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By Mike Johnson on 2019-09-28 00:02:00

Welcome to's Death Before Dishonor 2019 coverage from Las Vegas, Nevada at Sam's Town Casino!

Before they went on the air, Jeff Cobb defeated Brody King in what appeared to be really strong match based on the last few minutes I caught.

Top Contender's Tournament: Marty Scurll vs. Colt Cabana

Colt grabbed Scurrl's hand to force the code of honor.  They had some nice back and forth wrestling.  Scurll nailed a superplex for a two count.  Scurll controlled Cabana and locked on a straight jacket chinlock.    Cababa flipped Scurll to escape.  Cabana controlled Scurll and nailed the Butt Butt for a two count.  They battled to the outside, where Cabana nailed a backbreaker on the floor.  Cabana went to the top and nailed a splash for a two count.  They exchanged elbows to the head.  Scurll nailed a kick to the head, followed by a snap powerbomb for a two count.    Scurll snapped Cabana's fingers.  Cabana and Scurll exchanged forearms.  Cabana went for a quebrada but Scurll caught him with a kick in mid-air.  Scurll nailed a piledriver for a two count.    Scurll was going for the chickenwing but was nailed by Cabana.  Cabana went for the Billy Goat's Curse only to snapped into the chicken wing submission.   Cabana escaped and nailed Scurll with a top rope moonsault for a two count, then locked in the Billy Goat's Curse.  Scurll grabbed the ropes to break.  Cabana drilled him into the buckles for a rwo count.  Marty nailed a running uppercut and a lariat.  He nailed Black Plague for the pin.  

Your winner, Marty Scurll!

A good opener with some nice action.  They had a nice athletic feel to this and it came across as a contest both were trying to win, as opposed to a collection of spots.

Cabana was unhappy after losing.

Top Contender's Tournament: PCO vs. Kenny King with Amy Rose - No DQ

King came out with two concrete blocks.

PCO had new, more dramatic music for his theme.  They noted it was the new song from Jim Johnston.  It sounded pretty damn cool.

PCO stalked King, who kept stalling early.  PCO caught King coming off the ropes and nailed a pop-up powerbomb.  PCO sent him into the ring barricades.  He sent him into a table and a ladder that were set up outside.  PCO hit a suplex onto the entrance ramp.    He nailed a back senton splash on King on the ramp.  PCO rolled King back into the ring.  He slammed King and went to the top.  PCO nailed a shoulder senton to the mid-section for a two count.   PCO went to the top and hit a senton on King, who was hanging off the outside of the apron, hitting a table on the roll-through.  PCO set up several chairs on the floor outside.  

PCO went for a dive but short-circuited and did a dive to the outside of the opposite of the ring where King was.  Several officials came out to check on PCO and help him up.  King charged and nailed a big boot.  He suplexed PCO on the floor.   King placed a ladder atop PCO's head and rammed him into the ringpost.   King flipped a table to move it out of the way, dropping it atop one of the officials who was taken out when PCO was kicked  That poor SOB.  King stacked two ladders atop each other and slammed PCO on them.  He then hit a spinning dive to the outside.  PCO still kicked out at two.

King began pulling the mats away from ringside, exposing the floor.  PCO came to the floor and began whipping out chops.  Amy Rose slapped PCO and ran off.  King nailed a sunset flip powerbomb from the ring to the floor but the way they came down, King was smashed underneath.  They returned to the ring and battled back and forth.  King nailed an exploder into the buckles.  King soaked him.  Rose grabbed a cattle prod.  She used it on PCO but it only served to juice him up and he chokeslammed King and pinned him, refusing to release the choke after.

Your winner, PCO!

They worked hard and did a lot of trash each other.  I have to tell you - PCO scares the hell out of me.  Entertaining as hell but I really worry about him hurting himself.  King and Rose played their parts well.  The cattle prod was hokey but if you are going to do such a thing in ROH, PCO is the character to do it with!

Women of Honor Champion Kelly Klein vs. Angelina Love (with Mandy Leon)

 No Velvet Sky at ringside.

They locked up.  Love nailed a neckbreaker for a near fall.  Klein came back with a slam for a two count.  Love nailed a jawbreaker.  Klein went for a back suplex but ate an elbow in the face.  Klein nailed a Snake Eyes in the corner.  Love went to the outside, where Klein hit a bodypress off the apron to the floor on Love and Mandy Leon.  Love whipped her into the barricade.  Love suplexed her on the floor.   Love went to whip her into the barricade again but it was reversed and Love hit it hard, shoulder-first.  Klein brought her into the ring for a two count.   They battle back and forth until Love locked in a Koji Clutch.  Klein made it to the ropes.

They battled to the ropes. where Love nailed a cutter on Klein, who was on the buckles, for a two count.    Klein kept kicking out.  Love finally nailed a DDT and scored the pin.

Your winner and new WOH Champion, Angelina Love!

Love began drawing something on Klein's face but the lights went out.  When they returned, Maria Manic was in the ring and snatched the new champion in a Torture Rack.  A security guard pulled Love down and helped her out of the ring.  Manic attacked him.  Several other guards hit the ring but were hit with lariats and nailed.  One of them was tossed over the top.

Jonathan Gresham vs. Jay Lethal

They had some nice back and forth grappling before facing off.  They faced of with a test of strength.  Lethal clotheslined him over the top and set up for a dive but Gresham met him.  They battled until Gresham was sent to the floor where the entrance ramp was.  Lethal nailed a dive to the outside but came up with his wrist banged up.    From that point on, Lethal was doing most of his offense from the good hand.  Lethal locked on a figure four but Gresham immediately grabbed the ropes.

Gresham nailed a quebrada.  He locked Lethal up on the mat, working on the bad wrist.  Lethal fought his way back to his feet but Gresham focused on the arm again.  The one-armed Lethal, fought back but and nailed a Buzzsaw power slam for a close two count.  Lethal tried to lock on another figure four.  Gresham fought to block it but failed.  Gresham rolled towards the ropes and they went through the ropes to the floor while trapped in the hold.  

Gresham grabbed a steel chair to use it but referee Todd Sinclair pulled it away from him.  Lethal asked him if that's what he needs to do tngo beat him.  Gresham and Lethal argued.  It broke down into a brawl around ringside.  Gresham's bad knee bothered him.  Lethal nailed a superkick but Gresham nailed his arm and used a head scissor takedown.  They trade near falls.  Lethal trapped Gresham in the center with a figure four.    Gresham made it to the ropes.

Each man was favoring the extremity that had been worked on.  Lethal went for a handspring elbow but was caught with a backslide for a two count.  Lethal and Gresham exchanged pinfall attempts and submissions until Gresham locked in an Octopus and hyper-extended the arm.  Lethal finally tapped.

Your winner, Jonathan Gresham!

A very good match from a technical standpoint.  The right person won if the idea here is to elevate Gresham to the next level.

Coverage continues on Page 2!

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