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By Mike Johnson on 2020-07-18 23:00:00

As the announcers were talking, Heath Miller, the former Heath Slater, hit the ring.  He said Impact promised surprises and said, "Well, SURPRISE!"  He offered to take on The Rascalz.  The audio mix on the mic was terrible.  He said he came here to make an impact and offered to join the main event.  He said he was here and ready to kick anyone's ass.

Out came Rohit Raju.  He hit the ring and told him that the show started already and Miller missed the Rascalz's open challenge.  He said he's not letting Miller get into the main event.  He's been here for far too long putting in the work and will be damned if Miller gets a title shot.  He said the last time Miller had a World title match, it didn't last very long.

Miller got in his face and asked him what he was trying to say.  Raju nailed him with a right hand.  He worked over Miller in the corner and asked him who he thinks he is.  Miller gets whipped but reversed it and drilled Raju.  Raju rolled out to the floor.  Fine as an introductory segment.

They showed the competitors in the main event preparing for the Impact Championship match.

X-Division Champion Willie Mack vs. Chris Bey

Lots of really good action early on.  Bey got sent to the floor.  Mack teased a dive but Bey asked for a time out.  Mack kicked him in the back and snapped him down with a neckbreaker to the floor.  Mack nailed a Fall Away Slam followed by a standing moonsault for a two count.  Mack nailed a series of elbows in the corner and whipped Bey into the corner.  Bey leapt up and kicked Mack.  Mack cut him off in the corner and went for a superplex.   Bey escaped and went for powerbomb out of the corner.  He nailed Mack and hit a slingshot into a Slingblade, crashing Mack down into the mat for a two count.

Bey nailed a swinging neckbreaker for another two count.  Bey continued working over Mack but was caught with a sit-down powerbomb in mid-air.  Both men were down as the referee counted them out.  They fought to their feet.    Mack caught him with a big clothesline and a spinning back elbow.  Mack whipped him into the corner and nailed a big clothesline.  Mack nailed a cannonball in the corner and landed on his feet.  Mack went for the Exploder but Bey escaped.  Bey went for the Famouser but Mack evaded it and nailed a big exploder into the corner for a two count.  

The battle continued.  Bey caught him with a Canadian Destroyer for a close two count.  Mack caught him with a stunner out of nowhere and went to the top for the frog splash.  Bey moved and Mack rolled through.  Bey nailed him with a crucifix style move and caught Mack with the Art fo Finesse for the pin.

Your winner and new X-Division Champion, Chris Bey!

Good match.  Where was Swinger?

Backstage, Heath Miller ran into Rhino, who he hugged.  Scott D'Amore showed up and said they are making history.  He said Miller looks great.  Scott said there's lots of opportunities and lots of free agents.  Scott said he doesn't work here and due to social distancing, he's going to ask him to leave.  He'll give them a few minutes to catch up but then he's going to have to leave.  Rhino said to come back on Tuesday and call him when he gets there and they'll figure it out.  They made it clear they are back together.  Rhino told him to tell the kids he said hi.

Impact Tag Team Champions The North vs. Ken Shamrock & Sami Callihan

Alexander and Shamrock started out.  Ken went for the anklelock early but Alexander made it to the ropes to force a break.   Callihan and Shamrock worked together to control the match, working over Ethan Page.  Alexander hit the ring but Shamrock nailed him with a big right hand.  The North dispatched Shamrock to the floor and worked him over.  Callihan was prevented by the referee from helping but the announcers missed it and questioned where he was.

Alexander and Page tossed Shamrock back into the ring and worked him over in their corner, tagging in and out.  Shamrock absorbed the beating and clotheslined both, making the hot tag to Callihan.  Callihan cleaned house and nailed a brainbuster on Page for a two count.  Alexander caught Callihan with a shot to the back, allowing Page to drill him with a dropkick.  The North swarmed over Callihan, beating him down.

Callihan was worked over for a long time.  Page nailed him with a series of big right hands.  Callihan fired bacl but Page tried to maneuver him back to The North's corner.  Callihan nailed an enziguiri, leaving both men down as their partners wanted to tag in.  Shamrock made the hot tag and cleaned house on everyone.  He nailed a big powerslam on Alexander for a two count.  

Callihan tagged back in and went back and forth with Alexander but got caught in the Champions' corner and nailed with a modified Crucifix Bomb for a CLOSE two count.  Shamrock belly to belly suplexed Alexander to the floor.  Shamrock locked Page in an anklelock.  Alexander grabbed Callihan in one. Everyone battled.  Page was hit with a cutter.  Alexander was trapped in an anklelock.  Page threw Callihan into Shamrock to break it up.  Ken thought Sami turned on him and they began shoving each other.  Alexander shoved Ken into Sami.

Somehow, Sami and Shamrock still took out Alexander.  Sami nailed a piledriver but Page broke up the pinfall.  Callihan tossed him to the floor and drilled him into the barricades.  Alexander snapped Shamrock's throat across the top rope.  He ascended to the top, despite his bad ankle.  Shamrock cut him off and went for a top rope belly to belly superplex.  He went for a dive on Alexander but Page pulled his partner out of the way.  No water in the pool.  Shamrock crashed and burned.

They tossed Ken back into the ring and double-teamed him.  They nailed the double face-first piledriver and scored the pin.

Your winners and still Impact Tag Team Champions, The North!

Page grabbed the mic and demanded Shamrock be removed.  He asked why no one asked them for comment when they hit one year as champions.  Why? Don't you want comment on our title reign where we dominated the entire division?  Alexander said that a year ago, he told everyone that the North was going to re-write history but everyone in the back snickered and laughed.  They asked who was laughing now.  They were.  No team has more chemistry or more devastating tag team tactics.  They declared themselves the best team in Impact history.

This brought out The Motor City Machine Guns.  They wished The North a happy anniversary as champions but as far as being the flagship team that reinvented the wheel, they disagree.  Sabin said when you are the greatest, you don't need to remind everyone over and over again.  Before tonight, they were the greatest but now the Guns are here.  They just found out this Tuesday on AXS TV will be The North vs. the Motor City Machine Guns for the titles.  Nice way to build to TV.

Gia Miller was backstage at what she thought was The Good Brothers' locker room but when she opened up, Rich Swann emerged.  He said that he was here to support Willie Mack and wasn't happy he lost the X-Division title.  He then said once he was cleared to return, he has his eyes on the Impact Championship.  Good promo.

Coverage continues on Page 3!

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