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By Richard Trionfo on 2019-10-16 22:05:00

We start off with a look back at highlights from last week's show.

We are at Full Sail University and your announcers are Mauro Ranallo, Nigel McGuinness, and Beth Phoenix.

Match Number One:  Tommaso Ciampa versus Angel Garza

Garza misses a charge into the corner and Ciampa with a shoulder tackle.  Ciampa and Garza miss clotheslines and kicks and then after a stalemate, Garza offers his hand and Ciampa kicks it away.  Garza with an enzuigiri.  Garza misses a baseball slide to the floor and Garza is sent into the apron and guardrails followed by a shot into the ring steps.  Ciampa applauds his work and pats himself on the back.  Ciampa with a forearm as they return to the ring.  Ciampa sets for Fairy Tale Ending but Garza backs Ciampa into the turnbuckles.  Garza crotches Ciampa in the turnbuckles and drop kicks Ciampa in the injured knee.  Ciampa is sent to the floor and Garza with a suicide dive.  Garza sends Ciampa back into the ring and goes up top.

Garza with a missile drop kick.  Garza removes the pants and throws them at Ciampa.  Ciampa with a foraerm and kicks to Garza in the corner.  Ciampa with a running knee to the head and Garza goes to the floor.  Ciampa grabs Garza's pants and stomps on them on the turnbuckles and then hits a running knee to the pants.  Ciampa tosses his pants to him and hits Willow's Bell for the three count.

Winner:  Tommaso Ciampa

After the match, Ciampa starts to leave the ring and the music for the Undisputed Era plays and they make their way to the stage and Roderick Strong is wearing Velveteen Dream's sunglasses.

Ciampa gets his crutch and chair and sits down in the ring.  

Kyle O'Reilly hands something to Mauro at the announce table.

The Undisputed Era make their way back up the ramp as we go to commercial.

We go to commercial with Keith Lee in the back getting ready for his match tonight with Dominik Dijakovic.

We are back and Mauro mentions the video that was produced by Kyle O'Reilly. 

It is Kyle O'Reilly wiht the Undisputed Era.  Adam Cole says an example needs to be made.  When you get in your way, this is what is going to happen. 

We see Roderick Strong standing over a motionless and unconcious Velveteen Dream.  Adam Cole tells Tommaso Ciampa and Finn Balor that this is what is in store for you if you get in their way.

Match Number Two:  Danny Burch and Oney Lorcan versus Fabian Aichner and Marcel Barthel (with Alexander Wolfe)

Aichner and Burch start things off and Aichner with a side head lock and holds on when Burch tries to send him off the ropes.  Aichner with a waist lock and he tosses Burch aside.  Burch with a shoulder tackle and Lorcan tags in.  They hit a double shoulder tackle on Aichner and Lorcan with a chop.  Aichner with an elbow to Burch and a kick to Lorcan.  Barthel tags in and he sends Burch into the turnbuckles.  Burch with an Irish whip but Barthel with a boot.  Burch with a kick and missile drop kick.

Aichner tags in and Barthel sends Burch shoulder first into the turnbuckles.  Aichner and Barthel with a double drop kick combination as we go to commercial.

We are back and Barthel with an arm bar on Burch but Burch with a jaw breaker and clothesline.  Lorcan tags in and hits European uppercuts on Aichner while hitting a pescado.  Burch tags in while Lorcan knocks Aichner off the apron.  Burch and Lorcan with an assisted power bomb and Burch gets a near fall with a jackknife cover on Aichner.  Lorcan tags in and they set for the elevated DDT but Barthel breaks it up.  Barhtel is sent to the floo rnad he sends Burch to the floor.  Lorcan and Aichner with chops back and forth.

Aichner with a European uppercut and then Barthel is knocked off the apron by Lorcan.  Aichner lands on his feet on a suplex attempt.  Lorcan misses an elbow and Barthel with a European uppercut.  Aichner wtih a brainbuster followed by a suicide dive onto Burch.  Aichner with a double jump moonsault and Aichner can only get a two count.  Lorcan with chops to Aichner and he goes for a slam but Barthel is tagged in.  Lorcan with chops to both men.  Aichner with a spinebuster and Barthel with a kick.  They hit the European uppercut and power bomb combination for the three count.

Winners:  Fabian Aichner and Marcel Barthel

We have a video package for Johnny Gargano.  Johnny's father talks about being told by his son that he was not going to college but was going to wrestle.  Johnny says no one has more heart in the ring than him.  We see what happened with DIY.  Johnny says from day one, his goal and dream has been to be NXT Champion.  We see Johnny win the title.  He says he is whatever NXT needs him to be.  

Johnny Gargano is in the back with Cathy Kelley.  She asks him about his history with Tommaso Ciampa.  Johnny says his history is documented.  They have their ups and their downs.  He does not have an answer and he won't know until he sees Ciampa face to face.

We see Dominik Dijakovic in the back getting ready for his match against Keith Lee.

We go to commercial.

Match Number Three:  Io Shirai versus Kayden Carter

Carter with a single leg take down.  Carter with a head scissors but Shirai lands on her feet.  Carter with a rollup for a near fall.  Carter with a waist lock and an O'Connor Roll for a near fall.  Carter wit a springboard drop kick and Shirai goes to the floor.  Carter has a kick blocked and Shirai drops Carter on the apron.  Shirai with a springboard drop kick to Carter for a near fall.  Carter goes for a sunset flip but Shirai stays on her feet.  Carter wtih a leg sweep.  Carter with a springboard victory roll into a kick for a near fall.  

Shirai with a German suplex.  Shirai goes up top and hits a moonsault for the three count.

Winner:  Io Shirai

After the match, Io takes the mic and says Not Rhea, Not Bianca.  Shayna . . . It's ME.

Rhea Ripley's music plays and she makes her way tto the ring.

Rhea gets in Io's face and she takes the mic from Io and tells Io last week, Bianca decided to run her mouth.  Next week, she gets to put her back in her place.  If you ever spit her name out of your mouth again, she has no problem shutting Io up again.

Io backs up and Rhea drops the mic.  Io says something to Rhea in Japanese as she walks around the ring and then Io leaves the ring and heads up the ramp.

We go to footage from last week when Killian Dain almost interfered in the Cameron Grimes/Boa match and Dain's attack on Boa.

Boa is in the back and he says something in Chinese.  

Cathy Kelley is on the Game Balcony with William Regal.  Regal says that Velveteen Dream will not be able to wrestle next week and it might be a long time before he returns.  Strong will defend the title next week against the winner of the Dominik Dijakovic versus Ketih Lee match.

We go to commercial.

Match Number Four:  Keith Lee versus Dominik Dijakovic in a Number One Contender Match for the North American Championship

Dijakovic charges at Lee and Lee with a shoulder and both men stay on their feet.  They go for another shoulder tackle and both men stay on their feet.  There is no give on the third one, but Dijakovic is knocked to his knee.  Lee with a knuckle lock and he lifts Dijakovic in the air.  Lee ducks a clothesline and then hits a shoulder tackle.  Lee with a splash to the arm.  Lee gets a near fall.  Lee with a wrist lock and arm wringer.  Dijakovic gets to the ropes and Lee releases the hold.  Dijakovic with a boot to the head and he connects with forearms and knees followed by a clothesline.

Dijakovic with a kick and chop.  Lee=e with chops of his own.  Lee with knees.  Lee goes for a suplex but Dijakovic blocks it and sends Lee into the corner.  Dijakovic with a forearm to the chest and he tries for a suplex but Lee blocks it.  Dijakovic gets a near fall.  Dijakovic with a knee to the back and he applies a rear chin lock.  


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