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By Mike Johnson on 2021-01-05 07:00:00

EVIL with Dick Togo vs. SANADA.

EVIL stalked outside, trying to play mind games with SANADA early.  They locked up and EVIL tried for a Dragon Sleeper but SANADA broke free.  SANADA caught EVIL and took him down with the Paradise Lock.  SANADA nailed a dropkick, sending EVIL to the floor.  He went for a moonsault off the apron but EVIL avoided it and grabbed him, driving SANADA into the ring post.

EVIL looked for a chair under the ring and wrapped it around SANADA's neck.  He smashed him with another chair, sending it flying off into the horizon.  EVIL manhandled SANADA in the ring, stepping on his chest.   SANADA fired back but was sent hard into the corner, hitting the exposed corner as Dick Togo has removed the pad.  EVIL sent SANADA into the barricades.  EVIL wiped out the time keeper, allowing Togo to nail SANADA with a chair while the referee was distracted.

EVIL went for a suplex but SANADA slipped out and they went back and forth.  SANADA drilled the knee.  SANADA drilled him with another dropkick, sending him to the floor.  SANADA nailed a pescado to the floor on Togo.  He controlled EVIL until he was raked in the eyes.  SANADA tried to mount a comeback but was tripped by Togo as he rebounded off the ropes.  Togo set up a table at ringside.  EVIL worked over SANADA on the apron above the table.  He went for a chokeslam but SANADA blocked it.  SANANDA used a series of elbows and elevated EVIL on his shoulders but EVIL returned to the ring.  SANADA charged but the referee was pulled in front of him and almost wiped out.

SANADA made a comeback and nailed a Tiger suplex for a two count.  He went for the Dragon Sleeper and spun EVIL around.  EVIL escaped but was grabbed in it again.  He drove SANADA backwards into the exposed corner.  EVIL worked over SANADA, beating him down.  SANADA elevated EVIL to the ring post and set up for a superplex and nailed it but was too spent to immediately capitalize.  EVIL locked in a Texas Cloverleaf.  SANADA fought and made it to the ropes.

EVIL nailed Darkness Falls but SANADA kicked up at the last time.   EVIL missed a charge in the corner and was nailed with a back suplex.  SANADA scored a two count.  He nailed an over the knee backbreaker and went for a moonsault, but EVIL rolled out of the way  SANADA landed on his feet but his knees were weakened from the Texas Cloverleaf earlier.  The referee was bumped so Togo attacked SANADA.

EVIL nailed the Magic Killer.  He held SANADA for Togo to come off the top but SANADA kicked EVIL off and drilled Togo.  He locked EVIL in a submission on the mat.   SANADA went to the top but EVIL pulled his knees up when SANADA sailed with a moonsault.  Togo choked SANADA with a wire while EVIL distracted the referee,.  SANADA freed himself and knocked Togo through the table at ringside.  

EVIL caught him with a half and half suplex and drilled him for another two count.  EVIL went for a low blow but it was blocked.  SANADA nailed a big uranage.  He nailed a pop-up TKO and hit the top rope moonsault for the pin.

Your winner, SANADA!

Another very good bout. 

IWGP Junior Heavyweight Champion Taiji Ishimori vs. Hiromu Takahashi

They started out fast with some nice back and forth action until Takahashi went for a sunset flip powerbomb to the floor.  Ishimori blocked but was driven into the apron.  Ishimori was slammed on the entrance ramp.  Takahashi walked up the ramp and charged all the way down.  He went for a running dropkick but Ishimori sidestepped it and drove him down with a sideslam.  Takahashi crawled back to the ring but was wiped out by an Ishimori dive.

Takahashi was whipped hard into the buckles.  Ishimori continued working over Takahashi, snapping his arms as he worked over his left shoulder.  Takahashi battled back and nailed a dropkick on the floor, then a Falcon Arrow in the ring for another two count.  Ishimori drilled him in the ropes and charged at him with a big back suplex throw.

Ishimori went to top and nailed a 450 splash across Takahashi's extended arm, which was draped across the bottom rope.  He locked on a Lebell Lock, trying to force a submission.  Takahashi made it to the topes and fought back but was caught and hit with an overhead suplex into the buckles.  They continued back and forth.  If you want a lot of moves in your wrestling, this was the battle for you.

Takhashi nailed a running DVDR into the buckles, then pulled up the champ and nailed another in the center of the ring for another two count.   They exchanged thrust kicks at each other.  Ishimori went for a handspring elbow but was caught with a German suplex in mid-air. Ishimori nailed the Canadian Destroyer but was too spent to capitalize.  They battled back and forth with big strikes.   They kept striking back and forth until Takahashi seemed out on his feet.  It was pretty brutal, to the point that the announcers talked about a potential referee's stoppage.

Takahashi kept battling back but was sent back crashing down to the mat.  Ishimori measured and drilled him.   Ishimori locked The Lebell Lock again, trying to force the submission.  Takahashi fought and fought and finally made it to the ropes.  Takahashi kept kicking out at the last second, driving Ishimori insane.   Hiromu countered a takedown but was nailed with a leaping knee to the shoulder.  Takahashi drilled him and scored a two count.  The battle continued with Takahashi trying to score a series of desperation pinfalls.

Takahashi went for the Time Bomb but it was countered.  He was drilled down to the mat and locked in a shoulder submission.  Takahashi fought his way out and nailed the Time Bomb, scoring the pin.

Your winner and new IWGP Junior Heavyweight Champion, Hiromu Takahashi!

A really hard fought bout with great sequences, stiff striking, submissions and big spots.  Really everything you can think of here.

NJPW Wrestle Kingdom can be ordered via New Japan World and at www.FITE.TV!

Coverage continues on Page 3!

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