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By Mike Johnson on 2020-12-13 00:10:00

Danny Limelight & JR Kratos vs. Fred Rosser & Rocky Romero

Limelight teased going at it with Romero but tagged out to Kratos.  Rosser tagged in but was quickly wiped out with a hard elbow in the corner by the massive Kratos.  Rosser fired back with hard chops but Kratos shrugged them off.  They exchanged stiff clotheslines.  Rosser was clobbered with an insane one but bounced back and leapt into a big headbutt to the mid-section.

Limelight called for the tag and exchanged punches and kicks with Romero.  Limelight had betrayed Romero on NJPW Strong so they were really laying it in there.  Just as Romero was gaining the advantage, Kratos charged across the apron and clotheslined him down from the outside.  Limelight drilled him with a stomp across the chest and choked Romero against the ropes.

Limelight locked a choke on Romero.  Kratos defended the ring to keep Rosser from breaking it up.  He finally did but was thrown back to the outside by Kratos.  Rosser finally scored the hot tag and cleaned house.  He and Kratos battled on the apron outside with Rosser trying to nail a back suplex off but Kratos held on.  Rosser finally drove him over with a backdrop on the top of the apron.  Rosser brought him into the ring for a two count.  Kratos rose to life and killed Rosser with brutally hard elbow strikes.

Rosser tried to go for a suplex but Kratos scored a reversal.  Limelight tagged in and scored a two count.  Romero was out on the floor so for a time, it was Rosser in a handicap match situation.  He finally nailed a tilt-o-whirl backbreaker and made the tag back.  Romero hit the ring and walloped Limelight with a series of chops.

Romero draped him on the ropes and nailed a dropkick across the back for a two count.  Limelight shoved off Romero and nailed a spinning kick.  Limelight scored with a fisherman’s buster but Rosser broke up the pinfall.  Kratos hit the ring but was drilled by Rosser.  Rosser was sent to the floor.  Kratos intercepted Romero, nailing an over the shoulder powerslam and a big, powerful German suplex.  Limelight covered and pinned the spent Romero.

Your winners, JR Kratos & Danny Limelight!

A good back and forth tag match.  Everyone looked good in their roles here. Rosser worked way harder than you’d expect a former WWE star to work.  Kratos was a MONSTER.  Limelight played a cocky, jerk heel with ability and Romero showed nice fire trying to get some vengeance.  Everyone worked super hard.

They are taking an intermission to clean the ring.

J-Cup Semi-Final - ACH vs. Chris Bey


Lots of nice back and forth action early.  ACH went to the outside and attempted a shoulderblock but Bey caught him in the ropes and dropped an elbow.  Bey nailed a moonsault for a two count.  He nailed several knee strikes to ACH’s back, scoring another two count.  ACH backdropped Bey to the outside and knocked him off the apron.  ACH nailed a pescado to the floor and tossed Bey back into the ring.  He came back in with a stomp and covered Bey for another near fall.

Bey nailed a leaping elbow in the corner, then an enziguri.  Bey went to the top but ACH met him.   ACH went for a move off the shoulders but Bey transitioned it into a top rope rana for a two count.  Bey springboarded off the ropes for the Ultimate Finesse but was caught in mid-air for a German suplex and hit with a brainbuster for a two count.

ACH ascended to the top for the Midnight Star and scored the pin.

Your winner, advancing to the finals, ACH!

They told a hell of a physical story with ACH getting the win but sacrificing his back and coming out hurt, so he’ll be the underdog in the finals.  Bey really kicked major ass here with his performances and ACH looked really good as well.  

J-Cup Semi-Final: Blake Christian vs. El Phantasmo

Phantasmo tried to get Christian to forfeit because of his broken nose.  Christian said he wouldn’t.  Phantasmo called him a fool.  At the bell, Christian exploded with a big dropkick and exploded with some cool offense but Phantasmo grabbed his broken nose and squeezed.  Roddy Piper would have been proud of that.

The referee admonished Phantasmo, who blew him off.  Christian was checked.  Christian swept his leg on the apron and nailed a 619 style move into the mid-section.  Phantasmo went to the floor where Christian nailed a flip dive off the ropes to the floor.  Christian sent him into the ring and prepared for a springboard move so Phantasmo rolled all the way to the outside.  Christian followed and nailed a dive to the floor.

Phantasmo was sent to the floor and went for a flip into the ring.  Phantasmo went to put his legs up but Christian saw it coming and landed on his feet.  Phantasmo ripped at his eyes to cut him off from doing any damage.    Christian was worked over in the corner.  Phantasmo stepped on the back of his neck.  Christian grabbed him but again had his face attacked and was booted down to the mat.

Phantasmo grabbed a side chinlock and while he had the move cinched in, pushed the broken nose from side to side.  Brutal.  He tied up Christian in the ropes and raked his back several times.  Christian mounted a comeback and nailed a Falcon Arrow for a close two count.  He followed up with a DVDR and superkick.  Christian nailed a standing shooting star press but landed on his face and was too hurt to take advantage.

Christian was trying to clear his face and went to the top for a spinning dive but Phantasmo was lying in wait and easily moved out of the way.  Phantasmo nailed a superkick and easily pinned the spent Christian.

Your winner, El Phantasmo!

A good story here with the ruthless Phantasmo going the classless route by taking advantage of Christian’s broken nose.  Even so, Christian went down looking strong as he had a good portion of the match before knocking himself out with the shooting star press.  Nice story told here.

El Phantasmo vs. ACH will be the finals.

Coverage will conclude on Page 3!

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