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By Richard Trionfo on 2020-04-24 21:58:00

Match Number Four:  Lacey Evans versus Sasha Banks (with her best friend and Smackdown Women's Champion Bayley) in a Money in the Bank Qualifying Match

Lacey focuses on Bayley and Sasha attacks Lacey.  They go to the floor and Lacey sends Sasha into the ringside barrier.  Lacey grabs Bayley for holding the Summer on a stick but Sasha hits Lacey and sends her hand into the ring post.  They return to the ring and Sasha kicks Lacey.   Sasha with an Irish whip and she wraps the arm in the ropes.  Sasha puts Lacey on the turnbuckles but misses the double knee drop.  Lacey with a kick and clothesline.  Lacey with a bicycle kick and running kick to the chest.  Sasha avoids the hesitation bronco buster because Lacey cannot get up due to the damage to her hand.  Sasha with kicks to the hand followed by Meteora for a near fall.

Sasha with a hammer lock and chin lock.  Lacey iwth a drop toe hold that sends Sasha into the turnbuckles.  Lacey hits a hesitation bronco buster to the back and then Lacey slams Sasha's head into the ring post.  Lacey and Bayley have some words before Lacey returns her focus to Sasha.  Lacey goes to the turnbuckles and she brings Sasha up.  Sasha blocks a superplex and Sasha with forearms.  Sasha stands on the injured hand and Sasha kicks the hand against the turnbuckle.  Sasha with a power bomb for a near fall.  Sasha with a crossface.  Lacey rolls through to escape.  Lacey with a back slide for a near fall.  Sasha with a shot to the injured had but Lacey with a Woman's Right but Bayley puts Sasha's foot on the rope.  

Lacey grabs Bayley and Sasha with a rollup but the referee is dealing with Bayley.  Sasha gets a near fall.  Bayley yells at the referee and Sasha tells Bayley to stay out of this.  Lacey with a Woman's Right with help from Summer on a Stick for the three count.

Winner:  Lacey Evans

After the match, Sasha and Bayley are on the stage and Tamina's music plays.  Tamina with a super kick to Bayley and she leaves.  

We go to commercial.

We are back and it is time to look back at the history between Braun Strowman and Bray Wyatt.

We see Braun debut in 2015 and some of his early work and promos.  

We fast forward to last week's Moment of Bliss and the return of the mask.

We move on to the Otis/Mandy/Sonya/Dolph rhombus of confusion.

Next week, Otis faces Dolph Ziggler in a Money in the Bank Qualifying Match while Mandy Rose faces Carmella.

Carmella is stretching and Dana Brooke stops by and she brings up Carmella's match next week and Carmella understands that she is mocking Carmella from last week.  

We go to commercial.

We are back with a look at the night that Triple H tore his quad in 2001 and his return in January.

Match Number Five:  Mandy Rose and Carmella versus Alexa Bliss and Nikki Cross for the WWE Women's Tag Team Championship

Dana with a drop kick to Nikki as the bell rings and Nikki goes to the floor.  Carmella with a cross body to Alexa.  Nikki sends Carmella into the ringside barrier.  Dana with a cross body off the ringside barrier as we go to commercial.

We are back and Carmella and Alexa tag in.  Carmella with clotheslines and she sends Alexa into the turnbuckles.  Carmella with a moonwalk and bronco buster.  Carmella with a round kick for a near fall.  Dana knocks Nikki down on the floor and hits a handspring back elbow.  Alexa with a drop kick to Dana and Carmella stops Alexa.  Alexa goes to the turnbuckles and connects with a forearm.  Carmella with a handstandcanrana but Nikki makes the tag and she gets a near fall with a rollup.  Nikki with a head butt to the midsection.  Carmella with a kick.  Alexa makes the tag and they hit a flapjack and elevated DDT combination for the three count.

Winners:  Nikki Cross and Alexa Bliss (retain Championship)

We go to commercial.

We are back and Daniel Bryan faces Baron Corbin next week. 

We are back and Triple H makes his way to the ring.

He says it is hard to believe it has been 25 years.  He says . . . 

Shawn Michaels interrupts Hunter and he makes his way to the ring.  Shawn says you weren't getting away without him coming out to be with Hunter.  Shawn tells Hunter to practice social distancing.  He says in lieu of this celebration, he sent out hundreds of hundreds of invitations to his friends and loved ones.  Well, we are all here for you.

We see that there is no one in the building.  

Hunter points out that Cole and Corey are here, but Shawn says they have to be here.

Shawn says they have been friends for the entire 25 years.  Before we celebrate, he wants to thank Hunter for the 25th anniversary show that he had on Smackdown.  He asks Hunter about it and Hunter says it was a wild time.  Shawn asks Hunter what was his favorite moment and Hunter says it is so hard to pick just one.  Shawn says he never had one.  Shawn says he is not angry about that.  Hunter tells Shawn he was supposed to have a 25 year anniversary show and Hunter says heads will roll when he gets to headquarters.

Shawn mentions Degeneration X and they were money.  They had a good time and they had fun.  Everything worked and they were flawless.  They were one shot wonders.  Everything they did turned to gold.

We take a look at the "Not So" Great Moments in Degeneration X history.

They say almost one take.  Shawn says that was the beginning.  Fourteen world championships, numerous Wrestlemania appearances and Wrestlemania moments.  Shawn says he calls himself Mr. Wrestlemania but what Hunter has done is so much better.

We take a look at Hunter's Wrestlemania history where he lost a number of matches (13 to be exact).

Shawn says Hunter wasn't that good.  Hunter asks Shawn how many matches did he lose at Wrestlemania and Shawn says it isn't about him.

Hunter says he has a lot of people to thank.  The Rock, Austin, The Undertaker, Batista, Foley, and Shawn.  Without those people, his career would be nothing.

Shawn says those people probably feel the same.  It was because of those moments your career took off.  Then there was a hiccup, when you met that girl, Stephanie No Fun.

Hunter has a call and it is Stephanie.

Stephanie says she is watching the celebration and it is so incredible.  Then Shawn starts talking about her and Hunter denies that he is talking about her and then he mocks Stephanie.  Stephanie tells Hunter to tell that Lazy Eye . . . and Hunter hangs up.

Shawn says they need to talk about Ric Flair.

Hunter gets another call and it is Ric Flair.  Ric says he knows how proud Hunter's daughters, Stephanie, and the WWE are.  He tells Hunter not to let Shawn super kick him at the end of the segment.

There is another call and we go to commercial.

We are back and Road Dogg is on the phone and he calls Hunter a chia pet.  Hunter mutes Road Dogg.

Shawn says they are going to have to wrap this up.  Hunter says they can go as long as they want.  Shawn says that is good because we haven't gotten to Katie Vick yet.

There is No Chance in Hell that Vince McMahon wouldn't come out and say a few things.

Shawn says this is going to be a special moment so he will leave the ring.

Vince congratulates Paul on 25 years.  That is extraordinary.  Under normal cricumstances he would give him a bear hug.  There are people all over the world, standing in appreciation..  You heard the chant of Triple H so many times, but this time, it would probably be the front row.  

Vince says the rest of the people would be chanting 'boring'.  Vince brings up some boring things.  He talks about the Gobbledygooker.  He expected a great reaction, but there was nothing.  He brings up the Katie Vick segment and how Paul was half naked.  Why did you stoop to those levels.  Vince says his performance was like Bayley This is Your Life.  That was crickets, and it wasn't Bayley's fault.  Vince says he loves Hunter and Hunter says he loves Vince.  Vince says his performance tonight is god awful.  Vince says he is ashamed of you guys.

Vince says goodnight and it is time to wrap it up.

We go to credits as the lights go down and the crickets sound.



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