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By Mike Johnson on 2017-12-02 20:12:00

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Welcome to's live, ongoing coverage of House of Hardcore Blizzard Brawl from Waukesha, Wisconsin!

The announcers tonight are Danny Morrison and Dameon Nelson. 

Guido Maritato vs. Dark Horse Nick Cutler


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Nice little pop for Guido.   Cutler retreated from the ring when Guido tried to pounce on him for a takedown.  He returned to the ring and Guido controlled him early on with his wrestling acumen.   He tied up Cutler for a two count.   Cutler grabbed him in a headlock and went for a hiptoss, but Guido turned it into a backslide for a two count.  They went back and forth with moves and faced off.

Cutler offered a handshake out of respect (Yeah, sure) but the fans didn't want Guido to take it.  Guido did and Cutler tried to go for a kick but was caught and slapped by Guido.  Cutler backed into the corner.  Guido charged but missed, allowing Cutler to nail a number of stomps and kicks en route to scoring a two count.  Cutler scored several other two counts. Guido went for a Fujiwara armbar.  He cleaned up with a series of kicks and chops ands a side Russian legsweep.  Guido came off the ropes with the Sicilian Slive for a two count.

Cutler surprised Guido with a powerslam for a two count and followed up with a clothesline for another two count.  Guido reversed the pinfall attempt into a crucifix and scored the pin.

Your winner, Guido Maritato!

Good solid back and forth opener.

MVP vs. Jay Bradley

Bradley was last seen in Impact Wrestling as Aiden O'Shea.  

They slapped each other back and forth early.  Bradley went to the floor to regroup.  MVP nailed a pescado and tried to put Bradley into the guard rail, but his attempt was reversed.  MVP was drilled with several elbows to the head.  He fought back and nailed a Yakuza Kick on the floor on Bradley, who had been placed in a chair.

MVP tossed Bradley back into the ring but was knocked off the apron.  Bradley worked over MVP for a long time, scring several two counts.   MVP made a comeback and went for the Ballin' Elbow after an exploder but took too long.  Bradley scored with an elbow but MVP came back.  He missed a big boot into the corner and got caught up on the ropes.  Bradley nailed a bulldog out of the corner for a two count.  MVP finally scored the pin.

Your winner, MVP!

Nice, smashmouth bout.

Nick Aldis, the former Magnus, came out with Shane Douglas.  Douglas was wearing a suit jacket and managing Magnus.  Shane took the mic and knocked the local sports team.

Nick Aldis vs. Carlito

Aldis and Carlito shoved each other early.  Aldis scored with a right hand and worked over Carlito with kicks in the corner.  Carlito came back with several chops to the chest and a dropkick to the face.  When's the last time we saw Carlit whip that out.  Carlito followed up with a big suplex.

Shane Douglas grabbed Carlito's leg to distract him, but that only led to Carlito going to the floor to confront him.  The referee threw Douglas out of ringside but while that was going on, Aldis ran Carlito into the ringpost.

Aldis worked over Carlito for some time.  Carlito fought his way out of a side chinlock and nailed several big clotheslines and a dropkick but was taken down and caught in an abdominal stretch near the ropes.  Aldis used the ropes to his advantage but Carlito finally broke free and nailed several clotheslines.

Aldis drilled Carlito to cut him off and went for a move off the ropes but was nailed with a dropkick as he came down.  Aldis caught Carlito with a lowblow and nailed a Falcon Arrow.   He came off the top with a flying elbow and scored the pin.

Your winner, Nick Aldis!

Solid match.  The build for Aldis continues.  Carlito worked harder than usual.

They aired a promo for the weekly HOH TV on Twitch.

They aired a Squad World Order (the former Spirit Squad) promo where Kenny and Mikey knocked their opponents tonight, Swoggle and Al Snow.

Coverage continues on Page 2!

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