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By Richard Trionfo on 2019-06-03 22:59:00

We are back and Becky says the Man has been doing some thinking and she wants to make some changes.  She got home for the first time in 63 days.  In that time, she has fought across Europe, appeared on a number of talk shows, changed brands, and won the main event of Wrestlemania.  She says all of her dreams came through and she has never been more content in her life.  Becky says being content in the worst thing for her because that is when fighters get beat.  When Lacey Evans helped Charlotte Flair at Money at the Bank, it lit something under her.  Becky says when she is pissed off there is nothing that will keep her down.

Becky says if you did her wrong, she will break her back trying and fighting and she will fight until . . . 

Lacey Evans interrupts and she says that Becky is like a dog chasing a car and you wouldn't know what to do if you caught it.  She did Becky and the WWE Universe a favor at Money in the Bank.  Becky should not be the face to represent WWE.

Becky says she will rip Lacey's arm out of its socket so she wants Lacey to come into the ring.

Lacey tells Becky not to confuse her with Charlotte Flair.  She might have lost at Money in the Bank, but she is the reason why Becky only has one title.  Lacey will not let a woman like Becky represent her division.

Charlotte Flair interrupts and she makes her way to the ring.  Charlotte say hello to Becky and she wants Becky to stop making excuses.  Charlotte says she won and became the nine time Women's Champion.  

Becky asks Charlotte where is her title now.

Lacey tells Charlotte to stop embarrassing herself.  You are strutting out here like a peacock since you are a daddy's girl who needs attention.

Charlotte says she is more than halfway to beating her daddy's world title record.  She says she has only seen Lacey make tea.  Charlotte says she didn't have to get out of her street clothes to take care of her.

Lacey says that Charlotte had nine championships but she has none now.  Lacey says she is the face of WWE so she tells Charlotte to run along to Smackdown.  Lacey asks Charlotte if she wants to be educated with a Woman's Right.  

Lacey punches Charlotte.

Match Number Two:  Lacey Evans versus Charlotte Flair

Charlotte kicks Lacey and applies a front face lock.  Charlotte kicks Lacey and sends her to the floor.  Lacey returns to the ring and Charlotte with a take down and punches.  Lacey with a take down but Charlotte with a front face lock.  Charlotte with another front face lock but Lacey with crossfaces as she gets on Charlotte's back.  Charlotte sends Lacey into the turnbuckles.

We go to commercial.

We are back and Charlotte with a waist lock take down into a front face lock.  Charlotte with a waist lock but Lacey with an elbow and fireman's carry.  Charlotte kicks Lacey in the corner and chops her.  Lacey kicks Charlotte in the corner.  Lacey gets a near fall.  Lacey with a reverse chin lock.  Lacey with a knee and leg sweep from the apron.  Lacey misses a slingshot elbow drop when Charlotte moves out of the way.

Charlotte with a back breaker and clothesline.  Charlotte goes for a figure four leg lock but Lacey kicks Charlotte into the turnbuckles.  Lacey with a neck breaker but Charlotte kicks Lacey away.  Both women go for a cross body at the same time and both go down.  Becky pulls Charlotte out of the ring and the referee calls for the bell.

Winner: Charlotte Flair (by disqualification)

After the match, Becky with a pump handle uranage to Lacey

We go to commercial.

We are back and United States Champion Rey Mysterio makes his way to the ring.

Rey says he will lay it out straight.  He says he has been a part of the WWE for a long time and it is part of his blood.  It has been in his family's blood.  Rey says it is something he gets to share with his son Dominic because he is training now.  Dominic will carve a path for himself.  Rey says he needs to set the right example and do the right thing . . . as a man and as a champion.  Due to his shoulder injury, Rey says he is here . . . 

Samoa Joe interrupts.  

Joe asks if he came out too early to ruin Rey's moment.  Joe says he knows what this means for Rey and he heard the word 'champion' and he thought it was his cue.  Joe says he does not want to interrupt because this is a big moment.  Joe says he has an addendum.  He tells Rey not to ruin this moment with a lie.  You are not relinquishing that title because you are injured.  You are relinquishing it because you never won.  Joe says his shoulders never touched the mat.

Rey says he is not here for a moment or to fool anyone.  This is not the moment he wanted it to be.  Rey says he won championships his entire career, through pain and injuries.  If he was man enough to do that, he is man enough to do what he is going to do tonight.  Rey says due to his current shoulder injury at Money in the Bank.  He is here to relinquish his United States Championship . . . to Samoa Joe.

Rey puts the belt on the mat and says he will be back.  Joe attacks Rey as he leaves the ring and Joe with the Coquina Clutch.

Joe holds up the title belt and leaves the ring.  

Brock is in the back putting on his gloves while Paul Heyman is on the phone.

We are back and Cesaro says he likes to have his actions speak more than his words.  He tells Ricochet he is naive if he thinks he will beat him again.

Ricochet says Cesaro's actions speak louder than his words.  This will be a preview of a rivalry that could last a decade.  He beat Cesaro once before and he will do it again.

Braun Strowman and Bobby Lashley make their way to the ring for their arm wrestling match.

Lashley gets into Braun's head and Braun throws the table aside.

Lashley loses his grip and releases.  They lock up again and Strowman wins.

Strowman pushes Lashley away and Lashley throws the chalk in Strowman's eyes.Lashley with a boot and he sends Strowman into the turnbuckles.  Lashley with a running power slam.

We see Jinder Mahal winning the 24/7 Title on a golf course only to see Truth win it back.

Carmella is in the back looking for R Truth.  We see Drake Maverick, EC3 and a referee.  Drake says if they follow Carmella, it will lead them to R Truth.

Match Number Three:  Nikki Cross (with Alexa Bliss) versus Peyton Royce (with Billie Kay)

Peyton poses by herself while Nikki waits.  Peyton with a spinning heel kick and she punches Nikki.  Peyton punches Nikki and follows with a forearm.  Peyton with a hard Irish whip.  Nikki with a jaw breaker and Nikki with a rollup for a near fall.  Peyton with a clothesline for a near fall.  Peyton chokes Nikki in the ropes.  Peyton with a forearm.  Peyton stretches Nikki in the ropes.  Peyton with an Irish whip and she misses a splash into the corner.  Nikki with a sleeper and Peyton escapes with a snap mare.  Peyton with an arm bar.

Nikki with elbows and Peyton sends Nikki to the mat by the hair.  Peyton gets a near fall.  Peyton with a knee and she sends Nikki into the corner but Nikki with an elbow and kick.  Nikki with forearms.  Nikki with a clothesline and she sends Peyton into the turnbuckles.  Nikki with a bulldog.  Nikki goe sup top and misses a cross body when Peyton moves.  Alexa gets her coffee but the barista takes a cup back.  Peyton spills the coffee and Billie pushes Alexa into the spill.

Nikki blocks a suplex and hits a hanging swinging neck breaker for the three count.

Winner:  Nikki Cross

After the match, Alexa is freaked out about what happened to her coffee and she goes into the ring and drop kicks Billie in the back and hits a DDT.

Brock is bouncing in the back as he gets ready to cash in tonight.

Seth Rollins walks in the back and we go to commercial.

Coverage continues on next page


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