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By Mike Johnson on 2018-10-16 21:30:00

Welcome to's live, ongoing coverage of Impact Wrestling's second post-Bound for Glory TV taping at the Melrose Ballroom in New York City tonight. 


Before the show, VIP ticket holders took a group photo with the Impact Knockouts.

Colby Corino and independent wrestling manager Matt Ryan are in the house.

No sign of Austin Aries backstage.

The company hosted the Boys & Girls Club of Queens as well as a basketball team from Yonkers, NY.

XPLOSION: Anthony Bowens vs. Fallah Bahh (with KM)

They had a good, competitive bout.  Bowens worked over Bahh and was able to get him down to the mat, where he peppered him with punches.  Bahh came back with several clotheslines and went for a charge in the corner but was kicked off.  Bahh made a comeback and worked him over, nailing a big splash in the buckles.  Bahh nailed a big powerslam.  Bahh nailed the Bonsai Splash off the ropes and scored the pin.

Your winner, Fallah Bahh!

Rich Swann vs. Willie Mack

Some nice back and forth action early on as they kept reversing moves and finally shot dropkicks at each other in stereo before facing off to a nice round of applause.  Mack worked over Swann, who fought back from underneath.  Mack nailed a big running suplex for a two count.   They fired back and forth with big chops.

Swann came off the ropes with a sunset flip for a two count.   Mack drilled him and then trapped him in the ropes, coming off with a top rope elbow onto Swann.  Swann went to the floor, where he was nailed with a pescado to the floor.  He brought Swann back into the ring but could only score a two count.  The crowd was really into the bout and began chanting, “This is awesome.”

They exchanged back and forth right hands.  Swann began unleashing some kicks to the head, then a flip into a legdrop.  He came off the ropes with a 450 splash for a two count.  The crowd chanted, “This is Impact.” 

Mack came back with some big boots and then a cannonball in the corner.  He elevated Swann and drove him to the mat before hitting a standing moonsault press for a close two count.    Mack worked over Swann, who came back with a springboard cutter, only to see Mack kick up at one.  Swann went to the top and nailed a spinning 450 splash, with his knees coming down across Mack’s chest, and scored the pin.

Your winner, Rich Swann!

Fun match with some good back and forth action.  The crowd really enjoyed this.

Gama Singh came out and cut a promo introducing the revamped Desi Hit Squad, Gama Singh Jr. and Rohit Raju.

Desi Hit Squad vs. The Beach Bums

Bums are a local team from WrestlePro in New Jersey.  The Squad pretty much worked them over.    The Bums made a comeback but were wiped out by Raju nailing one with a knee strike to the head, followed by Singh nailing a DVDR.

Your winners, the Desi Hit Squad!

Impact Wrestling Knockouts Champion Tessa Blanchard vs. Taya Valkyrie

They had some nice back and forth wrestling early.  Tessa went to the floor.  Taya followed and went for a kick off the apron, but Tessa grabbed her leg and yanked it.  Taya landed hard with a split on the apron and was then knocked off to the floor.  Tessa hit a nice dive to the outside, then mocked Taya by yelling at her in Spanish.  She brought Taya into the ring and scored a two count.

Tessa continued working her over, trying to force a double arm submission.  Taya fought back but was drilled with a kick to the knee.   Tessa snapped her throat-first into the ropes, then connected with a leaping kick to the back.     Tessa came off the ropes, but Taya moved out of the way.  Taya came back with a big dropkick to the head.

Taya began working her over with chops to the chest.   Taya nailed a big back suplex for a two count.  Tessa pulled herself up with the ropes.  Blanchard caught her out of nowhere with a stunner.  They went into a hot back and forth sequence before Taya drilled her with a curb stomp.  Taya nailed a big moonsault off the top for a close two count.

Tessa went to the floor, where Taya nailed a flying bodypress.   Back in the ring, Taya had Blanchard on the ropes and Tessa knew it, so she slugged the referee, causing a DQ.

Your winner by DQ, Taya Valkyrie!

Good match until the finish, obviously.  The rivalry continues.

Impact Wrestling Tag Team Champions LAX with Konnan vs. Ethan Page & Matt Sydal

Ortiz started out with Sydal.  Page and Santana tagged in.  They took control of Santana and worked him over in the corner.   Ortiz tried to get in the ring to help but was stopped and admonished by the referee.   That allowed Page and Sydal to work Santana over. 

They continued working over Santana for a long time, preventing him from making a tag out to Ortiz.  Page came off the ropes with a big elbow for a two count.   Santana finally fought them off and nailed the tag.  Ortiz exploded with offensive maneuvers   He nailed a splash in the corner on Page for a two count. 

Santana nailed a stunner on Page, setting up Ortiz hitting a big suplex but Sydal broke up the pinfall.  Page and Sydal came back to nail several double-team maneuvers, including a double kick to the head but Santana broke up the pinfall.

Sydal rolled up Ortiz, who kicked out and sent him into a Santana knee strike.  LAX nailed their finisher and scored the pin.

Your winners, LAX!

Good, athletic tag match.

Coverage continues on Page 2!

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