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By Richard Trionfo on 2020-05-20 22:00:00

We are back and Strong with an elbow and running forearms in the corner.  Strong with a back breaker for a near fall.  Strong with a seated abdominal stretch and Strong with elbows as Strong gets frustrated with Lumis' demeanor.  Strong with a kick but Lumis with a punch.  Strong with forearms.  Lumis and Strong go back and forth.  Strong with a knee to the midsection followed by an Olympic Slam for a near fall.  Strong stomps on Lumis' hand and follows with an elbow to the bridge of the nose.  Strong with boots to the midsection and then he goes for the Strong Hold but Lumis with kicks to escape.  Lumis with a forearm to the top of the head.  Strong with forearms to the back followed by another attempted Olympic Slam but Lumis escapes and hits a Thesz Press.  Lumis with punches.

Lumis with a back body drop and punches.  Lumis with a slingshot suplex for a near fall.  Strong with a back elbow to the head and he kicks Lumis a few times.  Strong chops Lumis and Dexter likes it.  Strong with forearms and Lumis with a spinebuster.  Strong with a knee and he goes for the Strong Hold.  Lumis tries to escape but Strong with a rollup for the three count.

Winner:  Roderick Strong

After the match, Lumis grabs Strong and chokes him out on the floor.

Bobby Fish and Adam Cole come to the ring and Fish attacks Lumis and holds Lumis for Cole but Cole is attacked from behind by Velveteen Dream.  Dream with a super kick to send Cole over the guardrails and then Dream goes up top and hits an elbow drop onto Cole on the floor.

We see Rhea Ripley in the back as we go to commercial.

We are back and Akira Tozawa is walking outside Full Sail and El Hijo del Fantasma stops him to talk to him about his match.  The van with the Masked Order shows up and they attack Tozawa until Fantasma gets out of his vehicle.

Match Number Five:  Oney Lorcan and Danny Burch versus Matt Martel and Chase Parker

Parker and Burch start things off and Burch with a side head lock and shoulder tackle.  Burch with an ankle pick followed by a clothesline and enzuigiri.  Burch with a missile drop kick and Martel tags in.  Burch with a head butt and Lorcan tags in.  They chop Martel.  Lorcan with more chops and Martel with a side head lock.  Parker makes the tag and Lorcan with a back elbow to Martel.  Lorcan with a European uppercut followed by a blockbuster.  Lorcan with a single leg crab on Parker and Parker taps out.

Winners:  Danny Burch and Oney Lorcan

We take a look at what happened after Mia Yim's match.

Keith Lee is in the back and he says that he requested this time.  He says he saw the Gargano dinner party and he wonders who films themselves eating.  He has a problem with Keith and Candice's antics.  He has a problem with the Gargano Way and it will reach its limit at Takeover.

We go to commercial.

We are back and we see Io Shirai preparing for her match.

We go to Matt Riddle and he tells Trashy Tim he must feel cool to turn his back on him and Pete.  Then you attacked me with a monitor.  I beat you and you tried to break my wing.  You are not a stallion, you are a putz.  Then you challenge me.  Where do I want to fight?  Why don't we go somewhere familiar . . . the cage.

Match Number Six:  Drake Maverick (1-1) versus KUSHIDA (2-0) in an A Block Match in the Cruiserweight Championship Tournament

They lock up and KUSHIDA with a side head lock.  Maverick backs KUSHIDA Into the ropes and Drake with a clean break.  KUSHIDA with a side head lock.  Drake with a crucifix for a near fall.  Drake kicks at KUSHIDA and KUSHIDA rolls into an arm bar submission.  KUSHIDA with a shoulder tackle and a drop kick to the arm.  Drake with a chop and KUSHIDA with a handspring back elbow.  KUSHIDA with a drop toe hold into a front face lock and he tries for the Hoverboard Lock but decides on a hammer lock using the leg and then he leans back and hyperextends both arms.  

Jake Atlas makes his way to ringside and KUSHIDA continues to work on the arm.  KUSHIDA with an arm drag into a wrist lock.  KUSHIDA slams the arm into the mat and then hits a cartwheel and follows with a drop kick as we go to commercial.

We are back and KUSHIDA and Maverick exchange forearms.  Maverick with a flurry and then he floats over and then sends KUSHIDA Into the turnbuckles with a drop toe hold.  Maverick with a missile drop kick and Code Red for a near fall.  KUSHIDA with a kick to the arm and Drake screams in pain.  KUSHIDA with a forearm and Atlas is now next to the ring.  KUSHIDA with a shotei followed by a running shotei into the corner.  KUSHIDA with a wrist lock and he drops a knee across the arm.  Maverick is sent to the floor.  KUSHIDA waits for Maverick to get back into the ring and Maverick rolls in.  Maverick with punches and KUSHIDA with a slam.  KUSHIDA puts Maverick's elbow in an awkward position and he stomps on the elbow.  Maverick gets to the ropes and forces a release of the Hoverboard Lock.

Drake is asked if he wants to quit and he refuses.  Maverick with a slap.  KUSHIDA goes for the Hoverboard Lock but Drake blocks it for a moment.  KUSHIDA applies the Hoverboard Lock and Maverick refuses to give up and he gets his foot on the ropes.  KUSHIDA with a shotei and then he goes for a tornado DDT but Drake puts KUSHIDA on the turnbuckles.  KUSHIDA with a Hoverboard Lock on the turnbuckles but Maverick with a forearm.  Maverick sets for a Victory Bomb but KUSHIDA counters into a cross arm breaker but Maverick with a rollup for the three count.

Winner:  Drake Maverick (2-1) [KUSHIDA, Jake Atlas, and Drake Maverick tied at 2-1]

After the match, Drake Maverick, Jake Atlas, and KUSHIDA are in the ring.

Byron Saxton says he just got word from William Regal that because of the tie, there will be one more match to determine the Group A Winner.  They will be in a Triple Threat Match next week with the winner advancing to face El Hijo del Fantasma.

Rhea Ripley says Wrestlemania didn't go as planned.  To be honest, she hasn't had much rest since.  Io Shirai put up a good fight.  The one who is going to bring that title back is her.  If she has to beat that into Io Shirai, so be it.

We go to commercial.

We are back and in addition to the Triple Threat Match for the A Block title, we will see Timothy Thatcher versus Matt Riddle in a Cage Fight.

Damian Priest says the key to infamy is multiple targets.  He says he will be a champion and that time will come.  Finn Balor made himself into a target.  He made this brand and that is why he became a target.  He will not do it at any place.  He will do it where Finn Balor made his name.  At Takeover.  Finn Balor's name will turn to ash while the name Damian Priest will live forever.

Match Number Seven:  Io Shirai versus Rhea Ripley

The bell rings and Shirai with a drop kick and forearms.  Ripley with a kick but Shirai with a kick.  Rhea catches Io on a leap frog and Shirai with a back rake.  Rhea grabs the arms and hits a series of short arm clotheslines.  Rhea with a drop kick and Io goes to the apron.  Io wants Rhea to back up and Rhea with a kick.  Rhea with a faceplant and a second one.  Rhea gets Io up a third time but Io escapes.  Io with a victory roll into a double stomp for a near fall.  

We go to commercial.

We are back and Io with a handspring but Rhea moves.  Io goes for a rana but Rhea blocks it and tries for a power bomb but Io counters into a sunset flip for a near fall.  Io with a crossface.Rhea is able to escape.  Io with a kick and she goes up top.  Rhea with a punch to stop Io.  Rhea with a head butt and forearms to the back.  Io blocks a superplex and Rhea with head butts.  Rhea with a superplex and she gets a near fall.  Rhea with a clothesline.  Io escapes a belly-to-back suplex attempt.  io goes for a crossface.

Rhea makes it to the ropes to force a break.  Io with a Tiger Feint Kick and then she hits a springboard drop kick that sends Rhea to the floor.  Io with a suicide dive.

Charlotte Flair's music plays and she makes her way to the ramp.

Io and Rhea with punches and Rhea sends Io back into the ring and Io with a head scissors that sends Rhea into Flair.  Io sends Rhea back into the ring and Io with a running double knee strike and she gets a near fall.  Io with a hesitation DDT for a near fall. Flair with a boot to Shirai and the referee calls for the bell.

Winner:  Io Shirai (by disqualification)

After the match, Charlotte with a spear to Ripley.

Charlotte stands over both holding the NXT Women's Title belt and we go to credits.

We go to credits.


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