor Roll but Hayes with a Codebreaker and he goes up top. Corbin goes to the floor and Hayes with a cross body off the turnbuckles to the floor. Hayes with a forearm to the back and a chop. Hayes with punches and forearms against the ringside barrier. Hayes with a chop. Hayes with a forearm and he breaks the referee's count. Corbin runs Hayes into the ring post. Corbin sends Hayes into the ringside barrier. They return to the ring and Corbin with a hard Irish whip. Hayes blocks a punch and he punches Corbin. Corbin with a clothesline for a near fall. Corbin with a forearm and then he applies the half nelson and chin bar combination.
Hayes with punches but Corbin with a knee and he sends Hayes to the floor. Hayes with a round kick. Corbin sends Hayes over the ringside barrier and Hayes with forearms to Corbin. Hayes comes off the ringside barrier but Corbin moves. Hayes rolls through and is met with a boot to the head. Corbin gets a near fall. Corbin with elbows to the chest and he returns to the half nelson and chin bar combination. Hayes gets to the ropes to force a break. Corbin goes for a belly-to-back suplex but Hayes lands on his feet and hits a series of drop kicks followed by a springboard clothesline for a near fall. Hayes with a kick but Corbin with a tilt-a-whirl back breaker. Corbin drops his shirt on Hayes.
Corbin with a forearm to Hayes. Corbin with another forearm. Corbin with punches to Hayes. Corbin with forearms in the corner. Corbin with a forearm to the lower back. Corbin with a clothesline for a near fall. Corbin puts Hayes on the turnbuckles and punches him. Hayes with forearms to Corbin and Corbin falls to the mat. Hayes with a frog splash but he cannot capitalize. Hayes with punches. Corbin walks into a bicycle kick and Corbin goes to the floor. Hayes with a kick in the ropes and he hits Fadeaway. Hayes with a thrust kick and Codebreaker. Hayes hits the springboard DDT for a near fall. Corbin stops Hayes from going to the turnbuckles. Hayes with forearms and kicks.
Hayes kicks Corbin and goes to the turnbuckles. Corbin moves and Hayes rolls through. Hayes with a victory roll for a near fall. Corbin blocks a Codebreaker and hits a Death Valley Driver followed by a choke breaker for a near fall. Hayes goes to the floor and Corbin follows. Corbin goes for a shoulder but Hayes moves and Corbin hits the steps. Corbin blocks a rana and Corbin power bombs Hayes on the announce table. Corbin with elbows to the back of the head. Corbin gets a near fall. Corbin punches Hayes many times. Corbin runs into a knee and Hayes counters Deep Six and hits Corbin with a knee. Corbin with Deep Six for a near fall.
Corbin sets for End of Days but Hayes with a snap mare and a kick. Hayes goes for a slingshot move but Corbin grabs Hayes but the throat. Hayes drops Corbin on the top rope and hits a slingshot DDT on the apron. Hayes goes up top and hits Nothing But Net for the three count.
Winner: Carmelo Hayes (retains championship
We go to the back and Bron Breakker says no one can control him. He has beaten everyone. Bron tells someone to shut up and he says you will find out next week.
We go to credits.
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