We are in Baltimore, Maryland and your announcers are Michael Cole, Renee Young, and Corey Graves.
The challenger for the Universal Title and one half of the Raw Tag Team Champions, Braun Strowman makes his way to the ring to sign the contract.
Out next is the other half of the Raw Tag Team Champions and the Universal Champion, Seth Rollins.
Michael Cole is in the ring and he says we are here to make the Universal Title Match official for Clash of Champions. You will also have to defend your tag titles against Robert Roode and Dolph Ziggler.
Cole asks Seth how will they be able to function as a team. Seth says he is no stranger to defending two titles in the same night and he will do it again. As for him and Braun, they have the ability to work together and beat Roode and Ziggler. Seth says he will walk int to Clash of Champions as a double champ and then walk out as a double champ.
Braun says you are right, no one speaks for him. At Clash of Champions, they will tag together and defend the titles. He says he can't think about how awkward it will be when your tag team partner defeats you to become Universal Champion.
Seth says that would be terribly awkward. You might be the monster among men, but to win this title, Seth slayed the beast, something you couldn't do. At Clash of Champions, to keep the title, he will slay a monster.
Seth signs the contract.
Before Braun can sign the contract, the United States Champion AJ Styles, with Luke Gallows and Karl Anderson make their way to the stage.
Cole tells AJ they do not belong here.
AJ says history will be made at Clash of Champions. For the first time, we are going to see the tag champs defend their titles and then face off for the Universal title. That is so cute and adorable. AJ wants to know why does Braun get an opportunity? Because he is Seth's partner? Because he looked at the title belt? The US Champ should be the first in line for the Universal Championship. Who is AJ supposed to face at Clash of Champions? AJ says he can keep walking around to see who wants to take a gander at his belt and then that will be his opponent? He tells Luke and Karl not to look at his title belt. AJ says that is how you get a title match now. AJ says it gets more ridiculous.
No offense to Robert Roode and Dolph Ziggler, but why do they deserve an opportunity? They aren't even a team. The OC are a team. If the Good Brothers and AJ don't get what they want, then no one is going to get what they want.
AJ, Luke, and Karl get on the apron and Cole tells them they need to leave but AJ does not care. AJ grabs the contract and he rips it up. AJ throws the ripped up contract in the air and then Rollins and Strowman go after Anderson and Gallows. They are sent to the floor and we go to commercial.
Match Number One: Luke Gallows and Karl Anderson versus Seth Rollins and Braun Strowman in a Non Title Match
The match is joined in progress and Anderson with a side head lock and shoulder tackle. Rollins with arm drags into an arm bar. Rollins with a kick to the back and he gets a near fall. Rollins with a chop but Anderson with a kick and Gallows tags in. They lock up and Gallows sends Rollins to the mat. Strowman tags himself in. They exchange some words and then they lock up. Gallows with punches in the corner followed by a kick but Strowman with a boot to the head. Rollins tags in and he goes up top and hits a double sledge off the turnbuckles. Rollins with an arm wringer but Gallows with an uppercut and Anderson tags in. Rollins with an arm drag into an arm bar.
Anderson tries to send Rollins into the turnbuckles but Rollins blocks it and Rollins sends Anderson into the turnbuckles and then he puts Anderson in the tree of woe. Rollins with kicks and a hesitation drop kick. Rollins gets a near fall. Gallows tags in and connects with uppercuts. Rollins with chops. Gallows with an Irish whip but he runs into a boot. Rollins comes off the turnbuckles and Gallows with a punch. Anderson tags in and he kicks Rollins and applies an arm bar. Anderson with a knee to the midsection followed by a suplex attempt but Rollins blocks it. Rollins goes for a suplex but Anderson lands on his feet and Anderson tags in Gallows. Gallows with a punch and Rollins is sent to the floor. Styles hits Rollins and the referee sends Strowman to his corner.
We go to commercial.
We are back and Rollins with punches to Gallows but Gallows with an uppercut. Gallows misses a kick and Rollins with an enzuigiri. Anderson tags in and Rollins lands on his feet on a belly-to-back suplex attempt. Strowman is tagged in and he hits shoulder tackles. Strowman sends Anderson into the corner and hits a splash. Gallows pulls Anderson to safety but Strowman with a double shoulder tackle. Strowman with a splash to Gallows but Anderson moves and Strowman hits the post. Rollins tags in and he sets for the super kick but Rollins knocks Styles off the apron. Anderson with a rollup for a near fall but Rollins with a rollup for the three count.
After the match, Styles goes after Rollins and Styles with punches but Rollins sends Styles to the floor and Rollins with a suicide dive. Strowman with running shoudler tackles to Gallows and Anderson and hten he takes out Rollins, by accident?
Dolph Ziggler and Robert Roode attack Strowman and Styles, Gallows, and Anderson join in. Gallows, Anderson, and Styles send Strowman into the ring steps held up by Roode and Ziggler.
Rollins with a double leg take down to Anderson but Ziggler with a super kick and Roode with a Glorious DDT. Everyone works over Strowman when he returns to the ring. Gallows and Anderson give Strowman a Magic Killer. Styles hits Strowman with a Phenomenal Forearm.
We go to commercial.
We are back and Charly Caruso is with Cedric Alexander. Cedric is asked about his match against Baron Corbin. Cedric says he saw Baron on the throne last week. While he is pretending . . .
Anderson and Gallows attack and Anderson with a pump kick and then AJ sends Cedric into a production case shoulder first.
A referee checks on Cedric to make sure that he is okay.
Match Number Two: Dolph Ziggler and Robert Roode versus Curt Hawkins and Zack Ryder
Ziggler and Ryder start things off and Ziggler rakes the eyes and he follows with a shoulder tackle. Ziggler with a kick but Ryder with a flapjack. Hawkins tags in and they hit a Side Russian leg sweep and Side Effect combination for a near fall. Ziggler with a kick and punch followed by an Irish whip but Hawkins floats over and hits a neck breaker. Ziggler goes to the floor and Hawkins sends him back into the rng. Roode makes the tag and Hawkins punches Ziggler but Roode with a kick from the apron and then he sends Hawkins into the ringside barrier.
Roode with a running shoulder from the apron and then Roode drops Hawkins on the top rope. Ziggler tags in and kicks Hawkins and Roode with a punch before going to the apron. Ziggler with a rake of the eyes. Ziggler with a reverse chin lock. Hawkins with a Pele Kick and Ryder tags in and he clotheslines Ziggler and hits a running forearm on Roode. Roode with an Irish whip and Roode runs into knees and Ryder with a missile drop kick. Roode sends Ryder over his head and Hawkins tags in and Hawkins gets Roode up for a neck breaker and Samoan drop combination for a near fall. Ziggler sends Ryder over the top rope to the floor and Ziggler with a super kick and Roode with a Glorious DDT for the three count.
Winners: Robert Roode and Zack Ryder
Lacey Evans walks in the back as we go to commercial.
Match Number Three: Lacey Evans versus Natalya
Natalya with a shoulder tackle in the aisle and she gets into the ring.
The bell rings and Natalya with a take down and side head lock. Lacey with a head scissors and Natalya escapes. Natalya with a front face lock but Lacey with a hammer lock. Natalya with an arm drag into an arm bar. Lacey with a reversal but Natalya with a reversal into a waist lock. Lacey with an Irish whip and she misses a splash. Natalya with a slingshot atomic drop and she runs over Lacey's back and hits a drop kick for a near fall. Natalya sends Lacey into the ringside barrier before they return to the ring. Lacey goes to the floor and she pulls Natalya down by the hair. Lacey with a kick.
They return to the ring and Lacey taunts Natalya. Lacey with a cobra clutch. Lacey sends Natalya into the turnbuckles and hits a hesitation Bronco Buster. Lacey wraps the arm in the ropes and applies pressure to it. Lacey chokes Natalya using her leg in the ropes. Lacey misses a double jump moonsault when Natalya moves. Natalya with a forearm and kick followed by a slap and clotheslines. Natalya with a discus clothesline for a near fall. Natalya with a suplex and Natalya kicks Lacey. Natalya goes for the Sharpshooter but Lacey can get to the ropes. Lacey sends Natalya into the turnbuckles and Lacey goes for a hidden napkin but Natalya with a clothesline. Lacey throws her napkin at Natalya and hits Woman's Right for the three count.
Winner: Lacey Evans
Becky Lynch walks in the back as we go to commercial.
Coverage Continues on Next Page.
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