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By Mike Johnson on 2020-11-14 22:44:00

X-Division Champion Rohit Raju comes out for the Defeat Rohit Challenge. 

It is answered by Cousin Jake.

Jake has lots of control early until Raju avoides a charge in the corner.  Rohit opens up with offense, including a double stomp across the back and scores several near falls.  Jake cuts off Raju with a spear and scored several two counts.  Raju keeps kicking out but is caught goiing for a move and nailed a sit-out powerbomb.  They battle back and forth until Jake goes for a superplex.  Raju breaks free and knocks him down into the ring.  Raju nailed a leaping knee strike and then followed up with a shining wizard for the pin.

Your winner and still X-Division Champion, Rohit Raju!

Eric Young comes to the ring with former All Japan Triple Crown Champion Joe Doering and they beat down the Deaners.

TNA Champion Moose vs. Willie Mack

Moose controls early and nailed a big dive to the outside, driving Mack into the guard rails.  Willie makes a comeback but is cut off as Moose beats him down, talking trash about Mack and Rich Swann alike.  Moose worked him over with lots of elbows and strikes.  Moose worked him over for a long time until he missed an Avalance in the corner.   Mack nailed a running dropkick and a standing moonsault for a two count.  Mack and Moose throw hands but Moose catches him with a big uranage.  Mack fights back but is nailed with a second one.  Mack is slapped hard but that rouses him.  He fights back with several short-arm clotheslines and a cartwheel into a kick.  Mack and Moose fight to their feet.  Mack goes for a slam but ceashed and burns.  Moose goes for a spear but Mack dodges it and catches him with a Samoan Drop on the rebound, then hits a standing moonsault for a two count.  Mack is nailed with a series of elbows but is speared.  Moose keeps beating Mack and the referee rules Mack cannot continue.

Your winner and still TNA Champion, Moose!

Moose keeps beating on Mack, so the referee reverses the decision.  

Your winner, Willie Mack!

The Good Brothers are interviewed.  They promise they are going to win the Impact Tag Team titles tonight.

Impact Tag Team Champions The North vs. The Good Brothers

Gallows and Anderson controlled the match early, tagging in and out as they worked over Ethan Page.  Page cuts off Karl Anderson with a neckbreaker.  The North take turns tagging in and out, working over Anderson with double-team maneuvers.   Gallows finally scored the hot tag and worked over with a series of big boots.  The North cut off Gallows and beat him down.  Page rebounds off the ropes but Anderson pulls down the top rope and Page crashes to the floor.  The Good Brothers double-team Alexander, who fights back but is overwhelmed.  Page tags in but is limping.  Anderson catches him with a Spinebuster.  They nail the Magic Killer for the pin on Page.

Your winners and new Impact Tag Team Champions The Good Brothers!

Jordynne Grace is trying to get into Tenille Dashwood's locker room.  Dashwood and Kaleb with a K mock her.  Grace storms off.  Alisha Edwards says her name should be Jordynne Disgrace.  Dashwood and Edwards align as a team for the Knockouts Tag Team Title Tournament.

Knockouts Champion Su Yung vs. Deonna Purrazzo - No DQ.

Purrazzo attacks Su Yung as Yung is entering.  Deonna worked over Yung's leg and ankle early on.  Yung goes for the Mandible Claw but Purrazzo avoids it and goes right back after her leg,  beating down the champion on the mat.  She goes for the Paradise Lock but Yung makes it to the ropes.  They brawl to the floor.  Weapons are tossed into the ring.  Yung attempted a suplex but Deonna blocks it and nailed a German suplex for a near fall.

They battle to the floor.  Yung is whipped into the ring post.  Purrazzo wraps her arm through the ringside barricade, snapping it.  Yung goes under the ring but Purrazzo drags her back out.  Yung, however, has grabbed some rope and uses it to choke Purrazzo.  They battled back into the ring where Purrazzo catches the champion with a DDT through an artist's canvas that had been tossed into the ring earlier.  

The competitors fight to their feet and battle back and forth.  Yung smashes her with a cookie sheet over and over.  Purrazzo retreated up to the entrance stage.  Yung catches her and nailed a Pedigree.  Yung brings Purrazzo back to the ring and scores a two count.  Yung goes for the Panic Switch but Purrazzo escapes.  Yung goes for the mist but Purrazzo uses the artist's canvas to block it.  We have a Picasso!  Yung is smashed with a chair and trapped in the Venus de Milo.  Yung blacks out.  The referee lifts her arms but Yung grabs her with the Mandible Claw, shocking Purrazzo.  Yung tries to choke her out with the rope and sends her over the top.  Deonna frees herself and nailed a cradle piledriver, scoring the pin.

Your winner and new Knockouts Champion, Deonna Purrazzo!

Impact Wrestling Champion Rich Swann vs. Sami Callihan


Swann takes the fight to Callihan, knjocking him to the floor.  Swann says he wants the bad Sami Callihan to fight back.  Sami challenges him to come to the floor and fight, so they brawl around ringside.  Sami gains control and goes for a powerbomb on the apron outside but Swann grabs the ropes to block it.  Swann kicks Sami away and dives off the apron, drilling Sami into the barricade.

Callihan focuses on Swann's bad leg when they return to the ring and worked him over the mat.  Callihan locks in a kneebar but Swann fights his way to the ropes to force a break.  Swann fights back but has his eyes raked.  Callihan works him over, daring Swann to fight back.  Swann does but is caught with a DDT for a two count.  Callihan keeps working over Swann, verbally tearing him apart and daring him to fight back.  They battled back and forth.  Swann nailed a superkick.  Callihan nailed a stiff clothesline.  They rebound off the ropes and wipe each other out with clotheslines in stereo.

They fight to their feet with Callihan having control but Swann begins to fire up and nails a Rolling Thunder for a near fall.  Callihan fired back with a big lariat for a two count.  Callihan keeps beating Swann down and ripped the hair out of his head.  Swann keeps absorbing punishment but finally scores with a series of uppercuts and a neckbreaker for a two count.  Swann goes for the Phoenix Splash but is cut off and drilled with a piledriver for a two count.  They battle back and forth until Swann catches  Callihan with superkick after superkick after superkick and scores the pin.

Your winner and still Impact Wrestling Champion Rich Swann!

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