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By Richard Trionfo on 2021-09-21 22:02:00

We are back and Joe Gacy is in the ring.

Joe says tonight, this ring is a sacred space.  NXT 2.0 is full of conflict from the smallest micro-aggression to the most heinous grudges.  This is where we settle our differences.  He comes to you to deal with conflict resolution so he does not have to use his male privilege to get what he wants.  He knows life isn't fair.  He says we can achieve unity and tolerance for us all.  He says we can achieve peace in this safe space.

Match Number Four:  Cameron Grimes versus Joe Gacy

Grimes goes for the leg and then applies a wrist lock.  Gacy backs Grimes into the ropes and he misses a punch.  Grimes with an arm drag into an arm bar.  Grimes goes for an O'Connor Roll and Gacy holds on to the ropes.  Grimes with a super kick.  Gacy with an elbow and uranage.  Gacy with a rear chin lock.  Gacy misses a splash and Grimes with a running forearm or two.  Gacy gets a near fall.  Grimes escapes a power bomb attempt.  Gacy with a kick and Grimes with Cave In and he gets the three count.

Winner:  Cameron Grimes

After the match, Gacy offers his hand and then he hugs Grimes but Grimes pushes him away.

We take a look back at the wedding of the Century of the Millennium Last Week.

Next week, we will see the honeymoon.

We go to commercial.

We are back with Von Wagner and he says last week did not go the way he wanted, but he will not stop.

Match Number Five:  Elektra Lopez (with Santos Escobar, Joaquin Wilde, and Raul Mendoza) versus Anna Scheer

Lopez with a kick and forearm to the back.  Lopez with a forearm and shoulder tackle.  Lopez with another shoulder tackle.  Lopez sends Scheer to the mat.  Lopez with a slam but Scheer with forearms and she tries for a cross body and Lopez catches her and hits a uranage followed by a suplex and holds on.  Lopez with a sit out power bomb for the three count.

Winner:  Elektra Lopez

After the match, Escobar says that Lopez has sophistication and power to earn respect.  All of this under the umbrella of FAMILIA.  He says Elektra completes Legado del Fantasma.

Lopez says what she did here tonight was just a little taste of what the first lady of Legado del Fantasma, Elektra Lopez, is going to unleash on B-Fab and NXT.  She tells B-Fab she can keep talking but we all know that is all it is.  If you don't like it, you can get your skinny ass out here.

B-Fab's music plays and Legado del Fantasma see the male members of Hit Row come to the ring, but B-Fab attacks Lopez from behind.  

They are spearated but B-Fab goes after Lopez again and she is held back.

Trey Baxter is in the locker room and Cora Jade comes in to check on him.  He asks if she saw him lose to Dante Chen.  Cora says that Baxter's opponent was a superhero.

Franky Monet, Jessi Kamea, and Robert Stone are walking in the back.  

Raquel Gonzalez freaks out Stone and Raquel mentions their NXT Women's Title match is next week.

Lash Legend shows up and says it is great she has a title match but her talk show debuts.

Match Number Six:  Odyssey Jones versus Cary Millman and Darren Ciapetta

Jones avoids an Irish whip and hits a double shoulder tackle.  Jones tosses Darren away and then he takes care of Cary.  Jones with a splash in the corner.  

Andre Chase makes his way to the ring.

Jones with forearms and a double cross body.  Jones grabs Darren and picks him up and hits a shoulder breaker.  Millman goes for a sleeper but Jones runs Cary into Darren in the corner.  Jones goes to the turnbuckles for a frog splash on both men for the three count.

Winner:  Odyssey Jones

After the match, Chase tries to hit JOnes with a chair but the chair breaks when Jones blocks it.

Carmelo Hayes comes up to Grayson Waller.  He tells Waller that with his contract, Waller can win the title and lose it in the same night.

Mandy Rose, Gigi Dolin, and Jacy Jayne walk past Trick Williams and Carmelo Hayes.

Mandy Rose, Gigi Dolin, and Jacy Jayne make their way to the ring.

We go to commercial.

We are back with Ikemen Jiro and he shows us his closet.  When you think of a Japanese superstar, you think of strong style.  When you think of Ikemen Jiro, you think of style strong.  He says Ikemen means handsome man and a handsome man needs a handsome jacket.  

Mandy says when she came to NXT, she came here to be your gift, your golden goddess.  This division was in need of a woman like her.  A woman that you people will never be with, but to look at.  Then it took a little turn.  Where were you guys when my face was batteredly and beatened (sic).  Nothing.  Absolutely nothing.  It's disgusting.  You ridiculed me.  I became an instant gif, replayed over and over again.  Yesterday's news?  You treated me the way you treated Gigi and Jacy.  The difference is that these two don't give a damn about what you people think.  All of the guidance and advice I can give these two.  Behind this beauty, a beast is about to be unleashed.  This is what the future of the Women's Division in NXT is going to be like.  I am ready to take over the greatest women's division with these two baddies next to me.

Gigi says the pain of her past has always fueled her aggression.  If we could get that out of Mandy, nothing would stand in our way.  Chaos without purpose is an accident waiting to happen.  Mandy was that purpose and we will go to the top.

Jacy says they are not some pretty faces in the crowd.  If you thought for one second that we were going to sit in the back and wait for an opportunity like the rest of the broads in this divison, you got another thing coming.  We want the NXT Women's Tag Titles.  Zoey Stark and Io Shirai, we have an ass kicking waiting for you.  You do not want to keep us waiting.

We see Zoey Stark and Io Shirai and McKenzie asks about the challenge.  Io says she does not like Jacy and Gigi so they are on.  Zoey asks if they should talk about it.  

Persia Pirotta stops by and says that her friend Indi wants the tag titles back so when she is back from her honeymoon, they will want the tag titles. 

We go to commercial.

We are back and we are told that we will have the NXT Women's Tag Title match as well as the NXT Women's Title match.  There will also be a Cruiserweight Title match next week.

We are told that B-Fab will face Elektra Lopez in a No Disqualification match next week.

Match Number Seven:  Pete Dunne and Ridge Holland versus Bron Breakker and Tommaso Ciampa

Ciampa and Dunne start things off and they exchange punches.  Ciampa goes for a back slide but Dunne rolls through.  Ciampa kicks Dunne away and then Dunne kicks Ciampa away.  Ciampa misses a kick and he has some words for Holland.  Holland tags in and so does Breakker.  They lock up and they go to a stalemate.  Holland with a waist lock and European uppercut.  Holland with a side head lock and shoulder tackle.  Holland with another side head lock and Breakker powers out of the hold and into a side head lock.  Breakker with a shoulder tackle and a rollup into a waist lock take down.  Breakker with another waist lock take down and a power slam.

Dunne tries to interfere and Holland hits Breakker.  Ciamapa tags in and he hits a splash into the corner followed by a bulldog.  Holland with punches but Ciampa with a chop.  Dunne tags in and Holland with a spinebuster and Dunne with a drop kick to the back.  Dunne with an arm bar and he drops a few knees onto the arm.  Dunne works on the fingers and drops another knee to the arm.  Dunne with a boot to the chest.  Dunne with a wrist lock but Ciampa with forearms.  Dunne falls back to add pressure to the arm.  Dunne with a hammer lock.  Dunne with a forearm and Holland tags in.  Dunne knocks Breakker off the apron.  Ciampa sends Dunne into Holland and Ciampa trips Dunne and then sends Holland into the ring steps.  Ciampa sends Dunne over the announce table and Ciampa pats himself on the back on the announce table, but Holland with a clothesline.

We go to commercial.

We are back and Dunne stomps on Ciampa's chest but Ciampa kicks Dunne away.  Holland tags in and he goes for a suplex but Ciampa blocks it.  Ciampa lands on his feet on a second attempt and he suplexes Holland.  Breakker and Dunne tag in and Breakker with shoulder tackles and a flying shoulder tackle to Holland.  Breakker with a belly-to-belly suplex to Dunne and then to Holland.  Breakker with a Breakker Recliner.  Dunne slams Breakker's hand into the mat to get out of the hold and then Dunne stomps on the elbow.  Holland tags in and Dunne with a kick to the head before Holland hits an Alabama Slam.  Ciampa breaks up the cover.   Ciampa and Dunne exchange forearms.

Ciampa with a clothesline in the corner but Dunne with a forearm.  Ciampa with forearms to Dunne.  Holland with an overhead belly-to-belly suplex.  Breakker does the same to Dunne.  Breakker and Holland go for clotheslines at the same time and then they both go down on dueling clotheslines.  Ciampa stomps on Dunne's hand when Dunne tries to use Holland's night stick.  Dunne stops Breakker from hitting a press slam.   Holland wants to use his night stick but Kyle O'Reilly comes out to stop him.  Ciamapa hits Willow's Bell on Dunne.  Breakker presses Holland over his head and hits a power slam for the three count.

Winners:  Bron Breakker and Tommaso Ciampa

After the match, Breakker gives Ciampa the belt, but he doesn't immediately give it to Ciampa.

We go to credits.

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