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By Adam Cardoza & Shannon Walsh on 2021-04-09 06:00:00


No Peace Underground "Murdermania"

4/8/21 - 11:59pm

Tampa, FL - Streaming on

The video motif for tonight’s show is THAT Charlie Day gif of him in the throes of the Pepe Silva conspiracy, complete with Drew and Ryan Fox ranting before “Always Sunny in Philadelphia” style match title cards. 

Match 1: Treehouse Lee vs. JJ Garrett

The ring is giving this show a different vibe. This is a lot of technical wrestling for a No Peace show. This is a pretty good back and forth match, Lee hits some of his really good athletic offense, a spinning flying scissor kick for example. Jockeying for position on the waistlock, JJ with a double stomp to the back of the head on an up and over. OUCH. Kick out! JJ ducks a spinning kick and hits a discus clotheline. JJ with another up and over and plants Lee’s face with the stomp again! Lee with a headlock driver and hits a spinning leg drop from the top for the pin. Impressive win!

Winner: Treehouse Lee

Like last show, Kit Osborne makes his presence felt and attacks Lee post-match. The refs stop his incoming on-chair-to as they get Lee out of harm’s way. 

Match 2: Shane Mercer vs. Neil Diamond Cutter vs. Jake Crist vs. Gary Jay vs. Lucky 13

This is a big chaotic throw down. Plenty of doors and record doors in the ring for this one. The doors last about one minute from the bell. Every one gangs up on Shane Mercer with dives to the outside. 13 with a doctor bomb to the buckles with a follow up piledriver to NDC. Crist cuts it off as Gary Jay joins the fight. Gary fighting off Crist, falcon arrow to NDC and 13 goes toe to toe with next hitting a flying need. Mercer is back and hits his flip moonsault slam from the top on Neil Diamond Cutter. A chaotic sprint of a match.

Winner: Shane Mercer

Match 3: The Hallowed (Otis Cogar & Lord Crewe) vs. Nolan Edward & Wolfe Taylor

One thing to note is that we’re doing a lot of the shaky cam style that you see on a normal NPU show, which does give this a slightly different visual style from the other shows on the IWTV card. The Hallowed working them over with good tag work to start, slamming Nolan down for a 2 count. They try a magic killer but Wolfe cuts that off. Nolan and Wolfe swinging some doors. The Hallowed has ‘em too! Big door fight! Is this forbidden? Everyone down. The Hallowed recover and hit a spin out uranage to Nolan onto a chair for the win. Decisive win for this tag team. Nolan gets propped into the chair and Otis tries to drape that disgusting pig’s head over the dirty orphan’s head. A group from RPW show up to attack the Hallowed and we have a brawl in the crowd. The Hallowed eject the RPW guys and the announcer does have to instruct the crowd to NOT try and fight the wrestlers. Uh oh.

Winner: The Hallowed 

Match 4: Tony Deppen vs. Jake Something

Deppen with shots but Something is absorbing them. He tries using his speed and momentum but Something catches him in a slam to the apron. Jake comes running but spears the ring rope instead. OW. Tony with a cannonball to the outside. MIssile dropkick for two. This goes back and forth. Deppen introduces a chair but Something with a big body block and he crashes and burns. Somethign throwing him across the ring. Something might be tiring himself out beating up Tony. Deppen stuns, drops the knee pad but Something dodges. Something with a huge powerbomb but Deppen’s out at two. Deppen with a sunset flip, grabs the legs and gets the three! David vs Goliath here. Good fight

Winner: Tony Deppen

Match 5: Orin Veidt & The End (Parrow & Odinson) vs. Colby Corino & The Rejects (John Wayne Murdoch & Reed Bentley

If you thought this show was more “WRESTLING STUFF” than “no ring deathmatch”...well, the IWTV wrestler of the year is here is help with that balance. This is a war all through the venue, every getting slammed into the posts, chairs, stage. TheEnd makes a pile of chairs and a double suplex to the rejects wipes them all out. Veidt & Corino warring in the ring while their large friends recover. The Rejects come back swinging chairs. DVD to Odinson through a chair but Parrow cuts offf the pin. Parrow brings in a door. Odinson with a f5 to Murdoch. Bentley with a DVD to Odinson through that door. Parrow with a sitout tombstone to Bentley. The End throws in a door and chair for a setup. Veidt with a DVD to Corino off the top through a door on chairs for the pin! WAR.

Winners: The End & Orin Veidt

Match 6: Ace Austin vs. Jamie Senegal

As I watch this show, I wonder why they didn’t take the ring down (since it’s the last one of the day) for the “no ring deathmatch” promotion. I know NPU has done shows in a ring before but even Jamie Senegal thinks this is weird and tries to head outside and make this a Falls Count Anywhere affair. Ace doesn’t want that....WHY THE F*** did he take this match then? They are friends but that doesn’t stop Senegal from throwing a flying knee and posting Ace. Austin trying to get back in the ring....nah son. Jamie runs his junk to the post. Ace brings it back into the ring and he’s getting his wrestling match. Austin is staying aggressive in there, stomping and stretching out Senegal. Jamie with a rana, high kick, slingshot rolling cutter. Disaster kick starches Senegal for two. Jamie gives Ace a smooch but misses a kick and wipes out the ref. Ace wants the finish but Jamie pushes him back and hits a spinning back kick. Big Moonsault but no ref to count it! New ref. Two count! Big fight as Ace recovers. Jamie catches him coming, backslide pin with a bridge and Austin can’t kick out. 

Winner: Jamie Senegal 

Main Event: Casanova Valentine vs. Mad Man Pondo - Taipei Death Match – Special Guest Referee: Markus Crane

The innovator of no ring deathmatch is here and this is super to get gross. Pondo has his stop sign and circular saw pizza cutter with him. They’ve got their hands wrapped and dipped in glass already. Pondo says they might be friends after this match but RIGHT NOW? They are mortal enemies. Markus Crane checks them for weapons. They have them. Cool. Valentine busts his beer botttle over Pondo’s head and we get right to the cutting. Pondo is leaking. Garden weasel to the back and chest. Ow. Battle to the outside. Pondo with a door shot. Casanova with some glass to the back and a chair shot. Someone gave Mad Man a pen and he’s carving into the forehead. Casanova gets posted and Pondo goes to the back to grab a cinder block and sledgehammer. Pondo raking the back with that pizza cutter. Shot to the gut with the saw blade. Stop sign against the genitalia of the Casanova and Pondo rolls a strike into it with a bowling ball. Props to Crane for counting these near falls without spilling his beer. Pondo sets up the cinder block to the junk and breaks it in half with the sledge. OWWWWW. Get some chairs to set up that door over Ed in barbed wire. Loud stop sign shot to the head....where is Markus??? Crane is busy getting a beer at the bar (which is open). He’s back. Two count. Casanova blocks a suplex, Russian leg sweep...Casanova hits an iron claw slam through the barbed wire door and Crane counts the three. Big mess of a match but pretty fun to watch. 

Winner: Casanova Valentine

Atticus Cogar attacks Casanova, Crane and Pondo after the match. Crane gets staple gunned. Leon Scott make the save and runs Atticus off. Casanova gets the mic and tells Atticus to handle his own business on his own time. Stay out of his show....but if he wants a fight THAT badly...Casanova will fight Atticus in a no ring deathmatch in May. Hell yeah. 

These between-match conspiracy vignettes have been incredible. Ryan Fox loses his mind when he realizes none of his connections matters. “NOTHING NOTHING NOTHING NOTHING NOTHING” XD

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