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By Richard Trionfo on 2019-07-16 21:59:00

We are back with a look at the start of the show when Kevin Owens was told he was not needed tonight, and then Kevin attacking Shane, followed by Dolph trying to get Kevin back for a match.

The New Day make their way to the ring.  

Kofi says now that they don't have any more 'techincal difficulties', they can talk about things.  

Xavier says you may as well call Kofi 'Simon Phoenix' because he dismantled the Samoan Submission Machine and he is the Demolition Man.  Kofi mentions Xavier and Big E's victory at Extreme Rules to become Smackdown Tag Team Champions.  Now they are three African American Leprechauns because they have all the gold.  Big E says we all know what Daniel Bryan's big announcement is and before a ten minute lecture on fracking and licking ice cream, they will accept Daniel and Rowan's rematch tonight in Worcester.

Daniel Bryan makes his way to the stage with Erick Rowan.

Daniel and Rowan go to the back without Daniel saying anything.

Daniel comes back out and he starts to say something but goes to the back again.

The third time is the charm and Daniel still says nothing and he drops the mic before going to the back.

Samoa Joe's music plays and he makes his way to the stage.  

Joe says Daniel Bryan is not in the mood for a championship opportunity but Joe is not the same.  Joe says Kofi's back up dancers are giving out title matches like it is Christmas in July.  Why follow their lead and give him a title match tonight.

Elias comes out and he tells Joe with all due respect you had your chance at Extreme Rules and it did not work out.  If there is anyone who is primed and ready to take the title from Kofi, it is Elias.

Randy Orton joins the party on the stage.  

Randy apologizes and he says it has been a while since he had that gold around his waist.  Randy says he is going to take it and he will do it using the three most destructive letters in the WWE . . . RKO

Elias says they all cannot have championship matches tonight, but they can give a message to the three in the ring.

Xavier suggests a six man tag match . . . playa?  Big E says that sounds like a challenge . . . playa.  We have a New Day huddle and Kofi says they accept . . . playa.

Randy says no and Kofi says that you would expect the Viper would be up and ready to strike at any time, but it appears that he has gone a little limp.

Randy has been McFly(ed) and he makes his way to the ring as we go to commercial.

Match Number Four:  Randy Orton, Elias, and Samoa Joe versus Kofi Kingston, Big E, and Xavier Woods

Kofi and Elias start things off and Elias with a side head lock.  Elias with a shoulder tackle but Kofi with a jumping back elbow for a near fall.  Elias with a kick and Joe tags in.  Elias and Joe kick Kofi and Joe with jabs.  Joe with a hard Irish whip but Kofi with a double stomp out of the corner for a near fall.  Kofi with a back heel kick and snap mare.  Woods tags in and Kofi with a kick, Woods with a sliding clothesline and Kofi with a springboard splash.  Woods with an elbow drop and Big E tags in and hits a Warrior splash for a near fall.  Joe with punches and Elias tags in.

Big E with an abdominal stretch and he plays the bongos on Elias.  Big E with a back elbow and Woods tags in.  Big E drops Woods onto Elias for a near fall.  Woods with a chop but Elias with an Irish whip.  Woods with a boot and Honor Roll for a near fall.  Orton hits Woods while the referee deals with Elias.  Elias with punches and kicks in the corner.  Elias with a back elbow for a near fall.  Elias punches Woods and sends Woods to the floor.

Joe tags in and sends Woods back into the ring.  Joe tells Woods to tag in but he kicks Woods.  Orton tags in and he stomps on Woods' hand.  Orton with a boot to the midsection and then he stomps on the leg.  Orton sends Woods to the floor and follows.  Orton with a back drop driver onto the announce table.  Orton gets a near fall.  Elias tags in and Woods with punches but Elias keeps Woods from making the tag.  Woods with more punches and Elias sends Woods to the mat.  Elias knocks Kofi and Big E off the apron and Joe with a shoulder tackle to Big E on the floor.  Elias sets for a superplex but Woods blocks it.  Woods knocks Elias off the turnbuckles and Woods with a missile drop kick.

Orton and Kofi tag in and Kofi with a springboard chop followed by more chops and a drop kick.  Kofi with a jumping clothesline followed by a Boom Drop.  Kofi sets for Trouble in Paradise but Orton avoids it and Orton goes for an RKO.  Kofi with a double jump cross body but Elias breaks up the cover.  Big E with a belly-to-belly suplex to Elias.  Joe clotheslines Big E and Woods with punches to Joe.  Joe goes over the top rope to the floor and Woods with a plancha.  Elias runs into an enzuigiri.  Joe pulls Woods off the apron and Joe with the Coquina Clutch on Woods.  Elias with a knee to Big E on the floor.  Kofi with Trouble in Paradise to the ribs but Orton with an RKO to Kofi for the three count.

Winners:  Samoa Joe, Elias, and Randy Orton

Kairi Sane, Asuka, and Paige walk in the back as we go to commercial.

We are back and Carmella is looking for R Truth.  Truth says he is hiding but he is stuck.  Truth says he doesn't know how Kane did that since there is no bathroom.  Carmella tells Truth he can hide in plain sight but he will need to be in a costume.  Carmella tells Truth he should go to ComicCon.  Truth says not to call him a con because he has done community service.

Match Number Five:  Asuka and Kairi Sane (with Paige) versus Peyton Royce and Billie Kay for the Women's Tag Team Championship

Sane and Royce start things off and Royce slaps Sane.  Sane with a chop and Royce goes down.  Asuka makes the tag while Sane hits a head scissors.  Asuka with a gutbuster followed by a blockbuster from Sane.  Asuka gets a near fall.  Asuka misses a hip attack and Kay tags in.  Kay with a kick and she gets a near fall.  Asuka with a round kick to shut up Kay and Billie falls to the floor.  Peyton checks on Billie on the floor as the referee makes his count.  Billie gets on the apron at eight and Peyton pulls Billie off the apron to force the ten count.

Winners:  Asuka and Kairi Sane (by count out) [Iiconics retain championship]

After the match, Sane and Asuka attack Kay and Royce.  Peyton is sent into the ring post while Kay is sent into the ringside barrier.  Royce is sent back into the ring and Asuka with a hip attack and round kick. Sane with an elbow drop.

Andrade Almas and Zelina Vega walk in the back as we go to commercial.

Match Number Six:  Andrade Almas (with Zelina Vega) versus Apollo Crews

Almas attacks Crews as Apollo enters the ring.  Almas with kicks to Crews.  The referee checks on Crews to see if the match can start.  

The match starts and Almas with a knee.  Crews with punches but he misses an enzuigiri.  Almas with forearms to Crews.  Almas with forearms and he misses a boot but hits a spinning back elbow.  Almas with a running double knee strike in the corner for a near fall and Crews with a crucifix for the three count.

Winner:  Apollo Crews

We take a look back at the return of Bray Wyatt to Raw.

Dolph Ziggler walks in the back as we go to commercial.

Match Number Seven:  Dolph Ziggler versus Kevin Owens

Owens with a kick and he goes for a stunner but Ziggler escapes and goes to the floor.  Owens with a plancha onto Ziggler.  Owens sends Ziggler back into the ring and Owens with a swanton but Ziggler gets his boots up.  Ziggler with a Fameasser for a near fall.  Ziggler with a leaping elbow drop for a near fall.  Ziggler with a second leaping elbow drop for a near fall.  Ziggler with an arm bar and crossface.  Ziggler rakes the eyes and hits a neck breaker for a near fall.

Ziggler with a reverse chin lock and body scissors.  Owens with an elbow and punches.  Ziggler with a kick to the knee but Owens with an Irish whip.  Owens misses a splash.  Ziggler with a splash and Ziggler with a DDT for a near fall.  Ziggler misses a splash into the turnbuckles and Owens hits a super kick.  Owens goes up top and hits a swanton for a near fall.  

Shane McMahon and a lot of people make their way to the ring to surround the ring.  

Ziggler with a Zig Zag but Owens kicks out.  Ziggler sends Owens shoulder first into the ring post.  Owens with a slap but Ziggler with a kick and punches.  Ziggler sends Owens shoulder first into the ring post again.  Ziggler sets for a super kick but Owens avoids it and Owens with a stunner but Shane pulls Owens to the floor.  Owens with a stunner to Shane and Owens runs to the back.

No Contest

Shane is asked about his plans and how they backfired tonight with Kevin.  Shane says that Kevin is going to pay.

We go to credits.


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