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By Richard Trionfo on 2019-08-26 23:00:00

Match Number Five:  Sasha Banks versus Natalya

Natalya attacks Sasha as the bell rings and she punches Sasha.  Sasha sends Natalya to the floor and Sasha goes for a baseball slide but Natalya moves and Natalya sends Sasha into the ringside barrier.  Natalya with a suplex on the floor.  Natalya with another suplex on the floor.  Natalya sends Sasha back into the ring and she punches Sasha.  Natalya with punches and the referee warns Natalya.  Sasha with an elbow and kick.  Natalya with a release German suplex for a near fall.  Sasha goes to the floor and Sasha sends Natalya's injured arm into the ring post and then Sasha sends Natalya into the timekeeper's area.  Natalya is sent into the ring post again.

Sasha sends Natalya back into the ring and Sasha gets a near fall.  Sasha kicks Natalya in the injured arm.  Natalya slaps Sasha and then Sasha wraps the arm in the ropes.  Sasha with more kicks in the corner.  Sasha misses a double knee strike in the corner and Natalya with a rollup.  Sasha kicks Natalya away and hits a lungblower into Banks Statement.  Sasha traps the arms to prevent Natalya from getting to the ropes and Natalya taps out.

Winner:  Sasha Banks

After the match, the medical staff checks on Natalya.  Sasha leaves the ring but returns to attack Natalya and she reapplies Banks Statement.

We go to the back and AJ Styles is in the interview area.  He is asked about last week's match and how Braun got a rematch.  AJ says that is a bunch of bull.  Gallows and Anderson were screwed out of the tag team turmoil.  No one thinks he can win without the help of Gallows and Anderson.  AJ says Braun intimidates everyone but him.  How will Braun walk out of Clash of Champions with all of the gold because he is not going to win tonight.

We go to commercial.

Match Number Six:  Cesaro versus Cedric Alexander

They lock up and Cesaro backs Cedric into the corner and Cesaro pats Cedric in the chest.  Cedric pats back and Cesaro with European uppercuts.  Cedric with chops but Cesaro with a knee.  Cedric with a handstand head scissors and drop kick that sends Cesaro to the floor.  Cesaro with a European uppercut as Cedric goes for a suicide dive.  Cesaro with a gutwrench suplex for a near fall.  Cesaro with a reverse chin lock.  Cedric is sent to the apron and Cedric with a kick and slingshot flatliner.  Cedric with a plancha onto Cesaro.  

Cesaro is sent back into the ring and Cedric goes to the apron for a springboard clothesline for a near fall.  Cesaro blocks a Lumbar Check and connects with a European uppercut.  Cesaro and Cedric go to the floor and we go to commercial.

We are back and Cesaro slams the leg into the mat.  Cesaro wraps the leg in the ropes.  We see Cesaro sending Alexander's knee into the LED board and then he drops the knee on the apron.  Alexander with a Neuralizer and then he hits a Michinoku Driver.  

We see Baron Corbin looking at a monitor in the back.  Cesaro drops Alexander on the turnbuckles and then Cesaro with a gorilla superplex for a near fall.  Cesaro with a single leg crab.  Cedric gets to the ropes and Cesaro releases the hold.  Cesaro sets for a running European uppercut but Cedric with a standing C4 for a near fall.  Cedric sets for a Lumbar Check but Cesaro blocks it.  Cesaro counters with a lateral press for a near fall.  Cesaro returns to the single leg crab.

Alexander escapes and gets a near fall with a victory roll.  Cedric with a back elbow and then Cesaro blocks a Neuralizer.  Cesaro with an ankle lock and Cedric sends Cesaro to the floor.  Cedric with a Lumbar Check for the three count.

Winner:  Cedric Alexander 

AJ Styles is in the back getting ready for his title match against Braun Strowman.

We go to commercial.

We are back with a look at what happened with the 24/7 Championship at Founder's Day for Fox.  We see R Truth winning the title from Elias while Elias was trying to avoid Drake Maverick.  We see Drake being slammed into a dunk tank by Truth.  We see Truth being pinned by Rob Stone.  Eventually Elias wins the title back from Stone.

We go to Dolph Ziggler and Robert Roode in the back.  They are asked about how they formed their team.  Dolph says he does not trust most superstars, but he saw someone who had the twinkle in the eye who wants it more than them.  Seth and Braun teaming up to be champions, then they have to meet for the Universal Title.  Robert says there was no one better to team up with than each other.  Robert says they didn't come together on a whim, it was destiny.  They are not the most talented team, they will become the next Raw Tag Team Champions.

Montez Ford is in the back and he says tonight's Raw has been lit.  Dolph Ziggler and Robert Roode have changed the game by earning a tag title match at Clash of Champions.  This is the same night Seth and Braun go one on one for the Universal Title.  Montez asks Angelo if they can keep it together.

We see Angelo in party mode.  Angelo says he is focused on the after party on Bourbon Street.  Montez reminds Angelo about the main event tonight for the US title.  He asks Angelo who is their pick and before Angelo can make his pick, we see Braun walking in the back.

We go to commercial.

We are back with a Firefly Fun House retrospective as we see how the Fiend came to be.

Match Number Seven:  AJ Styles versus Braun Strowman for the United States Championship

Strowman sends Styles over the top rope to the floor and then Strowman does a lap around the ring for a shoulder tackle.  Strowman with a second running shoulder tackle.  They return to the ring and Strowman runs into a boot.  AJ with a forearm from the apron and then Strowman grabs Styles as AJ comes off the ropes.  Strowman with a choke slam and AJ gets his han on the ropes to break up the count.  Strowman with a shoulder tackle to knock AJ off the apron.

We go to commercial.

We are back and Strowman gets AJ up for a power slam but AJ with a sleeper.  Strowman gets back to his feet and he backs Styles into the turnbuckles to escape.  Strowman misses a boot in the corner and Strowman's leg is caught on the turnbuckle so Styles clips Strowman.  Styles with kicks to the back of the leg followed by a forearm to the back of the head.   Styles with a quebrada for a near fall.  Styles with a flying forearm to the back of the head.  Styles with the Calf Crusher and Strowman reaches for the ropes as AJ tries to pull Strowman into the center of the ring.  Strowman looks at AJ and Strowman with a head butt for a near falll.  

Strowman limps when he gets back to his feet.  Strowman with running shoulder tackles and then he gets Styles up for a slam but AJ escapes.  Styles moves and Strowman goes shoulder first into the ring post.  Styles drop kicks Strowman into the referee and the referee is knocked off the apron.

Styles with a forearm and Strowman goes for a choke slam but AJ rakes the eyes and hits Strowman in the groinal region.  Styles grabs a chair while the referee is down and Styles hits Strowman in the back with a chair.  Strowman with a power slam but the refere eis down.  Gallows and Anderson attack Strowman and Strowman kicks Gallows and Anderson.  Strowman hits Anderson and Gallows with the steel chair.  The referee recovers in time to see AJ down and Strowman holding the chair.  The referee says he heard the chair so he calls for the bell.

Winner:  AJ Styles (by disqualification)

After the match, Strowman hits Styles and Gallows with the chair.  Strowman with power slams to Gallows and Styles.  Strowman with a running power slam to AJ.  

We go to credits.

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