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By David Tees on 2022-03-31 21:56:00

Team Onita (Atsushi Onita, Ricky Morton, Robert Gibson, Juice Robinson & Colt Cabana) vs. Team PCO (PCO, NZO, Jimmy Wang Yang, Barry Horowitz & Dirty Dango)

The match begins with Cabana giving Horowitz a hug, Horowitz gets angry and he gets Cabana in a headlock. Horowitz follows up by taking Cabana down with an arm drag, Robinson and Dango are tagged into the match. Dango gains control early before working over the arm of Robinson, Robinson goes for a sunset flip and Dango avoids it before landing a punch on him. Cabana then sling shots Robinson into the balls of Dango, NZO tags in and he immediately trips before eating a shoulder tackle from Robinson. NZO trips up Robinson before tagging Yang into the match, Yang drops Robinson before landing a head kick followed by a standing moonsault. Yang mounts a cornered Robinson before landing a series of punches, PCO tags in and he works over a trapped Robinson. Robinson attacks PCO with chops before tagging Onita in, Onita spews mist into the eyes of PCO before sending him to the arena floor. Onita then hits PCO with a DDT on the arena floor, Onita sends PCO into the guardrail before hitting him with a steel chair. 


Onita gets PCO back into the ring before tagging Morton in, Morton and Gibson double team PCO until NZO jumps them from behind. PCO corners Morton before landing a running forearm strike, Dango tags in and he lands strikes on a downed Morton. NZO tags in and he misses a charge before crashing into the ring post, Gibson tags in and a massive brawl breaks out between the teams. Robinson tags in and he works with Gibson to hit NZO with a double back elbow strike. Robinson and Cabana work together against Yang and Dango, PCO clears the ring before taking people out with a few suicide dives. PCO traps Robinson on the ring apron before landing a swanton bomb for a near fall, PCO then hits Robinson with a side slam. PCO places a chair on top of Robinson before climbing to the top rope, PCO misses a moonsault attempt before Onita hits the ring to attack him. Dango tags in and he grabs the steel chair, Dango and Onita take turns throwing the chair at each other until Dango goes down. Onita spews mist at Dango before landing a stunner for a three count.

Winners: Team Onita (Atsushi Onita, Ricky Morton, Robert Gibson, Juice Robinson & Colt Cabana)

The Briscoes (Mark & Jay) vs. The Rottweilers (Homicide & Low Ki)

The match begins with some chain wrestling between Mark and Ki, Mark takes Ki down while working over his arm. Ki gets free and he finds a way to back Mark into the corner, Mark backs Ki into the corner and Ki catches him in a rope assisted arm bar. Ki argues with a fan before eating some strikes from Mark, Ki uses a rope assisted mule kick to send Mark into the opposite corner. Mark looks to use Redneck Kung Fu before Ki lands a kick on him, Jay tags in and he double teams Ki alongside Mark. Ki grabs the ring bell while Homicide throws some chairs into the ring, Jay gets the microphone and he makes the match a No DQ Match. Homicide gets the microphone and he turns down the stipulation, The Briscoes attack The Rottweilers and the battle between them happens on the arena floor. Mark takes out the opposing team with a suicide dive, Mark grabs a chair and he attacks Homicide with it. Mark grabs a cooking sheet from a fan and he attacks Ki with it, Mark and Ki take their battle into the ring. Jay returns with a chair and Ki sends Mark into said chair, Homicide returns and he double teams Jay alongside Ki.

Homicide and Ki nail Jay with a double shoulder tackle for a near fall, Mark tries getting back in the ring and the opposing team prevents him from doing so. Homicide and Ki take turns nailing a downed Jay with elbow drops, Jay fights back and he sends Ki out of the ring. Mark returns and he nails Homicide with a running chair shot, Mark places Homicide on the top rope before landing an Iconoclasm for a near fall. Mark sets up for a suicice dive and Ki stops him after landing a drop kick, Jay returns and he nails Ki with a super kick. Homicide goes for a tornado DDT and Jay prevents it, Homicide recovers and he nails Jay with a cutter. Homicide goes for a lariat and Jay counters with a death valley driver for a near fall, Ki misses a springboard kick and The Briscoes miss the follow up Doomsday Device. Mark prevents a double team on Jay from The Rottweilers, Jay then hits Ki with a Jay Driller before Mark lands a Froggy Bow for a three count.

Winners: The Briscoes (Mark & Jay)


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