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By Mike Johnson on 2019-12-13 19:00:00

Welcome to's coverage of Ring of Honor Final Battle 2019 from Baltimore, Maryland.

Tonight's event can be ordered on PPV, via Honor Club or FITE.TV.


This is the free broadcast, which you can stream by clicking here.

Our announcers tonight are Ian Riccaboni, Caprice Coleman and Colt Cabana.

Teddy Hart is sitting ringside.

Josh Woods & Silas Young vs. Dalton Castle & Joe Hendry

Dalton has two Boys with him, but not "The Boys."

Silas and Hendry went back and forth with some nice action, exchanging headlock takedowns and reversals before facing off.  Castle tagged in and talked trash to Woods and Young.  Woods reversed a waistlock takedown and worked over Castle’s arm.  They had some nice mat wrestling with Woods having most of the control.  Woods tried to pop him over with a takedown but Castle landed on his feet.  They kept reversing each other’s attempts and Castle preened to throw Woods off.  Some nice grappling there.

Young tagged in but was clocked with a Castle clothesline.  Hendry tagged in and controlled Young, scoring a two count.  Castle and Woods tagged in and out.  Silas cut off Young.  They exchanged strikes with Young getting the better of the exchange with a big forearm.  Castle nailed a clothesline and they both went down.

Castle made the hot tag and hit clotheslines on Young and Woods.  He nailed a DDT on Young and nailed a double Fall Away Slam on each.  Castle tagged in but was caught by shots from Woods.  Castle elevated and dumped him. went for Misery but Castle escaped.  Young nailed him with the Anarchist’s suplex.  Hendry was pulled off the apron by Silas.

Castle and Woods battled.  Woods blocked the Bangarang.  He avoided Hendry charging and Castle was nailed by his own partner.  Woods nailed him with a T-Bone Tazplex.  He drilled Castle and scored the pin.

Your winners, Josh Woods & Silas Young!

A solid opening match.  I enjoyed the grappling early on.

They went to the Bouncers in the crowd, knocking Silas Young.  It did not appear that a lot of fans were there.

The announcing team ran down the lineup for the show.

Backstage, Brian Zane interviewed The Allure and asked Angelina Love if she was afraid of Maria Manic.  She asked him if he knew how long she's been in the business - 20 years.  She's a seven-time World champion.  She told him he was sweating and to leave her alone.

Alex Shelley came out.  He said Baltimore has been a mainstay city for ROH since the beginning.  He thanked them for that.  He said that ROH is pro wrestling's greatest classroom.  There's been lots of wrestlers show a little bit about themselves and go on to their greatest work.  He said sometimes the greatest students come back, naming Jay Lethal and The Briscoes.  Sometimes, they come back and they take on different positions behind the scenes.  He said that ROH is home to one of the greatest technical wrestlers of all time but he doesn't have a match tonight, naming Colt Cabana.  He said that whether people realize this or not, he's never wrestled Cabana one on one, so he challenged Colt to a match.  Cabana joked that Shelley would have to see him after class.  He said he appreciates being called out and he appreciates Shelley's skills, but for him, as someone who is the NWA National Champion and just came back from a long New Japan tour, a little bit of his heart sank when he saw he wasn't wrestling tonight.  If the officials and fans are OK with it, they can add another match to the show.  He told Shelley he is one of the greatest technical wrestlers there has ever been and he'd love nothing more than to put on a technical wrestling clinic tonight.  Cabana accepted the challenge.

Kenny King (with Amy Rose) vs. Rhett Titus

Titus kissed his wife and infant son, who were sitting ringside, as he made his way to the ring.

King came out to the All Night Express theme song.

They locked up with neither man getting the advantage.   The story early on was that they knew each other very well and kept avoiding the other’s moves.    Titus finally took King down to the mat with a waistlock and tried to work him over.  King ran him into the ropes, snapping his throat into the top rope, then drilled him with a kick to the chest.

King went to the floor to argue with Rhett’s wife.  That allowed Titus to hit a flip dive that almost didn’t connect.  Titus worked over King on the floor, scraping his back.  He drilled King with a belly to belly suplex on the floor.  King was dumped back into the ring and clotheslined over the top to the floor.  Titus went over and kissed his baby before going back after King.  He nailed another suplex on the floor.

King cut him off and brought Titus back in the ring.  Titus fought back with a series of rights.  He whipped King into the corner but was caught charging into the corner and nailed with an overhead throw suplex into the buckles.  That looked rough.  King stomped at him, then locked on the King (Camel) Clutch.

Titus fought back and nailed a splash in the corner.  Titus caught King hitting the corner and  nailed a boot to the face.  They battled to the top, where King attempted a superplex.  King caught Titus coming off the ropes with a spinebuster.

King called for the Lethal Injection but was dropkicked in the face.  Titus nailed the Royal Flush but King kicked up at the last second, almost beating King with his own finisher.  Amy Rose grabbed Titus’ leg, allowing King to drill Titus and pin him with Royal Flush.

Your winner, Kenny King!

OK match.  I thought the finish was unimaginative.   King has a good swagger as a heel.  Titus showed some nice fire at times.

Brian Zane interviewed The Bouncers at ringside.  Where is Quinn McKay???  He asked them what they thought of the show.  They put it over and played to the crowd, but there was no real reaction.  They were asked to predict the winner of the main event.  They couldn't agree who was going to win.  They started arguing over it.  

Dan Maff vs. Jeff Cobb

They shook hands before the bell.

They charged each other shoulderblocks, but neither man moved the other.  They started brawling in the center of the ring.  Cobb leapfrogged and dropkicked Maff, who rebounded with a shoulderblock and a diving senton that sent Cobb to the floor.  Maff hit a big dive to the floor.

Maff whipped him into the corner and nailed a chop.  Cobb snatched him into the air and dumped him with a throw, then nailed a standing moonsault.  That was great.   Cobb fired away with chops but Maff absorbed them and fired back with his own.  It was Godzilla vs. King Kong as they hit big moves and stiff strikes and really got the crowd into this more than anything else thus far on the show.

Cobb drilled Maff with a big clothesline.  Cobb ended up on the floor. He returned to the ring and they went face to face chopping the hell out of each other.  Cobb caught Maff and hit a big German suplex.  Maff returned to his feet and was able to block an Irish whip.  Cobb backed him into the corner and massacred him with chops.  Cobb nailed a jumping uppercut. 

Maff caught him with a BIG spear and dumped him on his head for a close two count.  Maff went for the Burning Hammer but Cobb broke it up.  Maff dazed him with a chop and went for it again.  Maff drove a series of shoulderblocks into Cobb in the corner.  Cobb caught him with a suplex into the corner.  They are beating the hell out of each other.

Maff was placed on the top but escaped and superkicked Cobb’s legs, trapping him in the corner.  Maff went for the Burning Hammer but Cobb escaped and nailed Tour of the Islands twice to score the pin.

Your winner, Jeff Cobb!

A hell of a match.  They took it to each other.  Dan Maff working at this stage in 2019 was a victory in itself.  Best thing in the first hour by far.

They showed each other respect after the match with Cobb offering his hand and Maff finally accepting it.

Coverage continues on Page 2!

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