The show starts off with a moment of silence as a result of the events in Las Vegas.
We see what happened last week during the non-title match between Miz and Roman Reigns and the aftermath. What will happen this week?
We are in Denver, Colorado and your announcers are Corey Graves, Booker T, and Tom Phillips.
Match Number One: Seth Rollins versus Braun Strowman
Rollins with a kick and punches but Strowman tosses Rollins across the ring and avoids a splash. Strowman with a running shoulder tackle. Strowman gets Rollins up for a power slam but Rollins gets to his feet. Rollins goes to the floor and Strowman follows. Rollins goes to the apron and hits an enzuigiri. Rollins goes for a springboard move but Strowman grabs Rollins by the throat as he comes off. Rollins gets free but Strowman sends Rollins into the air and he lands face first on the mat.
Strowman stands on Rollins' chest. Strowman with a forearm to the back. Rollins drops Strowman on the top rope and then Rollins goes up top but Strowman press slams Rollins to the mat. Strowman with a rear chin lock but Rollins with a jawbreaker. Strowman charges at Rollins and goes over the top rope when Rollins drops down. Rollins goes for a suicide dive but Strowman with a punch and Rollins falls to the floor.
We go to commercial.
We are back and Strowman charges into a boot. Rollins goes to the turnbuckles but is caught by Strowman and Strowman with a fallaway slam that sends Rollins to the floor. Strowman goes to the floor and he sends Rollins face first into the ring post. Strowman goes for a power slam on the floor but Rollins gets to his feet and he sends Strowman into the ring post. Strowman stays on his feet. Rolilns with a suicide dive and Strowman stays on his feet. Rollins goes for another suicide dive and he knocks Strowman down.
Rollins sends Strowman back into the ring and Rollins with a springboard clothesline but Strowman stays on his feet. Rollins with a second one and it leads to the same result. Rollins with a blockbuster but Strowman kicks out at one. Rollins with a super kick and Strowman falls to a knee. Strowman with a second super kick. Rollins goes for the V Trigger but Strowman with a clothesline and a power slam for the three count.
Winner: Braun Strowman
After the match, Strowman picks up Rollins and hits another power slam.
Braun leaves the ring, but he is not finished and he turns around, but Dean Ambrose's music plays and he comes after Strowman but Strowman with a knee and then Dean kicks the ropes as Strowman enters the ring. Dean with punches and a drop kick. Dean goes to the turnbuckles and Strowman catches Dean and hits a choke slam. Strowman picks up Dean again and choke slams him a second time. Strowman is not finished with Dean and hits a running power slam.
Braun heads to the back and Cesaro and Sheamus make their way to the ring.
They remove their jackets and Sheamus picks up Dean for Cesaro to hit a Gotch Style Neutralizer. Seth tries to make the save for his partner but he is not in time. Sheamus with a Brogue Kick to Seth.
We go to commercial.
We are back with a look at what happened between Mickie James and Alexa Bliss on Raw.
Mickie James is walking in the back and Alicia Fox is laughing. Alicia says that people weren't really listening to what she was saying.
Emma says that Mickie has a secret admirer at her age.
Mickie sees a door with her name on it and she enters and the room is full of Depends and a walker.
Mickie leaves the room and Alicia cannot stop laughing.
Mickie wants to know where Alexa is and Mickie goes to her locker room.
Mickie bangs on the door and Nia Jax opens the door.
Mickie says she wants Alexa.
Nia says that Alexa thinks Mickie is too fragile.
Alexa says Nia doesn't have that issue.
Mickie accepts the challenge.
Bray Wyatt appears on the TitanTron and he is mumbling. He says she told him to drop his bow and arrow and use your hands. He says she told him everything. She never lied to him. Bray stares into the camera and he says she never lied to him.
Elias walks in the back.
We go to commercial.
We are back and Elias is in the ring and he says he would rather drown himself a mile below the ocean than live in the Mile High City. Elias says he has to fight Titus.
Match Number Two: Elias versus Titus O'Neil (with Apollo Crews)
They lock up and Titus sends Elias to the mat. Elias with a forearm to the back followed by kicks and chops. Elias with a side head lock. Titus with punches but Elias holds on to the side head lock. Titus with a belly-to-back suplex to get out of the hold. Titus tosses Elias into the corner and he connects with chops. Titus with a slam. Titus barks and hits a splash into the corner followed by a boot to the head. Elias goes to the floor and Elias gets onto the apron. Elias returns to the floor and he pushes Crews.
The referee sees Crews walk near Elias and Titus pulls Elias onto the apron. Elias drops Titus on the top rope and kicks Titus in the leg before hitting Drift Away for the three count.
Winner: Elias
After the match, Crews has something to say to Elias but Elias leaves the ring without a confrontation.
Mickie James walks in the back as we go to commercial.
We are back with an Asuka video package.
Match Number Three: Nia Jax versus Mickie James
Before the match starts, Alexa Bliss' music plays and she makes her way to ringside.
Nia with a running shoulder tackle as a result of Alexa's distraction. Nia sends Mickie across the ring. Mickie with kicks but Nia with a head butt and she tosses Mickie across the ring. Nia chokes Mickie in the ropes. Nia chokes Mickie in the ropes. Nia with a bear hug and then she slams Mickie. Nia stretches Mickie with her knee in Mickie's back. Nia with a head butt and then she throws Mickie to the floor.
We go to commercial.
Coverage Continues on Next Page
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