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By Mike Johnson on 2018-02-16 12:10:00


ACH was billed from Planet Vegeta, which is a Dragonball Z reference.  The announcers didn’t know that.  To be honest, I didn’t either, but I used Google!

Aries came out carrying his collection of championship belts, including the Impact title.  

Lots of back and forth chanting for each competitor before the bell.  They shook hands at the bell.

They locked up and ended up tangled in the corner, finally breaking free.  ACH had his right leg taped up.  They went back and forth with reversals and counter-wrestling, trying to find an advantage.  ACH worked over Aries’ arm.   Aries turned him over in a crucifix-like pinfall, then transitioned into the Last Chancery.  ACH immediately grabbed the ropes and scrambled to the floor, putting over the danger of the move.

Very methodical build.  Aries snapped over several armdrag takeovers.  ACH tried to counter with head scissors but Aries slipped out into a handstand before executing a dropkick.  Aries continued to control the flow of the match.

The tide finally turned when ACH maneuvered Aries to the apron outside and nailed a springboard dropkick off the turnbuckles.  Nope, no it didn’t.  Aries cut him off and attacked the ribs.  He scored with a slingshot senton into the ring for a two count.  Aries continued to control him with a front facelock.  Aries then whipped out a variation of the stump puller, scoring a two count by rotating ACH over on his shoulders.

Aries continued to work him over with a methodical style.    He was elevated over the ropes to the apron but nailed ACH.  The story is that every time ACH has an opportunity to make a comeback, Aries capitalizes on his ribs.   Aries went for a missile dropkick but took too much time and missed.

That miscalculation allowed ACH to nail a double stomp, hurting Aries’ arm.   ACH psyched himself up and went to the top but missed when Aries rolled out of the way.     Aries charged but ACH kicked him away scoring a two count.

ACH nailed a big splash off the top, titled the Dragonfly.   He followed with a big lariat that the audience popped for, scoring another two count.  The battle continued to the outside, where Aries scored with a Death Valley Driver on the apron.     Back in the ring, Aries went for a forward roll but ACH slipped out and nailed a double stomp.  ACH went for a 450 splash and nailed it but Aries survived and locked on the Last Chancery.  ACH flailed for the ropes and finally made them, forcing the break.

They began firing back and forth with big moves.  Aries caught him with the brainbuster and finally scored the pin.

Your winner, Austin Aries!

A very good, back and forth match that was easily the most competitive thus far.  ACH has really improved a lot of aspects of his game since I was last regularly watching him in Ring of Honor.  Aries came off like a polished veteran.  There were a lot of big moves and moments here and they meant more because there was time put in to set up the foundation of the match with some good back and forth grappling plus Aries working over the ribs allowed ACH to fight from underneath and be a bit of an underdog here.  Good stuff.

 Aries shook ACH’s hand as he left, then cut a promo.  He noted that he collects belts “like that guy collects chins”, knocking a fan, then wondered if his invitation to the MLW World championship tournament was lost in the mail.  He said he wasn’t considered a heavyweight, then said that anyone who partied with him in the bar knows he’s not a lightweight.  He noted the company is establishing a Middleweight championship and he was officially entering his name the second that happens.  He said he was going to prove that you don’t need to be a Heavyweight to be the main event.  Good promo.

Coverage continues on Page 3!

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