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By Mike Johnson on 2021-04-03 01:18:00

The Amazing Graysons vs The Wild Wests 

The Graysons are regulars here and in Northeast Wrestling.  They have a lot of upside as heels.  The Wests are having their first ever match.   They are students at 907 Pro Wrestling Academy in Alaska.    The Wests played white meat babyfaces, driving The Graysons a little crazy early with their in-ring prowess.  Some basic but nice tag team action early.    

The Graysons gained control with Tommy Grayson arrogantly working over the rookies.  They tagged in and out, maintaining control.  The Wests finally score the hot tag and clean house.  There was some nice fire in this sequence.    One of the Wests got poked in the eyes, leaving him easy prey for the Graysons to double team him and score the pin.

Your winners, The Graysons!

For two kids having their first match, The Wests looked good.  The Graysons were great as the veterans making this work.

Fallah Bay vs. Bobby Wayward

Two stalwarts of WrestlePro here.   They played to the crowd, getting lots of boos and cheers (for Fallah)

The story early was that Wayward wasn't able to hoist Bahh off his feet.  Bahh wiped him out with Wayward being sent to the floor and being wary of returning to the ring.  Wayward scored some offense but Bahh quickly came back with a slam and a legdrop for a two count.  Bahh was knocked to the floor, where Wayward beat him down.  Bahh was almost counted out but returned to the ring at the last second.  Wayward kept stomping and beating Bahh, locking in a rear chinlock.  Bahh fought to his feet and made a comeback.  Wayward kicked him and came off the ropes but was caught in mid-air and drilled with a Samoan Drop.  Bahh went for The Banzai Drop but Wayward got out of the way.  Bahh realized and landed on his feet.  He charged but the referee got knocked off.  Bahh stopped but Wayward drilled him with a lowblow, which the referee missed, and scored the pin.

Your winner, Bobby Wayward!

Another good story.

Matt Cross vs. Tyler Pane

This was Cross' debut for WrestlePro Alaska.  They had a nice, fast early sequence.  They had a nice chemistry.  Payne took control and locked on a crossed arm straitjacket trying to force a submission.  He cartwheeled away to showboat but was nailed with a chop.  Cross nailed a nice leaping big boot after rebounding off the ropes.  He nailed a leaping forearm and drilled him with a spinning back elbow, scoring a two count.  The crowd had fun getting behind Cross, clapping for him.  Payne cut him off on the ropes and nailed a flipping neckbreaker.  Payne tied up Cross on the mat, then hit a standing moonsault for a two count.  Payne had some pretty imaginative offense.  Payne scored a series of two counts with some big spots but got more and more frustrated that he wasn't able to score the pinfall.  He worked over Cross with a series of chops but missed a dive into the corner, hitting his head on the ring post.

Cross exploded with a series of moves, drilling him with a running lariat for a close near fall.  Cross elevated him and went for a move but Payne slipped out and nailed a superkick.  Payne tied up his arms with hammerlocks, then snapped him backwards into a back cracker for a close two count.  Payne ascended to the top and went for a 450 splash but Cross moved.  Payne rolled through but was caught with a springboard stunner.  Cross nailed a shooting star press from the top and scored the pin.

Your winner, Matt Cross!

This was obviously designed to be the "workrate" match of the show.  Payne had some really unique offense and could be someone to keep an eye on as he develops.  

Interim WrestlePro Gold Champion “Iceberg” Deonn Rusman vs. “The Spartan Pitbull” Nikos Rikos

Some nice intensity early on.  Rusman is a local here but was trained at Seth Rollins' school.  Rikos is a regular for WrestlePro.

Rikos was taking the fight to Rusman, who fired back with hard chops and a big Beel Toss.  Rusman scored with a kneedrop and showed some really nice timing and ring work.  He scored a powerslam for a two count.    Rusman missed a spear when Rikos leapfrogged him.  Rikos nailed a backcracker for a two count and began working over the champion with a series of clubbing right blows.     Very physical work here.

Rikos kept beating down Rusman, who tried to fire back, only to be caught with a DDT and nearly pinned.  Rikos clamped on a side chinlock.  Rusman tried to elbow his way out.  Rikos went for a bodypress but was caught and almost elevated into a move, but Rikos shoved off his shoulders and snapped him with a suplex for a two count.  Rikos nailed a double stomp for another near fall.  

Rikos kept kicking and stomping away at Rusman, who finally snapped and fired away with strikes and forearms.  Rikos fired back and they began brawling in the center of the ring.  Rusman nailed a series of clotheslines then hit a spinning sit-down powerbomb.  He leapt back to his feet and went for a move but was caught with a backstabber for a close two count.  Rikos worked him over but Rusman nailed him with a Death Valley Driver for another two count.  Rusman was tossed over the top but skinned the cat.  He avoided another back cracker and rebounded off the ropes with a great spear for the pin.

Your winner and still Interim Gold Champion, Deon Rusman!

This was great.  Just a damn good physical main event.  Rusman absolutely has the "it" factor and looks and wrestles like a badass star.  I'd be shocked if someone didn't want to pick him in the next year.

Overall, a strong independent show for the live house with a lot of talents really enjoying themselves in front of a loud crowd that sounded like there were far more people there than the 100-200 fans in attendnace.

Notes: They started the show late because at 7 PM local time, when they were slated to begin, there were four fans in the crowd, well under the advance.  The fans started showing up about 30 minutes later as they were used to other local shows starting so late apparently...Kevin Matthews handled all the commentary.  It was like listening to Biff Tannen from Back to the Future as a wrestling announcer.  Zack Gowen did color on the second half of the show and was pretty damn good.

Upcoming shows:

Saturday 4/3 - All American Training Center in Soldatna, Alaska

Wednesday 4/7 - The Spur in Fairbanks, Alaska.

Friday 4/9 - Denali Harley-Davidson in Palmer, Alaska:

*Tommy Dreamer vs. Shane Douglas

*Title Unification Match - WrestlePro Gold Interim Champion Deonn Rusman vs. WrestlePro Gold Champion Anthony Bowens

*Singapore Cane Match - LSG vs. Shawn Donavan

Saturday 4/10 - Denali Harley-Davidson in Palmer, Alaska.

*Tommy Dreamer vs. Sami Callihan

*Katarina Leigh vs. Freya The Slaya

*Last Frontier Championship 8 Way Ladder Match

The promotion will be streaming their Northern Expansion Tour on April 2nd, 3rd, 7th, 9th & 10th on their Facebook page.

They will return to The Frontier State in August for The Great Alaskan Bash.

For more, visit

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