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By Richard Trionfo on 2023-06-20 22:06:00

We are back and Seth Rollins is in the locker room and Nathan Frazer stops by with his trophy.  Frazer asks Seth how he is doing after last night.  Seth tells Frazer he is proud of him.

Carmelo Hayes and Trick Williams shows up and they introduce themselves to Seth.  They all start laughing and cackling.  Seth says he knows who they are and he was waiting for them to stop by.  Hayes wants to show Seth respect as the champion.  

Seth tells Carmelo to make sure he is ready for Baron next week.

Match Number Three:  Cora Jade versus Dana Brooke

Cora pushes Dana and Dana backs Cora into the corner and connects with shoulders.  Cora backs Dana into the corner and she slaps Dana but runs away.  Dana stops Cora from escaping the ring and she punches Cora and slams her head into the mat.  Dana with a hip toss followed by a cartwheel and a back heel kick for a near fall.  Dana with a snap mare and an elbow drop for a near fall.  Cora with forearms and she slams Dana's face into the mat.  Cora sends Dana into the turnbuckles and she kicks Dana.  Cora kicks Dana in the ribs and then slams her head into the mat.  Cora with kicks in the corner but Dana moves when Cora goes for a springboard kick.  Dana with a handstand head scissors and she kicks Cora to the floor.

Dana avoids Cora from the apron but Cora with a running knee when Dana comes back into the ring and Dana's leg gets caught in the ropes.  Cora gets a near fall.  Cora works on the leg.  Dana with shoulder tackles and Dana goes for a round off splash into the corner but her knee gives out.  The referee checks on Dana.

The medical staff checks on Dana.  They come to the ring with a knee brace and Dana says something to Cora.  A stretcher has been brought to the ring and Dana does not want to be taken out of the ring.  Cora looks happy that Dana is being stretchered and an air splint is being applied.  More officials come out to keep Cora away from Dana.  They stretcher her to the back and Dana slaps Cora and she gets off the stretcher.

Dana with forearms and she sends Cora face first into the apron.  Dana with a rollup for a near fall.  Dana goes for a slam but Cora escapes and she clips Dana's leg.  Cora slams Dana's leg into the mat and then Dana kicks Cora into the turnbuckles.  Dana with a clothesline or two.  Dana with a flapjack for a near fall.  Cora with a kick to the knee when Dana goes for a suplex.  Cora sends Dana into the turnbuckles and Dana with an elbow.  Dana misses a Vader Bomb.  Cora slams the leg into the mat and she applies a single leg crab.  Cora pulls Dana into the center of the ring.  The referee stops the match.

Winner:  Cora Jade (by referee stoppage)

We go to footage of Von Wagner and Robert Stone in the empty building.  Stone asks about 'the photo'.  

Von says he had a fused skull as a child so he had to undergo surgery.  He says he was 15 months old.  He says he was in surgery for 14 hours and they didn't know if he would survive.  They fixed his skull and gave him a life.  

Stone says he cannot imagine how Von dealt with that.  

Von says he was in Intensive care for a week and he talks about how much his family took care of him.  Von says kids in school called him a monster.  Von knew he looked different.  He says other parents would tell their kids not to play with him.  

Stone says he could imagine how angry it could make Von.

Von says that is enough for today and he thanks Stone.

We are back and Eddy Thorpe is watching footage of Raw Underground and Scrypts tells him he needs to be prepared.  Axiom and Scrypts offer their assistance.

Gable Steveson shows up and he will work with Eddy since he knows Damon.

Baron Corbin and Carmelo Hayes make their way to the ring.

Baron says he doesn't want to wait around while Hayes poses and does his stuff.

Corbin says the posing won't keep the title around your waist.  Having that title doesn't mean you made it.  You look cool and have the swagger, but there is nothing you are going to say that I haven't heard and there is nothing you are going to do next week, I haven't seen.

Hayes says Corbin has never seen an NXT Title reign or the respect of the people.

Corbin says Hayes is not talking to someone who cares if the internet think he is cool.  He does not care what anyone thinks.  

Hayes tells Corbin he thinks Baron is going to come into his home and run him over and take his title to make yourself relevant again.  It is possible, but it is not probable.  Hayes says he is not new to this.  People from the main roster have come after him.  They all ended up on a t-shirt in the rafters.  The only difference between you and them is not a damn thing.  If you think beating Hayes is the big jackpot . . . 

Corbin asks Hayes if he is going to bring Happy Corbin up?  It bought him a $1.8 million house.  That is why he came back.  You throw out these surface level insults and they don't land.  You want to compare things, let's do that.  Let's compare bank accounts and Mania moments.  You will take that L.  It all came from being a main event player on the main roster for nearly a decade.  

Hayes asks what happened?  What you had is a decade on him.  At 26 years old, he won the Breakout Tournament and won a championship.  At 26, you were getting cut from the Arizona Cardinals.  Hayes says he didn't want to do it but he has to put it like this.  After a while, the us against y'all gets tired.  He says they set the bar high, but he refuses to live his life trying to meet Corbin's expectations.  He will set new expectations.  You might say this is your house but Hayes says his name is on the deed.  He put on some new windows and he had to redo the roof because he ripped it down.  You can bring up money or accolades but at the end of the day, he is still HIM.

Corbin says if you have to tell people every week that you are HIM and convince yourself you are HIM, you are a nobody.  That is why I barely recognized you at Smackdown.  You are insignificant.  He says this is where he would crack you in the teeth and leave you laying, but I don't have to do that.  When I am done with you, I am getting that title, driving to my big ass house in my Porsche and have my hot ass wife pour me a drink from a bottle you can't afford and say this was a good day.

Valentina and Yulisa are in the back and they get ready for their match.  

Dragon Lee shows up and tells them he will be watching.

Nathan says he wanted to thank Yulisa and Valentina for last week and Valentina and Yulisa says any time.

Nathan says Seth told him to take care of the people who helped him on the way.  Frazer says he will give Lee the first title match.

We go to commercial.

We are back with a look at Gallus in the Most Dangerous Parking Lot in Sports Entertainment and Mark and Wolfgang drive away while Joe gets a call and he asks about rats.

Channing Lorenzo drives up and attacks Joe and puts him in the trunk of the car and drives away.

Match Number Four:  Yulisa Leon and Valentina Feroz versus Lash Legend and Jakara Jackson

Leon and Feroz attack Jackson and Legend on the floor.  They fight at ringside.

Leon with a springboard arm drag to Jackson.  Leon is on the floor and the referee checks on her.  Jackson sends Leon into the ring and Jackson with punches and chops while Legend holds her.  Lash with a splash for a near fall.  

Lola Vice and Elektra Lopez come to ringside.

Jackson tags in and she hits a hanging cutter for a near fall.  Jackson with a seated abdominal stretch.  Feroz tags in and she kicks Legend and hits a back heel kick.  Feroz with a running double knee strike.  Feroz with a head scissors off the turnbuckles and hits a double knee drop and rolls through.  She stomps on Oro's hand and catches her on a pescado.  Leon with a flip dive onto Oro.  Legend with a bicycle kick to Feroz for the three count.

Winners:  Jakara Jackson and Lash Legend

Next week, Baron Corbin faces Carmelo Hayes for the NXT Men's Championship, Tiffany Stratton faces Thea Hail for the NXT Women's Championship, Gigi Dolin faces Kiana James, Gallus defends the NXT Tag Titles against Malik Blade and Edris Enofe, Nathan Frazer faces Dragon Lee for the Heritage Cup Championship.  

Match Number Five:  Bron Breakker versus Seth Rollins for the WWE Championship

Seth avoids a double leg take down and Bron avoids Black Out.  Bron escapes a Pedigree and Seth sends Bron to the floor and hits a knee off the apron.  Seth chops Bron and sends him into the apron.  Seth with a chop to Bron.  They return tot he ring and Bron with a kick to the midsection.  Seth with sling blade and a kick but Bron with a back body drop to counter a Pedigree.  Bron with shoulders in the corner and then he punches Seth in the midsection.  Bron with a double knee gutbuster for a near fall.  Seth goes to the floor to regroup.

Bron runs Seth into the apron to continue to work on the ribs.  Bron with a bear hug.  Rollins with forearms and a chop.  Bron with a rana for a near fall.  Bron with a slam.  Bron with a back drop to Seth for a near fall.  Seth with a chop.  Seth misses a splash into the corner and Bron with a German suplex.  Bron gets a near fall and Bron does some push ups.  Seth moves out of the way of a Bron shoulder into the corner and Bron hits the ring post shoulder first.  Seth with clotheslines but Bron does not go down.  Seth with more clotheslines and then he gets Bron down with a clothesline.  Seth with a forearm into the corner but Bron blocks a suplex and Bron goes for a suplex but Seth with a knee to escape.  Seth with a knee to send Bron to the floor.  Seth with a suicide dive to Bron and then he gets back into the ring and hits a second one.  Seth completes the hat trick of suicide dives.

Bron goes to the floor to avoid Black Out.  Seth with a clothesline to Breakker.  Seth decides to adjust the announce table.  Bron grabs Seth and he presses Seth over his head but Seth escapes and hits a thrust kick.  Seth goes up top and goes for a frog splash through the table and connects.  The referee starts his count and both men rush to get back into the ring before the ten count.  Bron and Seth exchange forearms.  Bron with a punch to the midsection.  Seth with forearms and Bron with a knee.  Seth with a buckle bomb and he gets a near fall.  Seth with a rolling elbow and he tries for KO but Bron blocks it.  Seth with a rollup for a near fall.  Seth with another rollup for a near fall.  Seth with a super kick and he goes up top for a frog splash but Bron moves and Seth hits the mat.  

Bron applies the Steiner Recliner but Seth gets to the ropes to force a break.  Seth goes to the turnbuckles and Bron with a Frankensteiner followed by a press power slam for a near fall.  Bron sets for a spear and Seth with a knee.  Seth goes for a Pedigree and hits it for a near fall.  Seth with a forearm and he sets for KO and connects.  Seth sets for Black Out but Bron with a spear for a near fall.  Bron goes to the turnbuckles and he takes too long and he comes off into a super kick.  Seth with Black Out.

Seth with another Black Out for the three count.

Winner:  Seth Rollins (retains championship)

After the match, Finn Balor comes through the crowd and attacks Seth from behind.  Finn punches Seth in the injured ribs.  Security comes to stop Finn but that doesn't work out too well.  Finn sends Seth into the ring and Finn hits Seth in the midsection with the chair and then in the back.  Finn goes up top but Carmelo Hayes and Trick Williams come to the ring to stop Finn and hold Seth back.

We go to credits.

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